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bad_mojo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bad_mojo (DayZ)

  1. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Being Able To Carry 2 Rifle Sized Guns Would Be Nice

    If a gun bag was added I would want to see an animation for taking the bag off and then you would get the ability to pull them out and onto your character. Like putting a medkit into your hands to pull out an item. You shouldn't just have 10 guns in your hotbar.
  2. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Bought Again Still Banned...

    Probably still have your old arma cd key in the registry. I don't know how to change it or figure out your new one, but that sounds like the issue. Also, I'm pretty sure you don't get global banned for picking up items in a hacked box. Unless, maybe you did it for a long period of time and they tracked you constantly doing it.
  3. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Being Able To Carry 2 Rifle Sized Guns Would Be Nice

    I'll support this idea when weight affects our characters.
  4. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I don't see why the inventory screen doesn't fulfill the need to see your characters appearance from the 3rd person perspective. Not saying it's a good replacement for 3rd person. Just saying I use it a lot for that purpose while playing in first person servers.
  5. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I only compare the two because it was brought up that WOT uses the system that many people want to implement into dayz. I think there are many factors that make it work well in world of tanks, but I don't think it will work as well in dayz because a lot of those factors are different. Mainly that we're trying to spot camouflaged people in bushes, rather than giant tanks in grassy fields. A bit of an exaggeration since the tanks can be small and hide in bushes, but the point is people can actively camouflage themselves in dayz not only by their clothing but also their actions and movements. Having the ability to flash player models in and out of existence would instantly draw the eye to that part of your screen. Whereas if they didn't flash, you would overlook that clump of bushes because it doesn't stand out from the rest. Like I said earlier. I have doubts about the POV system in dayz. I'm willing to try it, but I'm sure we will find plenty of faults with it.
  6. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I'm not being negative, I'm being realistic about what fixing third person will do to it. I've played a lot of world of tanks, it uses the line of sight system along with some spotting mechanics, it took a long time to get used to the fact that while I can see over these rocks or bushes and it looks clear, there are still people there. World of tanks uses pretty basic maps, with little cover. DayZ on the other hand has a million angles and cover options in just about every area of the map. I just feel like we're trying to put the 3rd person view on par with first person and the line of sight fix will put it at a disadvantage to first. Except of course, for the flashing models exploit someone outlined above, when peaking around cover and making people appear. World of Tanks handles that with the spotting system, DayZ has no such mechanics.
  7. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    The point I was trying to make by calling it a disembodied first person view was that it'll be first person view from another perspective. Rather than looking over the shoulder like we do now, you will have to live through the characters eyes, without actually looking through them. Players won't just pick it up naturally like they do with the current third person view.
  8. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Too many buildings to loot

    Who says the amount of blood you can regenerate in the game is considered serious blood loss? Maybe when you hit 0 blood that is when serious blood loss starts kicking in. I've heard you can be at zero blood and still not die because your health and blood are not the same thing in standalone.
  9. bad_mojo (DayZ)


    That feature is already in the game. When you hold left alt you can move your mouse to look around. Alternatively you can use the numpad buttons to look around, 1 for back and left, 3 for back and right, 6 for right side, etc.
  10. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Too many buildings to loot

    What's complex? Eat, drink, bandage when the red stuff comes out.
  11. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Honestly, I just see a "brutally realistic" 3rd person view as a contradiction in itself. A bastardization of what is a very useful camera view. The only way to really fix third person view, will also render it pointless for most players. It won't be third person view anymore, it will be a disembodied first person view. To me, it all seems like a big waste of development time & computer resources that can be used better. If they don't want to dictate how players experience the game, they have to leave the current third person view in. Because any type of "fix" is dictating that someone can't look over walls in their experience.
  12. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Too many buildings to loot

    You can't be serious?
  13. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Those are the exact same politics that kept Rocket from being able to find a developer for his game in the first place. The suits said the majority wouldn't play it, they said it wouldn't be profitable. So, he made it as a free mod and showed them that the majority doesn't account for everyone. DayZ wasn't for everyone. But, that made it more attractive to a lot of people. The idea that pleasing the majority will make DayZ better, is just not something I can agree with. I think this game needs to stick to its roots and make the hard decisions despite popular opinion. It was born out of rejecting the opinions of the majority and embracing the fringes of gaming. Doing what other games were afraid to, going where they wouldn't, & causing emotion most games wouldn't dare put on a player. But yeah, let's not even discuss removing the invisible parascope view, cause that might upset some players.
  14. Rather than a random chance to lose an item when your item gets damaged, how about when it hits the 'ruined' state all the contents start spilling onto the floor. Have the ability to repair it with tape or rope as a temporary fix to get it back up to 'badly damaged', so you can pick up all your stuff and go looking for a new pack, or pants or whatever. It would be really cool to get into a fight with some zombies and have all your gear start falling onto the ground as they ruin pieces of your gear. Or find a trail of dropped items, which ultimately lead to a hoard of zombies around a dead body. Even make it so the zombies tear your gear off when they're "feeding" on you or your dead body.
  15. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Healing after spawn

