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Everything posted by robophant

  1. robophant

    DayZ on consoles

    "Just to be clear, console support does not effect DayZ development timelines & those versions will focus on each platforms strengths." ~ Brian Hicks on Twitter If I had a dollar for everytime I read something like this from a game developer... :P But seriously, are there any informations about future console versions out there? In particular about how does it mix with the PC version (if any) and what the functions/features will be for each plattforms strength?
  2. @Hicks_206 "The thought has crossed my mind to make the Official DayZ servers all 1PP - leave the community the option to run theirs 3PP if they want" ~Brian Hicks You like? (Update) Consider this: The majority wants to play on full servers, perspective really isn't such a make it or break it issue. DayZ is not dissimilar to Rust, there was minimal backlash when 3rd person perspective was removed from Rust and Brian isn't suggesting something that extreme anyway.
  3. robophant

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    oh wow, what a surprise... 0.59 is the same desyncing laggy piece of garbage as every single version before... what a surprise indeed. I keep reading about "performance improvements" and yet I fail to notice even the slightiest improvement since day one of alpha.... dear me. - going upstairs still causes you to fall through the building and die due to desync or whatever - hotkeys are not working in most cases - zombies are a laggy desyncing mess - picking up stuff doesn't work in most cases (you have to take stuff in your hands before you can put it into your inventory - Doesn't work with clothes tho since you can not, for some weird reason, pick it up in your hands) - vaulting/jumping is still a piece of garbage since it works only if you are very lucky - gun-sights/optics are oval... wtf really? - no cars????? - wells dont hydrate players anymore... wtf??? i think i will give up on this garbage game...
  4. robophant

    Shot guns

    I wouldn't, I just want :D
  5. robophant

    Shot guns

    AA12 HE please! thank you!
  6. robophant

    Dayz Mentioned in Extra Credits.

    yay, DayZ was mentioned in some channel of some smart-ass who likes to talk smart about stuff everyone with half a brains already knows about everything there is to know. yay I just wasted a click :s
  7. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Nah, it's more a general pain-in-the-butt. But at least in 3pp you can headglitch through walls or use 3pp to look out without being seen :D
  8. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    that pretty much is the biggest issue of 1pp right now. It's arma 2 all over again, where you can't shoot out of windows or sand-bunkers properly. Not even a way to use a bipod on a window-frame. If they don't fix it, it will be a pain in the butt like it was in arma
  9. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Maybe that new renderer ppl speak about will fix this? I can't wait to see the first images of this mysterious new thingy
  10. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    WTF dude? ...on a bit of rock you said? o.O
  11. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    again, what Brian Hicks said was to make the OFFICIAL servers 1pp only. It's only the servers run by BI directly. It's not all PUBLIC servers.
  12. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    please keep it calm everybody. Otherwise I'd have to feed you raw bor guts!
  13. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Maybe not, but it's the first time (afaik) that Brian Hicks gave a statement on this matter.
  14. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    true. I'll update OP with this
  15. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    yes, but I don't consider it a bad idea to raise income that way. There are worse ways and this one seems pretty fair
  16. robophant

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Yes, I really like the idea too To people who still want to see their fancy character: The new UI will allow to fully animate and rotate your character in that center window. I think even the current stance will be shown (afaik)
  17. Most people are not 'really' asking for full realism - neither with physics nor with some over-tedious game-mechanics. I think people just don't like artificial balancing and poor rule-sets. For example Elite Dangerous: You can travel with your space ship to most systems, but for some systems you need a 'permission' to get there. So, instead of giving the players the possibility to take the risk by going there anyway (without permission) and deal with the local authorities (like a real outlaw), the devs just disabled the option to lock said system into your nav-computer - Bang! Problem solved. Lore-wise one wonders why there are any faction wars going on in that game since every faction could just disable the possibility to lock their systems into a nav-computer. Complaints about cheap game-mechanics or rules like that are often mistaken for the demand for 'super-realism' in games. A game doesn't have to copy every aspect of real life but at least it should make some kind of sense. DayZ is heading in the right direction - even though I really hate the apple-picking-lottery (edit) I voted "other" because the apple-lottery isn't in the list :D
  18. robophant

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    but you can't see me! :p
  19. I keep reading a lot about that new renderer and about what it will bring to this game, but there still is no timeline mentioned anywhere. Please, I just need something for holding on. Right now I feel this game will never meet expectations and the rate of (communicated) progress is a joke. People keep saying that there is a huge amount of stuff already finished and waiting for implementation but to be honest, I really doubt it. Seeing how the devs struggle with very basic game mechanics and their various bugs really leads me to believe that this is pretty much all there is at this point. Please, anything... any proof that there really is more stuff than we can see right now? *sigh*
  20. and yet ppl are discussing the topic... shoo, back under your bridge!
  21. lol you little pathetic troll kid. just lol.
  22. basically the same desyncing pain-in-the-butt - weapons/items still disappearing - taking weapon in hand is a matter of luck - double carrying still bugged - same desync as always - no zombies - loot is weird - jumping when pressing V is still luck - shoot at target 5m away and you can count to 10 until you see bullet hit oh but we have tents and trucks now
  23. I did that and when I came back everything was basically the same but with tents. 0.59 does not sound very appealing to me either. That's my point "We still barely know anything about the renderer" I'd like to see some images/vids of fog over chernarus or night time.
  24. I am not saying they are unfit, I just want something to keep up my hopes. Gimme some info, timeline, upload some fancy stuff to imgur or trello or whatever! Make me believe!
  25. robophant

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    That's all jolly as long as you don't start to KOS :p