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bad_mojo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bad_mojo (DayZ)

  1. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Will the custom maps work in the SA?

    I'm sure that people will still play the MOD for the additional maps, but it's far from "a death sentence" not to support them. People will play on Chernarus+ even if they don't enjoy the current version as much as others, simply because they'll want to get the many improvements that the standalone is going to bring. You might not enjoy Chernarus, or know people who do. But, plenty of us are still enjoying it on the main hive. I myself play exclusively on the main hive to this day, and I never have a problem finding ample amounts of full servers. There are also plenty of private hives running the Chernarus map, so that kind of goes against your statement about people going to private hives because they're sick of the map. Fact is people flocked to private hives due to hacking & some people not enjoying the DayZ mod as it was designed to be played.(24/7 daylight, side chat, starting gear, etc) Assuming that putting interiors in every building will add little to the map is pretty naive. People avoid a lot of the smaller towns because there are currently so few buildings to loot or hide in. When every building can be entered and looted, the traffic around the map will drastically change and the way the map plays out will change as a result. Not to mention they're adding completely new areas and setting a more apocalyptic tone overall.
  2. I personally love the spotting system. My only complaint is the audible detection range is a bit much at times.(Especially behind buildings, around corners, etc.) But, I believe that part of the system is in fact bugged and is being worked on. It used to be so easy to sneak around the zombies when they couldn't spot you from across a field. It was also counter-intuitive. The randomness of them spotting you makes it feel like you're trying to sneak past actual zombies, rather than zombie robots that are completely predictable & avoidable if you knew what to do. If you didn't know, when you expose yourself (visually) to a zombie there is a random chance they'll spot you, the closer you are to them, the greater the chance they'll spot you, the longer you stay visible to them increases the chance of them randomly spotting you. The system is intuitive and unpredictable. Back when they automatically spotted you when you came within a certain distance the zombies were too easy and sneaking around them became boring once you had it figured out. Also, the zombies will only spot you when their body is facing you. It's amazing how closely you can walk past a zombie when his back is turned, even in broad daylight. Speaking of which, if you never play at night, try it. Early evening makes it practically impossible to be seen by zombies, I've sprinted through Cherno many times, they might aggro if you get close enough for them to hear you, but usually lose you pretty much instantly. I think it was Rocket who mentioned the latest build of the standalone having zombies that run indoors. This little change is going to drastically increase the fun of DayZ in my opinion. We can't help but run into buildings when being chased, it's not only natural to want to bring them into a choke point in order to evade or kill them, but we all know the limitations of the MOD allows us to circumvent the difficulty of fighting them at full speed. Combine the zombies running indoors with them being faster (Think rocket mentioned that also) and them alerting each other (mod changelog) when aggro'ed and the zombies will no longer be just a slight annoyance, but rather be a massive annoyance, something you'll have to take into consideration at every turn. It will bring back that feeling I had when I first started playing DayZ, back when I had no idea how all the bugs worked. In short, I tend to agree that the zombies are probably the worst part of the current DayZ, but they have so much potential I have very high hopes for the game they're laying the foundation for. Expecting them to port over the improvements from the standalone to the mod is setting yourself up for disappointment. They're rewriting the game engine for the standalone. They might be able to take ideas that work in the standalone back to the mod, but it's not simply a cut and paste of the code when the engines are different. I won't comment on the instanced underground hideout idea, I have my doubts, but it's just an idea at this point.
  3. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Axe Warriors

    1. If someone approaches you with an axe, don't sit there and say you're friendly, just run away. You can always turn back if they turn out to be friendly. 2. You NEVER need to stop and rest when someone is chasing you. The only time you need to rest is when you're trying to shoot with accuracy. 3. Aggro a bunch of zombies so if he stops to swing his axe, he gets attacked.
  4. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    If he lost the thread would be closed. So can you not clutter up this thread with blind OCN praise? Cops are great, they protect us. That doesn't mean they never make mistakes and shouldn't be accountable for mistakes. Same goes for server admins.
  5. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    This isn't a thread designed to drag OCNs name through the mud. It's about one specific banning and the events surrounding it. Perhaps if you're going to post in here you should keep your comments on the topic at hand rather than try to belittle the whole idea of a server reporting thread.
  6. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    How about showing some love to the forum regulars? For example anyone with over 500 posts or even (checks profile) over 300 beans gets into the test? :)
  7. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    With a game like DayZ, you don't get to see the administration in action while in-game. It's only through looking into this section ofthe forums that you can get an idea of how they operate. I have also played on their servers many times without incident. But, that doesn't change the fact that in this case they've abused their power and dismissed the ban appeal with a "go play on another server" attitude. Implying that Lunchbox glanced over someone elses opinion and took it as his own is simply ignorant. In his post he even said he read over this [thread] and formed his own opinion. Would you ignore evidence of police brutality because you personally haven't experienced it?
  8. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    I wouldn't waste your time going to their forums. Just keep posting on these forums. That way you know you'll never be censored and other people can see exactly how these guys operate. I looked around to see if there was a rule about ban appeals only being on these forums but I found nothing about it. Vortec, can you explain to us what rawrerz had in his 30 slot backpack when he joined? Seems like 12 sachel charges to me, but you're so damn sure of yourself, I must be misinterpreting the logs..
  9. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Proof that bags are too small

