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bad_mojo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bad_mojo (DayZ)

  1. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Disable alt-tab

    Wow, didn't expect such hostility to my suggestion. I know I can probably take it upon myself to block alt-tabbing by using some kind of software. But, since this is an alpha, and can change, I figured I'd suggest disabling it via the game because I know I'm not the only one who's accidentally alt-tabbed, even in the stream Rocket made a comment about almost alt-tabbing. The default controls are prone to alt-tabbing, suggesting I change them isn't going to help the problem for people who don't. Basically, I'm trying to improve the product, not just improve my own game play. Whoever said they like to do other things. Of course, that is why I suggested only disabling alt-tab when using the left alt button. You could still alt-tab using the right alt, which is a key that is not constantly used in DayZ. As to the comments about "how do I accidentally alt-tab" well I always keep my head on a swivel, alt is probably my most pressed key after W. It's only natural that I will be looking somewhere and hit tab to bring up the inventory. If it's never happened to you, you probably don't use the free look feature very often.
  2. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Disable alt-tab

    But I like those keys for those things.
  3. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Replace TTSKO Jacket/Trousers.

    Need more clothing options not less. Who's to say the Russians didn't send troops down to Chernarus when the infection started?
  4. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Scopes are wrong.

    If I recall correctly, Rocket was asked about this and said he would like to do scopes correctly, but it would be too taxing on system resources.
  5. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    Another thing, I was being chased by an axe wielding maniac when my game suddenly crashed to desktop. I would have been pissed if I got banned. Things aren't always as black and white as they seem.
  6. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    Maybe when there's mechanics in place to prevent combat logging, then it would be ban-able to circumvent the protection. But, currently in the unprotected alpha, nah i wouldn't ban.
  7. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Selected Spawn Points

    Don't try to justify your suggestion by pointing to bugs in the alpha. That won't get you anywhere.
  8. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Selected Spawn Points

    It's not spawn camping that is the problem. It's allowing a player who was just killed to pick where on the map they want to respawn. For example, if I killed some guy who attacked me in Elecktro, I'll have to leave elecktro because the guy will just repsawn as close as possible and come back for revenge. It happens in the mod, and it sucks. Dying and spawning over and over in quick succession is not what I want in DayZ, it's something I hate about most games. As for the whole "it'll take a long time" to meet up. Of course it will. As it should. Think of Rick in the Walking Dead trying to find his family. Turn it into a mission rather than a problem you want fixed. I'm against the whole idea of spawning together with friends, however that can be done. I'm against it because grouping up with friends should be an achievement, like finding an m4 & magazines. The point of DayZ is to survive. If you can't survive long enough to meet your friend after gather enough supplies to survive the trip, then I don't think the game should change to make it easier.
  9. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Selected Spawn Points

    Why not meet your friends inland somewhere, away from all the violence of the shore. That way you can both gear up where you spawn on the way to where you're going to meet each other. If you or your friend can't navigate the map well enough to meet somewhere inland, then maybe you two should work on learning the game solo before worrying about meeting up with friends. In short, I don't think meeting up with friends should be easy for fresh spawns. I think it should be something you have to achieve after you've geared up a bit. Letting people chose their spawn point would create more PVP around the spawn points, and I don't think that's good for DayZ.
  10. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    How do you refill canteen/water bottle?

