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bad_mojo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bad_mojo (DayZ)

  1. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Military Weapons, Snipers, Ect.

    They didn't remove anything. All the weapons are being custom made for DayZ standalone.
  2. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Brand name foods, heinz, coke etc.. why they gone?

    Certainly it's not a game breaker, but you did ask why.
  3. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Brand name foods, heinz, coke etc.. why they gone?

    I'll try to find the actual thread about the topic for you. But here is a quote from a Q&A with Rocket... Edit: Here's one of the big threads about the topic... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/119236-no-pepsi-coca-cola-or-heinz-in-standalone/
  4. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Brand name foods, heinz, coke etc.. why they gone?

    Authenticity. In a game trying to portray real life, having a recognizable brand name product increases the immersion. It's like seeing real models of guns in the game. They could have made some up, but it wouldn't feel the same because when someone see's an M4, they know what it is. When I saw a can of beans or spaghetti for the first time in standalone, i had no idea what they were, I had to read the name. In the mod, as soon as I saw an item it was recognizable. Sure, after playing for a while, I recognize which are beans and which are spaghetti, but that was learned, it didn't come natural. Rocket has always wanted DayZ to be intuitive, if you know what a can of beans looks like in real life, you should instantly know what it looks like in the game.
  5. I understand, but when you post about an event at the NWAF on your public server at a specific time, people are going to crash the party. I don't really feel like running all the way to NWAF just to join your event and promptly get sent back to the coast when somebody logs in and kills us.
  6. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Brand name foods, heinz, coke etc.. why they gone?

    Copyright issues. They were allowed in the mod because it was free. They tried to contact Heinz and Pepsi and the others but they didn't get a good response. I guess Heinz doesn't want to link their product to murder and all that other fun stuff.
  7. How are you going to deal with people server hopping in and killing everyone? Saying you have 15 guys sounds like you're saying "bring it on". I might have to stop by and watch the chaos from the bushes.
  8. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    [POLL] - 3PP / 1PP and seeing round corners

    You said that: And so it went on. You are clearly getting pissed and may think to drive me away, but I know who's looking silly and that's not me. I'm not getting pissed at all. I'm getting sick of reading the same things repeated by you over and over in the fix thread. You're bringing nothing new to the discussion. That's not to say you didn't bring anything to it ever, but after you shared your opinion, you never left, you just kept repeating it and repeating it. It's to the point where I know your opinion as much as you do. The same thing happened in the old thread and I'm not going to point the finger at only you, but you helped get that shit locked. I'd rather not have the fix thread locked, so I suggested people stop responding to your posts because it's going in circles. What that has to do with you voting in this poll, I'm not entirely sure. You acted like there was no option because we wanted to censor your opinion by leaving out your stance. I tried to tell you that thinking there's nothing wrong with third person is taking the stance of "not wanting a solution", then you took offense I guess, and acted like I was putting you down. I don't want to drive you away, but I often wonder if that's your goal, to get people to hate you.
  9. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    [POLL] - 3PP / 1PP and seeing round corners

    Doesn't matter what would satisfy the OP, this is a poll to find out what would satisfy YOU.
  10. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    [POLL] - 3PP / 1PP and seeing round corners

    I'm foolishly trying to communicate with you. Please explain how you not wanting any changes to third person doesn't equal not wanting a solution? You said there's no problem. So there's no solution in your eyes. You said nothing is broken, so there needs to be no solution.... see what I'm getting at?
  11. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    [POLL] - 3PP / 1PP and seeing round corners

    Ken, after talking with you for months now, I know you don't want a solution. Get over yourself man.
  12. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    [POLL] - 3PP / 1PP and seeing round corners

    If you think having the hives split is the solution, vote for "I don't want a solution" because they're already doing that.
  13. I don't think zombies should be stopped by a door, but I don't think they should walk through walls either. Ideally I'd love to see them rip the door down.
  14. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Friendly's everywhere!

    I bet I've met more friendly players than hostile.
  15. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    You guys need to stop trying to "win over" Ken and just ignore his posts. He adds nothing new to this WHOLE thread, I don't even see why you guys respond to him. I'm guilty of clicking that reply button, but we just need to stop for the sake of this threads readability.
  16. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Sardines and tuna are mixed up

    http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/torring/torring1003/torring100300009/6564778-tuna-can-and-fork.jpg http://www.mercadolatino.biz/GenPics/008842-0600.jpg But, I agree they should be switched for consistency.
  17. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Turn on post processing

    Post processing is a video setting in the game that a lot of people set to 'disabled'. It causes the blur you see in the video. The video is a time lapsed video showing somebody drinking a bottle of disinfectant, losing most of their blood and health and then regenerating it back. You can see how difficult it is to see at the lower health levels. With post processing disabled you would have no idea if you were low on health.
  18. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    How to fix KoS and banditry with this great system

    Yeah! OP needs to suck it up and deal with the KOS situation. Stop cluttering up our forums phoboss! ;)
  19. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    No. After further reading of the OP... the only way to increase humanity in his suggestion is to kill bandits? Fuck no. Killing bandits on sight isn't heroic. They're people too.
  20. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Sun Tzu - The Art of DayZ ?!?!

    It would be awesome to walk into a church some day and have some guys trying to convert me. We should contact some church people and inform them of this new venue for preaching the word or the lord or whatever they call it.
  21. "You just want everyone to play how you do." "Don't tell me how to play the game." "You want to punish everyone who doesn't share your opinion." "There's no right way to play this game." These are the types of responses we get a lot when suggesting ways to increase the difficulty of this game. People take offense to it, acting like we want to ruin the game for them. Debates turn into circular arguments with both sides sticking their fingers in their ears and we accomplishing nothing of value. Maybe the hardcore hive(I use the term hardcore because the devs have already called it that) could be the solution to this divide. The ideas that threaten peoples vision of DayZ, could be thrown into the hardcore version, leaving the regular version untouched. I don't want to start listing off things that could be changed in the hardcore hive, because I don't want this thread turning into debates about those things. I want to get peoples opinions about the idea of the game splitting into two different directions, and what positives could come from it. I've always been against dividing the community, but I would rather have a divided community than a game that goes nowhere because a lot of people get upset even at the suggestion of making it more... (for lack of a better term) hardcore.
  22. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Hardcore hive... a solution to the division?

    I think the problem is a click of the mouse shouldn't accomplish what would take an extremely long time in real life.
  23. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Player spawn /Item spawn (weapons)

    I made a thread about having no ammo at military bases, and distribute it among the civilian areas. You still need to go to the military areas to get the weapons and gear, but then you have to scavenge for the ammo. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/160779-no-bullets-at-military-bases/
  24. bad_mojo (DayZ)

    Hardcore hive... a solution to the division?

    I think we all want to be able to drag a body into the bushes like in the Hitman games, but until that's a feature, removing hide body is good with me.