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Everything posted by oacceptabel

  1. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    It does seem to share features with the Zoraki R1, but why take a pellet gun to a riot? If you make yourself a primary target by brandishing a firearm, you'd better have the the ability to shoot too.
  2. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Picture taken in Kiev, Ukraine, this wednesday: http://jto.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/w1-ukraine-a-20140124.jpg Anyone got a clue what it is? Started comparing it to a few models from Colt and Taurus with vented barrel ribs, but the locking notches in the cylinder does not seem to match.
  3. oacceptabel

    Mauser C96

    The MP7 have anemic rounds designed for the specific purpose of defeating a certain type of body armor. H&K claims the performance against unarmored targets, with hollow points, are comparable to 9x19 ammo. The difference is that the typical weight of a 9x19 defensive hollow point is four to five times higher. Plus the MP7 ammo would likely be really rare, with little or no commercial spread of 4.6x30mm. Bring in AKS-74U, G36C or some other compact 5.45/5.56 carbines instead.
  4. oacceptabel

    Enhancing Jackets / Pants through Sewing.

    Do you even sew, bro?
  5. oacceptabel

    Shotgun Birdshot Ammo

    I love the idea of birdshot for small game hunting, but I wonder if the engine will be able to simulate it accurately. A 12 gauge 2.75 inch shell with an ounce of birdshot will typically contain anywhere from 100 to 600 pellets.
  6. oacceptabel


    Reloading could be feasible with certain rounds, and would add to the game. Just make reloading equipment EXCEEDINGLY rare. But add wrong powder or the wrong amount and the bullet will stick in the barrel, or the gun will go kaboom.
  7. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    A gun without ammo is not very useful. How much ammo are there lying around for the Nagant revolver? I'd imagine it dried up really quick after they fell out of militart/police use in the USSR. Many historically interesting guns share that common fate, falling into obsolence just because there is no ammo made for them anymore.
  8. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    You can load .357 Magnum performance in .38 Special cases too, but many guns in .38 Special will simply not hold up to the pressure. It would not be reasonable to "power up" guns a lot over their original designs. Yes, there are hotter loads than the original military load quoted by me above, but it's still just a very slow Makarov. I shoot with modern revolvers regularly, and I reload in just below 10 seconds without any kind of speedloader. Being able to eject all cases at once easily split reloading time in half. The guns are may be common, but how common is the ammo? It's like Browning 1903's in 9x20mm Browning Long, many guns, very little ammo. I completely agree that the Python was a horrible decision. Hmm, MAYBE a few pea shooters would fit in. But let's throw in a few Webley revolvers also? ;) Chernarus IS fiction.
  9. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Not very effective, as were none of the typical handguns from that period in .30, .32 or 8 mm calibres. What purpose will it fill in game other than being a part of an armchair gunshow? :)
  10. oacceptabel

    Damaged Items/Bags - Reduction of usable Slots

    How often do you reckon it will happen? Anything capable of ripping your backpack will very likely rip right through you too. Or do you mean near misses, when your enemy manages to hit your backpack in a trajectory without hitting you?
  11. oacceptabel

    Rare Ammo That Real Bandits Would Like

    So they could dress up like cops and exert crowd control i Cherno? Unless they implement pain affecting your character, this would be meaningless.
  12. oacceptabel

    Damaged Items/Bags - Reduction of usable Slots

    ... then you'll have a lot bigger problems than losing items from your backpack. Or wait, are we talking regular backpacks or bulletproof backpacks? Destroying or severely damaging items inside sure, but losing slots, no. It's not like you would be able to survive being shot with anything large enough to tear a hole in your backpack for items to pass through.
  13. oacceptabel

    Oestrogen injection, please!

    Why not different hitboxes? It's not like you'll be invisible or that much more difficult to hit because you're of slightly smaller stature. Give some leeway for different body sizes, it will add nicely to the roleplaying aspect of the game. Even cooler if they develop some kind of stats system, where you have strength, stamina and other attributes more or less affected by body size. On topic: the lack of female voices is likely only temporary.
  14. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    The Nagant M1895 fires a 108 grain (7 gram) bullet at 725 ft/s (220 m/s) for a muzzle energy of 126 foot-pounds (170 joules). The Makarov fires a 93 grain (6 gram) bullet at about 980 ft/s (298 m/s) for a muzzle energy of 198 foot-pounds (268 joules). This means that the Nagant M1895 carries slightly less than two thirds of the muzzle energy of the already weak Makarov. Why would anyone want that? Add the hassle of having to eject and load ammo through a loading gate. Have you ever timed yourself reloading your Nagant revolver? How long does it take you, less than 30 seconds? This is a novelty gun. I hope it get the attributes it has from the real world, severely underpowered rounds and utterly slow to reload, if they ever add it.
  15. oacceptabel

    What DayZ also needs to be even more realistic?

