bad_mojo (DayZ)
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Everything posted by bad_mojo (DayZ)
Something to be aware of
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to Shadow Man's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I believe this could be solved by following what other MMOs do and let BIS & Rocket host all the main-hive servers. Charge us a monthly fee to cover server costs, and hire a dedicated administration team. I would pay for that. When you get the player involved in the operation of the game, it's always a conflict of interests. Edit: I understand this is done on private hives, but believe me, similar crap happens on public servers too. It's easy enough for an admin to skip over a couple lines of code in the logs that proves someone is using cheats, if that player is an admin, a friend, clanmate, whatever. -
day z needs more vehicles!
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to bfisher's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I don't think it's good for the game to exaggerate the bugs by adding more vehicles. When you're in a vehicle, no zombies spawn. Enough said. -
enforced "friendly" on private server? wtf!
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to bfisher's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hopefully in standalone the server browser is improved so we can filter out servers like that. -
Dont get too carried away
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to Michaelvoodoo25's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Wait a second......isn't the standalone just going to be the mod without arma2 attached? What's all this about adding more features?? -
Let me guess, the whole DayZ part of this thread hit the trash bin around post #2? From there on out it was PC vs Console debates? Yeah, I don't even have to read it to know.
Dude spawned a medical box full of stuff for me, minute later I saw a ban message. Good times.
I assumed they were role playing the stereotypical Hollywood bad guy who can't hit the broad side of a barn.
Playing with friends = good for the community?
bad_mojo (DayZ) posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hear me out. DayZ is set in a zombie apocalypse. In a place where you've washed up on shore, with basically nothing, no civilization, no safe zone, no link to the outside world(if there is one left), and no communication besides yelling. The game attempts to put you in the worst possible scenario. Yet, we can all just alt-tab and arrange a meeting with friends. Not even that, most people circumvent the in-game voice chat, by using their own 3rd party voice software. Not only does this make them silent in-game, but they can now communicate across distances. Another thing to consider is that groups of friends with ties outside the game have already established a "team". People not part of their "team" will have a harder time gaining their trust. I'm sure a good number of groups will just kill anyone not on their chat server. Of course there are positive aspects of playing with friends. Obviously it's more fun to share the experience with people you've bonded with in the past. You will value their lives more than someone you just met. It's obviously easier when you can lean on stronger players for support. Yet, in my mind these positives are actually negatives when it comes to the community. Playing with friends from early on will warp your image of the DayZ world. The game isn't supposed to be coop fun time with friends. When that "coop fun time" happens and people have a lot of fun doing it. but then, DayZ creeps in and for example, a zombie breaks your legs and you die and have to walk for an hour to meet up with your group. People rage about zombies breaking their legs. They want this "coop funtime" and not DayZ. They want to run around the DayZ world, without experiencing the apocalypse part. They want to bring their friends and family along to the end of the world. So, I'm wondering if I'm a minority here. Does anyone else think that the game would benefit from a mechanic that made it very difficult to group up with other people that you know from outside the game? (Please don't just reply with "it would be boring" because nobody can honestly say how it would be, because that community doesn't exist.) -
Would you quit if servers went expert?
bad_mojo (DayZ) posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Whenever the topic of first person comes up, people always throw out the "well just go play on a first person only server! ugh your so dumb" and think the discussion is settled. Well guess what? First person only servers are very few and very unpopulated. So my question, is if ALL servers decided to switch to expert settings (no crosshair, no name, no kill messages, no third person, and probably something else I've forgotten) would you still play the game? Or is the server settings such a huge part of your DayZ expereince that you couldn't enjoy it anymore? I'm curious how the community would react if Rocket did what I want him to do in standalone. -
Not sure if it has been mentioned, but in an interview with Rocket he mentioned how originally they wanted to make the tent lockable, but after testing without the lock mechanism they liked the vulnerability so much that they kept it unlocked. So... this suggestion kind of goes against what Rocket wants for DayZ.
Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to DiazWaffleCrabstro's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I understood why you called them princesses, it still came across as insulting. As did your implying I didn't read the replies correctly. Just because I have a problem with your bad attitude, all of a sudden I can't read properly? You don't see how insulting that is to say to someone? I'm not going to lose sleep over your words here, but someone might, so I felt like point out your insulting tone. Hoping that you might tone it down a bit. -
Would you quit if servers went expert?
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to bad_mojo (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'd love to force my settings on everyone, because I believe DayZ would be better for it. But, I'm not actively trying to do that. I'm rather interested in this whole situation and read every topic about it on these forums. I find it strange that so many people(look at the replies in this thread alone) want expert servers, but so few expert servers have populations. I asked the question of this thread to see how people would react if expert settings were forced on you. I'm not suggesting it be done, I just wanted to see how people (like you) would react to the idea. I really just wanted to better understand the negativity around removing third person. I don't believe expert settings will ever be forced, but I do believe that in the standalone it will not be such a huge divide. Rocket has already stated that things like waypoints, nametags and map markers will be gone. So going from regular to expert won't be such a giant leap for players in terms of difficulty. Right now, the only server setting without third person has the most difficult settings across the board. So people who dislike any one setting, will be stuck with third person.(According to the predefined difficulty levels) Anyway, your initial comment about "the people have spoken" really bugs me in this discussion. Because the people haven't spoken, the server admins have spoken and the people are left with little choice in the matter. I'm guilty as hell for not seeding the expert servers I so badly want. Everytime I join a veteran server, I reinforce the "people have spoken" theory. Which is why I can clearly see that some people don't want third person, despite the majority of servers being third person enabled. It's a vicious circle. Looking at the main hive servers... -20 have more than 20 people. They all have third person enabled. -17 have third person disabled. 6 have players, with 11 people on the top one. There are more heavily populated third person servers than there are first person servers in total, empty or not. -
Would you quit if servers went expert?
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to bad_mojo (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You don't understand the mental mind set of a dayz player. If the server has less than 20-30 players, most of them won't join.(Or the ones that do will quit if more people join, because they want an empty server) Getting an expert server from 5-10 players to over 20 is an extremely rare occurance. And all it takes one hacking incident to drain it down to 5 again. I spent the first 3 months playing dayz on ONLY expert servers. I've done the whole "seed for more than a couple days" and I can tell you it's fucking boring as hell. I might as well be playing in singleplayer. Sure, it can be amazing when the server rarely gets a population, but since I've switched to veteran servers I've had those amazing times on a daily basis. I can have fun with the popular settings, but I know I would have more fun on my perfered settings. It's frustrating, and it's NOT something a few of us seeding can change, no matter how much people like you will say it is. -
Will the standalone have much improved graphics?
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to despair (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I never thought the graphics were all that bad in this game. -
Standalone could slip to 2013
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to despair (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
-Rocket said they will "slip the date if needed". -The linked article says it "could slip to 2013". You title your thread "most likely won't be released in 2012"? Do you know something Rocket doesn't? -
Would you quit if servers went expert?
