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bad_mojo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bad_mojo (DayZ)

  1. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Infinite Regression

    Yeah, can do it with the protective cases too.
  2. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Wait what, seriouslsy?

    Such failed logic. They're no less of threat after you kill them, arguably more of a threat since they might be coming back to settle the score after finding some weapons.
  3. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Please undo today's patch asap

    Last patch was 4 days ago...
  4. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    These actions will only encourage to people KOS.

    Stop acting like every unarmed coward combat logger you come across is your property and them combat logging is some grave injustice that has been done onto you. You don't have to take out your frustration on the rest of the community when you get a semi-hardon seeing a weaker player and then they combat log. It's the same feeling we feel when you kill us on sight without saying a word. Deal with it until it is fixed. I know for a fact that a lot of people are still going to kill on sight even after combat logging is fixed, cause you're cowards just like the loggers. So stop using it as some kind of excuse to make yourself feel better for being a dick to people in-game.
  5. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    No bullets at military bases

    I much prefer having to scavenge many places to find bullets. It's pretty good how the mosin ammo is setup right now. You loot town after town, and maybe find 1 or 2 boxes of ammo. They're usually not in the same locations, making it difficult to know where exactly to look for it. Your forced to look everywhere. Then flip over the M4, and Pistol ammo, and magazines. You run to a military base, if it hasn't been looted already, empty out your backpack and load up on those ammo boxes, cause that shit is everywhere. You run from one base, to another, then another, until you've filled up and can't possibly shoot all your bullets. Even if they were reduced in numbers, it would still be painfully easy because you know where exactly to look. People run past town after town, heading to the military bases, because it's a sure thing you'll find some bullets and a weapon. Some people even server hop the military bases to save themselves the time of running from one to another. It's really too easy. While, yes it's authentic that there would be some bullets & guns at the military bases. It's not helping out the gameplay at all. It doesn't encourage exploration and scavenging. People set their sights on these bases and this loot and it warps their image of dayz. You see it in the comments about the new spawns, people talk about having to walk all that way to the military bases. They've become accustomed to ALWAYS finding weapons and ammo, to the point that if they don't one time(because someone has looted it already) they consider a fault of the games design and server hop as a "fix" for the glitch in design. It's fine, they're free to play dayz how they want, but I don't think the game should support this easy PVP with military gear gameplay. You can fix the serer hopping, you can reduce the spawn rates, but if we have weapons and ammo spawning at the military areas, a lot people are only going to focus on that part of the map. I suggest removing the ammo from the military bases. Magazines, weapons, attachements, and other military clothing and gear should be the loot. For argument sake say the last surviving soldiers loaded up all the boxes of ammo and distributed them to the surviving population after the military fell. Then spread the bullets around the whole map. Make every loot spawn have a low chance to spawn bullets. Make walking around and looting towns, just as (or more)effective at finding ammo as server hopping is. This isn't only to combat server hopping, it's also to give players something to look for, something to work towards, something random. So they don't just run to a few mil spawns and feel like there's nothing else to do but kill people. When you think about it, there aren't that many zombies around military spawns, but you gain so many bullets, so it's never a question of going stealthy, because you know you're getting more than you use. I think that's a big enough wall of text.
  6. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    No bullets at military bases

    My argument is if the situation was a bad as you make it sound, there would be massive amounts of complaining about this issue. Not only that, but I would have had some trouble in the past trying to survive early on. I only ever play on 30+ servers, and I die a lot from putting trust in people. So, I figure it must be something on your end causing you to die constantly on the coast. I just now spawned in kamyshovo and there was no food, I searched the entire town, filled up on water and sprinted to elecktro and still wasn't hungry. If I had any doubts elecktro would pay off, I could have sprinted up into the forest and hit up those little towns. Or gone for Palona or Berezino. There's literally endless supply routes out of any spawn point. Since I can't watch you play and verify you're having the worst luck in the world, then I can only assume they're you're doing something wrong to get yourself killed from hunger & thirst. That's why I posted the video, and told you not to hang around on the coast. Edit: oh and before you start saying the server I was just on had recently been restarted, it restarted right after I got to elecktro. It couldn't have been in a more looted state & I still managed to find a can of beans and screw driver on the way to elecktro.
  7. Funny how when people start complaining about spawn points, it always boils down to them wanting to make the game easier on themselves. Their discomfort of the situation needs a fix, implying the game is broken because it's difficult.
  8. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    No bullets at military bases

    I understand your issues. Don't run around looted areas expecting to find loot. The whole map has not been looted, you have the ability to leave the shore without dying. As long as you don't run in circles checking empty loot spawns. I've played the game, I know about loot not respawning. Learn to adapt and overcome.
  9. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    No bullets at military bases

    Find a water pump or pond, fill up on water and then run inland if you can't find any loot after spawning. Look for houses with closed doors, don't waste time looking in the open ones that other people have cleaned out. Jog, don't sprint, or you'll burn through your energy and water. Also, watch this if you're dying of hunger/thirst... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNgTnj9hBE
  10. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Suicide rock near Kamyshovo

    There's also a lot of players who played on private hive servers in the mod, where the whole server was built around easy gear and maximum action. I can see their disappointment when they're forced to play vanilla dayz. But, I have no sympathy for them.
  11. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    No bullets at military bases

    People could just server hop the wrecked humvees, or run through town straight towards them, check em, then leave. They would essentially become an ammo destination, like the military bases are now. I suggested the ammo be spread around the whole map, so people have to look everywhere.
  12. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Suicide rock near Kamyshovo