    I'm sorry if I sounded all out negative to the addition of more realistic elements to DayZ. I'm not generally opposed, I just did not think the bird idea was very realistic. Body heat is something different! Especially in the future, if we're talking about the addition of seasons in general and winter in particular. Consuming cold food or drinks when already suffering from the first stages of hypothermia would take away even more body heat, and cause further problems. Anyone tried out target shooting when shivering? It's a lot harder to hit anything when shivering. I like the idea of being able to freeze to death, it will add nicely to the already added complexity of the game, and cold water/food would fit well into that game mechanic.
  16. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Nope, Sweden. Post-soviet, yes, but the soviet collapse were 20+ years ago. Most former satellite states of eastern europe have made significant economical improvements since then.
  17. oacceptabel

    What DayZ also needs to be even more realistic?

    I won't argue about the feasibility of training a bird, but it still involves training several times a week for years to accomplish. It's not like the bird will learn from you reading a book. It is too complicated to implement, and even unmanned aerial combat vehicles would be more feasible from a resource perspective in the apocalypse. Your dog will catch a stick and bark at strangers with little or no training at all.
  18. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Mostly due to a longer sight line or sight radius, very little by the added barrel length itself. A longer barrel will give slightly greater velocity, but for all practical distances it makes little difference. The limitation lies usually in the shooter. Many revolvers have a great inherent accuracy, more so than pistols. But forgive me for going into too much technical detail. Of course there should be different barrel lengths for flavor. :)
  19. oacceptabel

    What DayZ also needs to be even more realistic?

    I don't mean to sound negative, but the birdie thingies do not belong in the vanilla setting imo. Luckily there will likely be a large modders community, which will likely tend to those more exotic aspects of the post-apocalypse.
  20. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Why such a terribly long barrel? A four inch barrel is sufficient, and also easier to handle.
  21. oacceptabel

    What DayZ also needs to be even more realistic?

    How many hours would it take to train an animal to do any of this? It literally takes YEARS to train a falcon to hunt for you. I could see how you could teach a dog a few tricks over time, but a bird? Not very realistic given the circumstances of an ongoing apocalypse. It all sounds like WoW pets to me.
  22. oacceptabel

    A small change to reloading

    I'm glad you made this thread, or else I would have. ;) The revolver reloading is particularly broken as of now. I do believe the quickest way to reload is to eject remaining rounds and empty cases, and do a complete reload. This maneuvre should be able to be accomplished with "Reload"-button, imo, with speedloaders making it quicker. Adding rounds while the gun is in the inventory should be like refilling magazines. What I'd like to see is the ability to collect empty casings for RELOADING! ^_^
  23. oacceptabel

    What DayZ also needs to be even more realistic?

    How is this more realistic? How would a bird be controlled, and how would it report its findings? Telepathy?
  24. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    I agree, more wheelguns! :) I'd like to see .38 Special ammo too, as an alternative with more manageable recoil (and less punch) than .357 Magnum ammo. The .38 Special is also likely the most common handgun cartridges in the world, or one of them. How would you suggest simulating .44 Magnum revolvers with regard to shooter fatigue? A really slow firing rate? Some kind of mandatory cooldown after firing, where quick consecutive shots deviate a lot from the point of aim? Edit: Sorry about slipping off topic.
  25. oacceptabel

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Where I live modern civilian handguns are far more prevalent than old military sidearms. What do we know about Chernarus before the apocalypse? Were there draconian gun control laws in place where civilian ownership of firearms in general were strictly regulated or outright prohibited? I have seen far more Colt Python's than Nagant M1895 revolvers in civilian hands. I've also seen far more Ruger GP100's than Colt Python's. I hope we will see a plethora of guns, with some rare guns (police/military/full-auto) more common than others (old military relics/collectors firearms), and more of common civilian guns (everything from hunting rifles, to handguns, to crossbows). I don't think a former soviet satellite state simulator would be very enjoyable when it comes to guns. Edit: Sweden never had the 1895 Nagant, but the 1887 Nagant.