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to bad_mojo (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I see this bullshit posted every time something like this comes up. It makes absolutely no sense, but you'll keep saying it because it favors your preference. How about you try looking at this issue objectively? I am 1 person. I'm offered two choices. Play on a full server with settings I don't like, or play on a practically empty server with settings that I like. Here's the kicker.... IT'S A MULTIPLAYER GAME! Which option do you think 9/10 people will pick? Now I'm guessing you'll tell me to "seed" the expert servers, "If you all did it, you'd have full servers". I(we) have. Trust us. I can seed ti'll the cows come home, people still flock to the full servers, no matter what the settings. Another problem with your argument, is the fact that expert is the only difficulty that removes 3rd person view. So if people don't like any of the other settings it contains, they'll be stuck with 3rd person servers. It's not simply a choice of 3rd person or 1st person, it's a variety of easy mode choices or "hardcore" mode. Finally, the biggest problem I have seen with this, is that when server admins set their server to expert, it sits empty.(or practically empty) Nobody likes paying to host a server that hardly gets used. So, they eventually give in and enable 3rd person, sit back and watch the tidal wave of players. But, your totally right dude, it's all the individual players faults that they aren't constantly playing in empty servers, waiting for the community to change its ways. That would really improve their DayZ experience. /rant -
Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to DiazWaffleCrabstro's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
On a side note, you can be a real jackass when people try to have a discussion with you. Try not to take things so personal(Feel free to take this post personally) and don't jump down someones throat when they question your "facts". I asked you if you had experience with 30mm grenades and silenced weapons and you responded like I was arguing with you. You have to understand that when you simply throw out some things that might be common knowledge to you, other people might not understand and thus question your facts. I wasn't sure if you pulled those decibel numbers out off your ass, a wiki, or you were chuck norris and you handle those weapons on a daily basis, so I asked. It obvious you've never hunted and skinned large animals before. (Neither have I) so perhaps having a discussion with the people telling you that you can't gut one with an axe would be better than calling them princesses. Your ideas might be good, but you're delivery and attitude are driving them into the ground. Edit: Here's another one for your list, why can't I collect wood without an axe? I'm sure you've collected wood in your life by hand, most outdoor types have. So it must be obvious the difference between chopping up wood with an axe and collecting whatever you can with your hands. They both produce wood, but the axe does a better job and makes the job quicker. It's the same with an axe cutting up dead animal. You'll get some meat, but it's not going to be the same quality and amount as using the proper tool. How about making the axe take 10x as long, and you get 25% yield??? -
Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to DiazWaffleCrabstro's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
An explosion sending a 30mm grenade over a hundred meters is louder than a suppressed pistol being fired, seems logical to me. Do you have real life experience with both those? -
Did Namalsk get it right?
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to crockett (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
As an Arma map it's beautiful. I'm not really a fan of the ambient sounds, they seem far too loud and repetitive. As a DayZ map, I hate it to be honest. It's a big island full of military bases. You spawn freezing to death, perhaps some people enjoy running from base to base looting heat packs and searching for matches, but not me. And even when you get those things, you're just going to be cold again in a couple minutes. Winter clothes, yeah, great. Except, if I was in the climate, why the fuck wouldn't I be wearing them already? I'm already freezing to death for fucks sake. I want difficulty that makes you think, not difficulty that makes you run around looking for the magically materializing "easy button"(winter clothes). -
Wasteland is actually pretty cool. The only things you're handed is a G17 with 1 magazine, compass & map. You have to search vehicles or locate a friendly base for anything better. It's basically a PVP focused DayZ clone without zombies, and better base building. It might not take you days, weeks or months to find the best gear in the game, but it still sucks when you get killed and have to make your way back from whatever random town you get spawned into. Try it out, you might be pleasantly surprised. I know I was.
Stop sprinting....
So I dressed up as the female avatar for Halloween...
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to "Lost" Alice's topic in DayZ Mod Gallery
Looks great, the zombie too! -
I was zipping up and down the coast taxi'ing new spawns to elecktro on an ATV and then I tried going over a rail crossing, bad idea.
Head lamp would be a great addition. But, people would still call the night unplayable because no amount of artificial light will satisfy them. "it'll just attract bandits!" they say. Grow some balls and use a flashlight.
DMR & M24 mags should be convertible to and from FN FAL mags
bad_mojo (DayZ) replied to AIRCAV's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I'm pretty sure the empty mag and find bullets idea is what Rocket is going with in the standalone. He has talked about it before. I'm all for this suggestion if they both use the same round in real life. Materializing some magazines to put them in isn't a big deal, as mentioned we already do this with m1911 & revolver mags.