    They should add a feature where you spawn in the same place if you commit suicide.
  13. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    m4a1 alt-tab issue

    I'm pretty sure if you alt-tab back into the game, it won't fire. I believe it fires because you clicked on the program in the taskbar, but then it locks the mouse button down for some reason.
  14. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    No bullets at military bases

    The ammo being 5.56 has little bearing on this suggestion. If military ammo spawns in military areas, why go anywhere else?
  15. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    So this is how you stop server hoppers/farmers

    If you don't like the hive system. Wait for private servers. Don't play an alpha of a game that's trying to do something new & bitch about issues with the new systems in development. It's not in final release, give them a chance to work out these problems before throwing out the whole concept of a main hive. They did exactly what this thread describes in the MOD and I don't think it was very effective. It can easily be abused to accomplish the hopping with a little bit of extra effort. I would rather see them enact some secret system where your name gets triggered and they investigate and punish severely any offenders. Pay some guy full time to watch people server hop and issue temporary bans. After a month, it wouldn't be a full time job anymore. People do this because there's no consequence. Making automated systems that people can just work around is no solution.
  16. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    No bullets at military bases

    It's like going to a factory, you're pretty much guaranteed to get a can opener, but that doesn't mean you get a case full of beans, even if it was a bean factory before the apocalypse. You know as soon as the apocalypse starts, that ammo is gonna be looted from the military bases by soldiers and civilians alike. Guns and gear, you only need one per person, but ammo you can hoard. It's the same with beans. We have the beans(food) distributed nicely across the map, there's no food factory for the easy gear up. We need to do the same with bullets.
  17. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    DayZ getting a hardcore hive is bittersweet. Division is the last thing I personally want to see happen to the dayz community. When you offer two choices, certain types of people will pick certain types of servers, screwing with the natural pool of player personalities & skill levels. It's going to resemble the Veteran/Regular/Expert divisions early on in the mod. I would rather have everyone thrown into the same meat grinder, under the exact same conditions right across the board. But, at the same time a hardcore hive might allow for more of these hardcore suggestions to be tried out without a lot of complaints about it being forced on everyone. I don't know how many times I've liked a suggestion made on these forums, but half the community screams about it being too hardcore so it goes nowhere but keeps getting talked about. Having the two hives instead of sharing one seems like the better idea if there is going to be "hardcore" servers. Otherwise there's no point in wasting the time and money, because everyone will just gravitate towards the populated normal servers and the hardcore ones will sit empty most of the time like in the mod. Or worse, become a breeding ground for server hoppers or low pop looters. If it's a different hive, more people will stick to the first person only servers. They're not going to join a third person server and not realize it, or not care because it's low pop, or something else that would cause a first person player to settle for it. If they wanted a character on the hardcore hive, they're in first person view the whole time. We can't have our cake and eat it too. If there has to be a division in servers, it has to be divided effectively at least. I urge people to at least give first person view a try. I'll be the first to admit I have used third person constantly in the standalone so far. But, I tried using first person only for a couple hours tonight and it's pretty good. It's nice now that weapons default to lowered, you don't have them in your face all the time. I still get an urge to click over into third person view when I leave a building or get in tight urban areas. But, I feel like that will pass over time and the experience will be more immersive in the end. I really do enjoy looking around in first person view. I might have to buy a track IR system at some point. When I started playing the mod, I only played on expert servers and it really does change the experience for me. There's something about being locked into that first person camera, knowing you can NEVER go into a third person view. For me it makes the game world feel a bit more authentic. I've said before that in third person view I feel like I'm controlling a character in the game, in first person view I feel like I am that character.
  18. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    when did being friendly become bieng a sucker

    That's a real contribution to the thread, thanks. :)
  19. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    I've read all of that stuff Rocket has said about this topic. I know he's arguing the same points you guys bring up. But, I also know he's never said he won't remove it. He just says he's not convinced. So I'm arguing the pro-removal side. Hate me or whatever, it's my opinion, and until Rocket comes on here and locks these threads, I'm gonna spew it.
  20. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    He wouldn't have to say it has legitimate uses if there weren't illegitimate uses.
  21. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    when did being friendly become bieng a sucker

    Yes, they are. This thread is about being friendly and you're posting about your kill on sight clan. Go away.
  22. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    It seems irrelevant to the discussion of removing third person view. Nobody is saying removing third will make it easier to no get spotted. The point is being spotted while your spotter remains 100% hidden is a trait of third person view, removing the view, would remove that undesirable part of the game. Tactics have nothing to do with it.
  23. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    when did being friendly become bieng a sucker

    Don't sweat this guy. His group is constantly posting troll comments like that, just looking to get a rise out of people.
  24. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    I don't see your point. Because people can work around others using third person, that makes it okay?
  25. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Why no zombie kids?

    I understand, and if I was looking to make money on this games success, I'd agree. But, I am morally opposed to censorship of any kind. So this is bigger than DayZ for me, it carries over to everything, swastikas in video games, SS symbols, killing children, unarmed civilians, torture, rape, murder, it should never be the government telling us we can't make games/movies/books about this stuff. It should be us as individual humans saying "No, that is going too far for me" on a case by case basis. Censorship is such a hypocritical thing, they can show piles of mutilated child corpses in Syria all over, but heaven forbid we kill a fictional zombie child in an 18+ video game. Fuck that, fuck censorship.