    Objective: When you spawn, you should be at your weakest, every second you can survive, you should be slowly improving. Solution: Start people with low blood and health but more food and water. Balance it so if you drink some water soon after spawning, you will start the "healing" process to regain some blood & water, before becoming hungry again. This shouldn't be enough to get healthy, but enough that you value your improved state. ---- The problem with the current system is that you start too healthy. Your only problems are hunger and thirst. So, if you haven't found any food in your first 10minutes, you're arguable in a better position if you suicide and respawn, there's also the advantage of maybe changing spawn points. Also, spawning with lower health and blood would put a fresh spawn in a more vulnerable position. They wouldn't be so quick to run up and fist fight anyone they see, because that guy might have 10x the health, therefore he will win the fight 9 times out of 10, even in a fist fight. A system like this would require a lot of balancing. For example to allow people some 'healing' time without letting them get fully 'healthy' would require just the right amount of energy. Otherwise you could sit down and wait while healing and because energy loss while idle is so little, you could potentially get fully healed up. Granted it would require you to sit on your ass for a long time right on the shore, but it's still not the outcome I'd want in this system. Also, it would require a reduction in the amount of food, either around the spawns, or in general. Because a person would require less food intake to get full energy.
  16. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Healing after spawn

    That depends on your health. If you take more shock damage than you have health, you pass out. Meaning someone with very little health can only take 1 hit, while a healthy player takes up to 3.
  17. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Beef Jerky

    I'd like to see this as an option when hunting gets implemented. Turning your fresh meat into jerky would prolong its lifespan, but it would make you thirsty. Alternatively, if you grill up your beef, it's juicy and delicious, but it goes rancid very quickly.
  18. Hackers and combat loggers! It's always the hackers and combat loggers!
  19. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fast Travel to Friends?

    Two accounts, one sits offline at NWAF, waiting for me to die. KILL IT WITH FIRE!
  20. Going to 1 isolated server, instead of having many servers connected through a hive server, is losing a feature of the game. Going to 1 isolated server will get rid of ghosters and looters, but it also gets rid of the whole hive feature. That might be fine for some people, but I rather enjoy the hive feature. 1 character, 1 world, but many servers to host that world.
  21. Not exactly, if you go to a 1 server hive, basically no hive. Then you eliminate looters and ghosters. But, that's literally removing a feature of the game. That's not solving the problem, that's avoiding the problem. Private hives with more than 1 server still suffer all the same problems as the public hive. Nobody likes to distinguish between the two when praising 'private hives' tho. They always get lumped together, giving a false impression that private networks of servers are somehow more secure than the ones run by the developers. Which was true in the mod, but this isn't the mod, and these aren't community developers.
  22. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    The golf analogy

    Next time I walk up on someone looting a building... "Mind if I play through?"
  23. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Food in DayZ Too Easy To Get

    I think the thread brings up a good point about starting the player in a worse state and slowly getting better. I've thought a lot about this lately and I think it's the right way to go for early game players to value every second they've been alive. Currently, you start with minimal food/water and you're pretty much instantly hungry and thirsty after spawn. While this is good for getting people to quickly find a water source and some food to survive on. It's not good because after you spawn, you're slowly going downhill. If you don't find food & water in your first 10minutes, it's arguably the better option to suicide and start fresh with less hunger & thirst. I think a system where you spawn with "injuries" but you also have almost enough food & water to start regenerating your health would be better. For example, if it takes 3500 energy and 3500 water to start regenerating your blood and eventually your health, then start the player with 3600 energy and 3000 water. That way a player who quickly locates a source of water can start healing up shortly after spawning. Of course you will lose energy while moving to find water, so it would need to be balanced to let people heal up soon after spawning, but not so easy that they can heal completely. That should still require finding more food & water. With a system where some healing is possible right after spawn. Players who have only been alive for 5minutes would still feel like they accomplished something and would put more value in their character, even if that character had nothing in terms of actual gear. Getting shot in the face would put you back to low blood/color and health. This system would also put new spawns in a more vulnerable state until they can get a hold of their situation. To achieve the full "healthy" state should still take a lot of time and effort.
  24. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Food in DayZ Too Easy To Get

    I agree. But, if you're doing it right your food is in your tummy. So killing you gives them nothing but blood on their hands. well... until cannibalism.
  25. How exactly would they connect your Arma2 cdkey to your DayZ SA steam account? Did you maybe cheat in Arma3?(or arma3 dayz mod?) Since arma3 and dayz share bans.