    I know the story, I watched the show. My point is he couldn't carry a bag full of guns and fight zombies at the same time. I'd like to see something like a duffle bag that goes in the primary weapon slot for extra storage, allowing you to only use your sidearm.
  10. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Proof that bags are too small

    The fact that he left it behind kind of goes against what you're saying.
  11. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Its your story. Take responsibility for it.

    I wouldn't be surprised. Rocket has hinted at this in the past. But, things are changing all the time. Who knows what he thinks now. Thing is with so much mod'ability, it opens the door for exploitation. Hacking and private hive settings do have a huge affect on the community & integrity of the game. I'm an advocate for locking down DayZ, at least until it has been developed further.
  12. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    What is the point of this game now?

    Stalk a new spawn, and do everything you can to keep him alive without ever making contact or letting him see you. That should be fun for someone like you. Or hunt for some camps. Or play on a new map. Or drop your gear and go with just a hatchet, or nothing at all. Or see how long you can survive only moving on paved surfaces. Or run up and down the shore helping people Or setup random tents everywhere and fill them with cooked meat. Or kill as many people as possible with a side arm. Or fortify Cherno or Elecktro with building materails. Or find an aircraft and taxi people around the map. Or try to get the hero/bandit skin. There's endless possibilities, you just have to use your imagination rather than be a slave to some digital counters.
  13. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Share your day

    Running down the railroad tracks somewhere outside of Elecktro I came upon a dead body on a cliff. I built a little fire next to it and cooked the raw meat I had in my backpack. Busy tending to the fire I didn't notice someone approaching. Taking a shot to the torso I frantically tried to get to my feet and face my attacker. "HEY! HEY! WTF!" I exclaimed as my attacker fired again and again, turning I saw he was pulling the spent magazine out of his m1911 pistol and reaching for another. I raised my Winchester and let lose a few slugs in his direction. Everything went silent again, the crackling fire, the buzzing flies, was all I could hear as I pulled a field dressing from my pack and began patching myself up. I finished cooking the meat and looked through my assailants belongings, nothing worth his life, that's for certain. So, I continued up the railway tracks. Still trembling with adrenaline, but trying to put the recent events out of my mind. It's important to remember why I ended his life, to remember that I had no choice, my hand was forced. Never the less, it still doesn't feel right to kill another human being. The infected are so far from being human anymore, but this, this isn't something I can easily forget. Down the coast I run into another survivor, he is heading in the opposite direction, so I wish him well and we part ways. It's nice to talk to another person for a change. The social interaction makes it a bit easier to forget the horrors of my last encounter. Pushing on further down the coast I grow tired. I've been on my feet for hours, but it feels like I've only gone a few miles at the most. I decide to rest near some pine trees. They provide some decent cover and much needed relief from the sun. Sitting under the tree I smoke the last of my stash and drink some water. Getting up to leave, I pull out the map I found back in the city and figure out where I am. There's a factory just north that might provide some refuge, so I continue along the railway tracks yet again. But, something catches my eye. My heart starts pounding again just from his body language, I quickly back up to the tree and peer around it. I see a man with a covered face wielding a hunting rifle with a large scope. He's looking in my direction, ready to fire. Instinctively I turn and run, keeping the pine trees between us, but the man must have seen me because as I glance over my shoulder he is in pursuit. Ahead of me is a long hill side with sparse tree cover. Not good. I run trying to keep trees between us, but I know it's only a matter of time until he stops and fires. So, I quickly dash behind the closest tree. The tree is large enough to hide my body, but overcome with fear I decide to peer around it to locate him. Almost instantly, everything goes black. It could have been a minute or 10 minutes, but when I awoke I was expecting to see him standing over me ready to end my life. But, he wasn't there. Then I see him running up, about 15m away. Unsure if my legs were injured, I rolled out from behind the tree and let lose a couple slugs from my Winchester, just barely missing him as he takes position behind another tree 10m away. Frantically I unload the rest of the slugs in and around his tree and then roll back behind the tree to reload. Rolling back out I see him pointing his rifle around the side of the tree. A few more slugs into his tree forces him back. But, I have a good idea what he's planning and take careful aim at the other side of his tree. As suspected he leans out and takes a slug to the leg. I hear a scream and then "You asshole!" he exclaims. "Now we're both going to die" he says disappointed. I realize I'm still bleeding from his attack earlier, but I ignore my wounds for now and focus my attention on his tree. He crawls out moments later and I send another few slugs through the foliage into his now motionless body. I wait a few more seconds but there's no movement. He's dead. Only then do I notice just how much blood I've lost and how woozy I'm feeling. Almost to the point of passing out I stand up surprised to see all my limbs are intact. I search through my attackers belongings and find a few pieces of cooked meat that help a little with the light headed feeling. I also take his Israeli made Uzi and several 30 round magazines. I find an ID on his body, BoiiWonder was his name. Reluctant to head back down the railway tracks, I decide to keep heading up the hill. I've had enough excitement for one day, and I still don't feel 100%. Another encounter is more than I can take at this point. Unsure weather my trembling is from adrenaline or from my wounds, I can't get one question out of my mind, am I the asshole?
  14. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Its your story. Take responsibility for it.

