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bad_mojo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bad_mojo (DayZ)

  1. bad_mojo (DayZ)


    Pretty sure he means he has two bikes on each of the three servers. So, six bikes in total spread across 3 servers.
  2. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Z for Zombie? Zed? Zero?

    When you spawn for the first time it says in the bottom right "Day 0"
  3. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Couldn't gut animal

    I've had this problem a lot. I think it has to do with server lag. I've found the best way to get it working is to walk about 20-30meters away from the corpse and then return. I usually have that problem after I've gutted the animal and it won't show the 'Gear' or 'Take raw meat' options, but I've had it happen on the 'Gut animal' one too a couple times.
  4. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Real noob question.......

    I wouldn't trust that checkbox completely. Just go into the "recent" server tab and pick the one you were playing on previously, if it's still a problem of starting back at the coast, then file a bug report I guess, because you're exiting correctly, and that shouldn't be happening.
  5. Would be nice if they'd also put a notification about side chat being enabled.
  6. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Zombies aggro each other

    Yeah they shouldn't sprint at you until they see you. But, I think it works pretty well already, the only exception would be running on a road which makes a crazy amount of noise causing zombies to come from behind cover sprinting towards you. Just avoid roads.
  7. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    I'm not offended, it's actually kind of entertaining to read. Another contradiction would be going on about the pointlessness of adding pointless features, but still want to throw in your suggestion for a pointless diary. Oh, and your argument about living in the past. DayZ the Z stands for zero. When you spawn is day number zero, the start of your new life in a zombie apocalypse. You're free to discard your wallet and embrace your new life or hold on to the past and hope to god you can go home one day. What's next? Beans or wallet? I mentioned adding it to toolbelt, so yeah, no conflict. The intrusive HUD study body text could be replaced by an immersive "view wallet" screen.
  8. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Drop and RUN

    Buildings with two doors are not the only way to lose zombies. Run through some bushes, or trees, around some walls or over some hills.
  9. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    The idea of a pointless wallet being added scares you that much huh?
  10. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Why do you hunt noobs?

    Those people make the times you meet someone and don't get killed, all the more special.
  11. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Compound Bows??

    Wooden bolts would split in the crossbow we have in-game.
  12. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    New player really needs help

    Just get out there and play, don't be scared to die. It's a learning process with the zombies & loot, be logical. Stay on the coast and you'll meet people in-game who will help you. Or they might just shoot you and take your painkillers. Point is to not get discouraged and keep trying until you find your way.
  13. I think it was 31 days, when somebody with 40 days tried to kill me but I got them, only to be killed by his friend seconds later. That was my last time trying to survive at all costs. It started getting boring around day 10, after that I just ran around with the m249 spraying as many zombies as possible for a couple weeks trying to meet people. I died with over a thousand dead zeds. Now, I just do whatever and if I'm murdered, that was the end of that story, on to the next. Once you learn to deal with zombies in any situation, there's no point trying to push the day count in my opinion. You'd just be cheating yourself out of fun times. But, I've never been one to get a thrill out of increasing a number on a computer screen, in any game I play.
  14. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    im so Lonely :(

    Have you tried the coast?
  15. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Wilderness Survival Aspects

    The lack of zombies trying to eat your brains. The survivor group in the TV show The Walking Dead were sleeping in tents and an RV in the middle of the woods until the zombies stumbled onto them.
  16. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Die as a Bandit.. Be a Bandit again

    I'm at 40,000 humanity, I die lots, I always spawn with hero skin, humanity is persistent.
  17. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    Fuck I hate this forum sometimes. I added more to my post above and then it disappeared when I clicked post. Anyway, I think it would be best to add a wallet to the toolbelt, and when you click on it you get the option to "Open Wallet" similar to the backpack. Once opened you would have a few slots that can only be used for picture, ID, money, notes, etc. That way you wouldn't have to make the decision to drop your wallet to make room for supplies.
  18. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    Rocket has purposely left out a back story so players could create their own. But, I don't understand your point with the lack of story. People carry wallets in real life, there is no need for a story to explain why a person carries a wallet. Money would be pointless, yes. But, it might not be pointless to everyone. Maybe a bandit would collect the money from your wallet and discard your family photos, or maybe some crazy fucker will attempt to pick pocker your money while you're looting cherno. While a wallet, ID, photo & money might be "pointless" items in the game, meaning they aren't directly involved in gameplay mechanics, people WILL find a way to incorperate them into their own stories. Rocket has mentioned adding useless items for us to play with, I think this suggestion is a step in that direction.
  19. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Anthropology Study

    Anthropology Study -1 Anthropological Study
  20. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    I like it, maybe they could incorporate the "squad image" from arma2, or something similar where people upload an image to be displayed in the wallet. In desperate times you could pull out that picture of the wife and kids. Or the wife and kids of the guy you just murdered. I don't think the wallet should have information like cause of death, days alive, or hero/bandit, and stuff that isn't real world wallet information. Height, weight, age, sex, address, and picture of the character are a good start. Maybe even let players fill out the age and address when spawning.
  21. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    In combat with heroes and bandits.

    I've only killed 3 people since the hero skin came out, and they were killed because I was trapped in a building as they proceeded to kill about 10 people I was being friendly with. They thought the building was clear, and came in to loot my dead friends. Not even one of them got a shot off. Every other time I've been shot at(hundreds of times), I run and most of the times I get away. As a video game player, I understand your motive for killing people. You want to stay alive and keep your "progress". But, as a DayZ hero, I don't. I've had some of the most intense experiences running away or being hunted down. That shit gets my heart pounding every time. Sometimes I'll have been alive for 5 minutes before an amazing experience, sometimes a few days. As a hero, you have to get past the whole "losing my gun sucks" attitude. Your gun is for zombies, who cares if you have to find another one, they're everywhere, and zombies are easy. I'm not saying this is the right way to play as a hero, but it's a way to avoid the "defending yourself loses humanity" situation. Not that I play this way for that reason, it just worked out that way.
  22. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Turning off Side Chat Client Side

    I'm pretty sure there is no way to remove it client side. I hate side chat because in order to use it, you have to read 100% of the chat that scrolls by all the time, or else you'll miss that one "Who ever is on the roof of the hospital, answer me or I'll shoot" message before your brains spatter all over the rooftop. I spent a couple hours the other night joining every populated Namalsk server I could looking for one without sidechat. Out of about 20 I tried, I found 1. And, it started you off with a large coyote pack, compass, hatchet and a bunch of other crap.... lame.
  23. I wouldn't ever pay for access to a server, but if they can make money doing it, good for them. People will justify it by saying it'll filter out the hackers and help pay for the server. But, there's still going to be hacking(no filtering system can ever stop it completely) and the rest of the servers are free. I myself play on the heavily populated(30+ players) main hive servers exclusively. The hacking is there, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. I would estimate I average playing 4-8 hrs a day & I only get teleported to my death about once a week.
  24. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Everyone is a bandit on Namalsk

    ~15 out of 15 player encounters have been hostile. If I was ever in a real zombie apocalypse, I wouldn't want to be stuck on an island full of military bases.
  25. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    In combat with heroes and bandits.

    Don't kill people.