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bad_mojo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bad_mojo (DayZ)

  1. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Actually, no. Because the lead developer of this game has repeatedly said he think it's bad, and has also said he wants to keep third person if he can. I chose to discuss the topic of fixing third person. First person servers are currently not lonely, and I only play on them. I'll just quote my other post, since you failed to get the message.
  2. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    You were playing multiplayer Wolfenstein before doom came out? Not that it matters but I played doom, heretic, dukenukem and all the classic FPS games mutiplayer on a 28.8 modem. I don't see what it has to do with this discussion. As a player, I can deal with whatever the game throws at me. But, as an armchair game developer, the whole point is forcing your view of whats right onto the player. Wanting a more controlled third person camera isn't about 'not being able to handle it'. It's about what should be possible. What should a player have to handle. The idea that the players has to worry about hidden people watching them, goes against the authenticity that Rocket wants in this game. It's a 'gamey' mechanic, because you have to learn how the game works and how it can be exploited, in order to even know the dangers. It's not something a new player will even be aware of.
  3. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    The people who keep saying nothing needs to be fixed, need to stop posting in this thread. Go make a new thread about keeping third person unchanged, if you feel that passionate about it. Just because this discussion is pointless to you, doesn't mean it's pointless to everyone. You guys are making it very difficult for anyone to discuss changes to the view. You're free to add to the discussion from your viewpoint. But, repeatedly saying there's nothing wrong with 3rd person is adding nothing to the discussion. You can mention your feelings, just don't use it as ammunition to dismiss other points of view. And don't make it the only point in your post. I could sit here and find ways to keep saying third person should be removed entirely, but I'm not doing that because this thread is specifically about fixing it, not removing it. It's pointless for me to push that idea, the same way it's pointless for you guys to push the idea that there's nothing wrong with third person.
  4. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Pretty sure you meant to say 3rd person in your first sentence. Pretty sure I already had pubes when Doom came out. 100% of 3rd person players would have trouble playing without 1st. Please come on these forums and cry when the first round of changes happen. Maybe even record your reactions to the change logs, I want to see your face when you read something like... [Added] Changes to the way third person view works. [On-going]
  5. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Hardcore hive... a solution to the division?

    I don't think we should get too worked up over the terminology used. Games like Call of Duty and Battlefield have made the term 'hardcore' common for describing increased difficulty. I couldn't care less what it's called, the whole idea that hardcore meaning we're macho is so juvenile. We're playing a video game here, nobody is hardcore in the real sense of the word.
  6. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Hardcore hive... a solution to the division?

    "Etc" just means that he wants other things of that nature to be included. I see what you're saying, having to worry about two versions of the game would hurt their development time. But, so far the changes to the hardcore hive are easy things to change. It's more about removing options than adding content. Removing "easy mode" options. Other simple changes would be things like centralizing the time for all servers in the hive, turning down the loot spawn rates, reducing the starting health of a player, increasing the zombies health. Stuff that is just a code change wouldn't really affect their development, but those simple changes would come with a lot of complaining, if they were forced on everyone.
  7. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Hardcore hive... a solution to the division?

    From Rocket(lead developer).... "We want to encourage a "hardcore" mode that will operate on a separate database, featuring things like first person only, no hide body, etc..." http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156129-confirmed-upcoming-features-for-dayz/
  8. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I think the problem is with a third person perspective your vision is rather unaffected. In first person, when you look at something close to you, you have a very narrow field of view. For example when looking down at a dead body with a gas mask or night vision obscuring your peripheral vision, you can only see their center mass. When you zoom the camera out behind the players head for third person, that reduced field of view you have in first person just doesn't have the same effect in third, you'll probably be able to see the whole body, maybe more. Basically the further away the camera is, the less it will obscure. To be "fair" third person would have to be obscured more than first person. But, that's silly and won't happen. Edit: Here's what I mean visually... http://i.imgur.com/UMOd2YV.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1xJ27wj.jpg
  9. bad_mojo (DayZ)


