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About turdpocalypse

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    On the Coast
  1. Ive gone to a few servers and this has happened in every one of them, I've searched many buildings that do not have their doors open yet (so I assume they haven't been looted unless some nice person decided they'd shut the doors of the houses they just stole from). Probably upwards of 20 buildings so far, and none of them have any items whatsoever, not even rotten fruit or clothing. Then, just now I went into a server and heard zombie sounds, but of course I thought this was just that bug that happens when you randomly hear zombie sounds. Nope not this time, there was an invisible zombie and it started beating on me. I tried to punch the air all around me and it didn't make any sounds as if i connected on any of the punches. I then bled out. Also, one more odd tidbit, the invisible zombie that attacked me did so when i was in a 2nd floor room. I haven't noticed any zombies before this go upstairs in any building since they just they just walk/run trhough the walls.