    Don't think it works at ponds yet. But, you can fill them at the wells found behind some houses. Just hold it in your hand and it should give you the option if you mouse scroll while looking at the well.
  11. I get it semipr0, you and RhinoCRUN....err lazy2guns feel like you were deceived by Rocket and tricked into believing he had our best interests at heart. You trusted him to deliver a 100% hack free game, and he failed you. Now, you've gotta question everything he has ever said and ever will say. I guess I'm just too naive and trusting because I believe him when he says it was old code, instead of assuming it's part of a year long scam to sell us the same old architecture and constantly lie about it in public interviews and on these forums in this thread. I'm a sheep, what can I say?
  12. LOL okay. So it's your duty as a consumer to distrust Rocket and assume they didn't change the architecture. Gotcha. Really dropping the ball there Rocket, he expected 100% hack free and patches that come out before they're needed. semipr0, you crack me up. Nice trolling.
  13. You didn't explicitly say he lied. But, you questioned his honor. People who trust the developer don't write things like "if you've actually". Edit: Also, putting the quotes around forget implies you think that might be a lie. Also, the situation hasn't gone from "we had security features turned off to help with initial launch stability" to "sometimes when you build a new architecture you sometimes forget to remove the old one". Both of those statements are still true as far as I know. Aim botting and stuff is due to no security detection. Injecting scripts is due to old code. How is that confusing to you? Or rather, how does that make Rocket look bad? My mind is boggling.
  14. I was specifically talking about your implication that their architecture changes were a lie. That's the problem I have with your posts. You make a connection from Rocket saying there was security issue to architecture was a lie. If you can't back that up with a rational discussion, I'm done feeding the trolls.
  15. The problem is you assume you know about their security. Edit: Also, the metaphor was all about how you reacted to the situation. The actual bank and security system weren't important. It's all about how you reacted to a perceived situation, while the actual situation might be different.
  16. So... you're bashing the devs based on some reddit comments & screen shots of the (now patched?) hacks? Let's put this in perspective. Let's say I opened a bank in my two car garage. People liked my interest rates, so they brought me all their money to keep safe. A week later some thugs bust down my garage doors and steal all the money. I recognize my lack of security and decide to start work on building a whole new bank facility. A year later I open my doors to customers. My new building is big and concrete, has a nice safe front door that a few thugs can't get through easily. In the first few days, an employee accidentally leaves a door unlocked. Robbers come in and steal money. It was soon figured out that the door wasn't connected to the Banks new fancy security system, they call in the security guy and he fixes it up quickly. The thieves exposed a security hole, the bank patched it. The next day you come into the bank and say you're not keeping your money in this bank anymore, because it's as vulnerable as my old two car garage.
  17. What's your point? All it takes is one open door to let them run scripts. The fact that scripts were run doesn't automatically mean the engine architecture is the same as Arma2. Which is what you guys are trying to make it sound like.
  18. "if you've actually replaced it" So... you're implying they lied to us and the architecture is still the same as Arma2? You got all this from hackers finding an open door in the code? Damn, your detective skills, they're mind boggling.
  19. I honestly wonder if Lazy2guns is RhinoCRUNCH.
  20. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Opening with bayonet

    I finally found a bayonet to open my backpack full of canned goods, but I tried all manner of things to get them open with no success. I've used a can opener and you just drag the opener over the can and select open, but it doesn't let me do it with the bayonet.
  21. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Opening with bayonet

    Oh god, I walked to next building, find bigger backpack, pick it up, mine disappears with all the contents. Walk into the next room..... Can opener.
  22. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Opening with bayonet

    Ahh, okay. I saw the change log about wear when doing it, so I thought it was in already. The search continues.
  23. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Lost characters, scripters, and ALT-F4 still exist...

    They didn't rework the game engine to stop scripting. They reworked it so it was server based. One of the reasons is security, but there are performance & stability gains as well. With standalone the hackers have to find a way to screw with the server instead of just hacking the client that's running on their own machine. It's a better system, but no system is ever going to be 100% secure. If you expected that, you set yourself up for disappointment.
  24. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Game needs to be more fun than fake realism

    Chillax bro. I spawned in Balota and looted a whole bunch of cool shit. I ran up north and ended up passing out forever in a building because of dehydration and exhaustion. Did I run to the forums and bitch? Fuck no, I accepted the challenge and did better my next life. You can't just recycle your MOD experience in the standalone and expect it to work. Making your routine run from Elecktro to Novy with a bit of drink and food, doesn't work the same. I've started going ways I've never gone before, because less people going that way means more loot. Also, I've started stocking up before leaving for the north. What I'm trying to say is the system isn't perfect, but I've tried it the other way (plenty of loot) and I prefer it this way.
  25. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Game needs to be more fun than fake realism

    If enjoying the rarity of loot makes me an elitest, sign me up.