    I think sleep should be introduced as a log out procedure as well as a fatigue restoration mechanic. Give players benefits for sleeping in shelter. Increase the environments hostility towards those who don't. If you sleep on the ground, you're going to be weak the next day. Log out procedure should only come into effect many hours after you leave. Meaning, you can change servers, even take short breaks, without enduring the punishment for not sleeping. But, if you do sleep, it starts the sleeping process immediately. So, if you're taking a break in real life, you can build a little shelter and sleep your character for a few hours. When you return, you're rewarded with a bit of a stats boost compared to someone who just logged out in the middle of the street. If someone logged out in the middle of the street, they would have many hours to return to the game and find a suitable place to sleep. But, if they didn't bother and came back the next day, or two weeks later, they would only endure a bit of a punishment. Players who are in good health might not notice the effects at all, but players in poor health who can't endure a cold night on the ground would really suffer as a result. Think of it as catching a cold from sleeping on the open ground. It's important to implement sleeping mostly as a benefit, not just a punishment against those who don't. Also, I don't think it should require anything to build a shelter in the wilderness. But, the more tools you have, the better shelter you can build in a shorter amount of time. Maybe even let players sleep when they're in proximity to a bed, but that seems too easy for my taste.
  10. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Pumpkin soup?!?!

    Can I dry out the seeds and just eat them? I'm not a fan of pumpkin, but I love their seeds.
  11. bad_mojo (DayZ)


    One reason I suggested letting a player sleep while remaining in-game was for role playing purposes. Somebody might want to take on the challenge of sleeping the whole night while remaining logged in.(When server restarts aren't so frequent.) Sort of a voluntary 'character remains on logout' ability. Also, if people are going afk, but for whatever reason they don't want to leave the server, they could go to sleep and save a bit of food/water that they would have used remaining stationary. I'm not saying going afk is good for the game, but people do it already, we might as well work it into the game somehow.
  12. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    A bit off-topic but Tommes you should check out the mod Project Reality for Battlefield2, it's really the only multiplayer game I've played that comes close to being bullshit free. One of their first changes in the mod, removed third person view.
  13. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Do you dare to give a random a loaded gun?

    I've given out many loaded guns and have yet to be killed by one. Most people try to talk me out of giving them the gun, they're always like "nah, dude it's your gun", "Are you sure?" to which I have to reassure them "No it's yours, I don't want it", "I only picked it up to give to someone". I think it's somewhat important to not plant the seed in their head about killing you, I never tell them not to kill me with it, that just goes without saying. I've also taken to dropping loot outside buildings in a main intersection. Like if I find some pristine masks, ammo, medkits, or just a bunch of beans and water bottles, I'll leave them in the street for people to find easier. I've even run into people and directed them towards the gun I left on the ground. Can't wait until servers don't restart constantly, then I can really build a nice pile of loot around water pumps and other places that players frequent.
  14. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    This again?
  15. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    No point in talking to him. He doesn't think 3rd person needs to be fixed, so I'm not really sure what he could add to this discussion. Or, why he insists on posting that fact over and over like we should give a crap.
  16. Nearly a month later and 109 replies about this topic? It's constantly at the top of the list. Come on guys, discuss something worth talking about. Let these stupid topics fade away. Nobody wants to read 6 pages of "no fuck that" replies.
  17. Yeah, they work like containers that can only hold medical supplies. I usually end up with an inventory full of them.
  18. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    Why is it such a battle for people to even discuss fixing third person. You guys are too much sometimes.
  19. bad_mojo (DayZ)


    Also, while it would be a log out procedure I don't think it should force the player to log out. If somebody wanted to sit in-game in a sleeping state, I think that should be an option.
  20. You could put the saline bags into two med kits and fit more.
  21. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Sun Tzu - The Art of DayZ ?!?!

    Here's what it looks like in-game, it'll save you some time reading titles...
  22. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Why is the goal; servers able to support 150 players?

    I think 150 or more would be great on a map like this. The more people, the more accountability people have. You want to start killing everyone you see? More people are going to hear or see you firing and will be more likely to kill you because of it. Want to run around in a group of 10? Watch out, there might be a group of 30 coming in the next town.
  23. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Sun Tzu - The Art of DayZ ?!?!

    I had one, until earlier today I died with it, and then this starts happening on the next life. It took me forever to find it.
  24. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Sleeping When Logged Out

    I took your advice. I had the same idea in the old suggestion section too.