    What will you think if the standalone doesn't allow modding?
  15. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    So my CD Key was stolen...

    It might not even be dayz related. If you download any form of virus/trojan/backdoor they have access to everything. I would be formatting and reinstalling windows before I do anything if I was you.
  16. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Why is view distance set by the server?

    I really don't think there are computers that will run Chernarus on the highest view distances while maintaining a high resolution and graphics quality. I have a i7 with nice graphics card and I can't pump out more than ~25-30 fps on insane view distance setting while playing the Wasteland game mode. In some parts of the map it's even worse.(~10fps) So, what would happen is people would lower their resolution and graphics settings, just to get the advantage of seeing further, which is a HUGE advantage in a game like DayZ. Thus, we would ALL have to adjust our view distances (and video settings) to stay competitive with them. I don't expect people to go buy new computers to stand a chance against those that do, that's fucked up. There's also the fact that zombies don't spawn until you're close enough to them. So if we could all see kilometers around us, it would be even easier to spot where players are..... just look for the zombies in the distance.
  17. "side chat" Private servers can't be policed, there's no side chat on the servers that are supposed to follow rules. Don't play on private servers and then complain about abusive admins.
  18. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Does anyone else think this is odd?

    Buying and installing is only the first step, spending hundreds of hours pushing keys, moving a mouse & talking into a microphone isn't quite as simple.
  19. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Open all the doors!

    Yes the stuff respawns when the server gets reset. That's a good point, it would add to the atmosphere to have the destroyed things remain as part of the map. Of course in the mod hackers would run to every server and blow up every building with any loot, so it's one of those things that probably won't get done until that is addressed.
  20. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    How about you be a big boy too and wait patiently?
  21. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Open all the doors!

    You can already blow up buildings, flatten trees/bushes, knock over walls. What exactly did you have in mind?
  22. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm eager to hear any news about the release and of course even more eager to throw my money at it. That said, comments like "Its not the way to handle game development at all." are WAY out of line. As well as questioning his motives and suggesting he is withholding the release to increase Arma2 sales. I haven't been following the standalone progress much, but even I know that's some first class bullshit. It's the equivalent of saying Sergey Titov pulled WarZ from Steam because he wanted to provide his customers with a better product.
  23. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Thank You

    His point was that if the OP was "One of the first to play DayZ" wouldn't he be an adequate arma2 player? Sprinting onto stairs isn't something most veteran Arma players would do. That's something a new player to the engine would do. I don't think any of the "first to play DayZ" bought Arma2 just to play DayZ. So, his post does sound exaggerated to me also. Just the fact that the OP is talking so much about himself and his success in a post that was supposed to be a thank you to the DayZ development team, makes me skeptical of anything he claims.
  24. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    day z needs more vehicles!

    It's an immersion breaker. Same with zombies not being able to inflict damage on vehicles, and other stupid bugs like zombies staying away from the huey, creating a safe zone around it. I can understand keeping some vehicles because there are technical issues,(as opposed to removing them completely until the issues are sorted) but we shouldn't consider increasing the numbers of something with many technical issues associated with it. It's similar to how they're increasing the number of enterable buildings in Chernarus plus. If they didn't also address the bug of zombies walking indoors, that (in my opinion) would be hurting the game. It would create even more bugginess for players to exploit. I do want more vehicles, it's one of my first suggestions on this forum, but since then I've come to realize that more vehicles won't help if the same bugs are still present.
  25. If you press your W(or A,S,D) key and quickly release it, you can move silently. It takes some practice and is easy to mess up, but it works. This video shows how its done...