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Seargent Ripthroat

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About Seargent Ripthroat

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    On the Coast
  1. Seargent Ripthroat

    Alpha... Still,This is ridicilous

    Well.. I really regret I bought this game. And yes I know its an Alpha, but as the person who made this thread said. This is f*cking ridicolous. Played for 5 hours today, died once because of ladderbug, and got my character reseted twice. Also, when i was running from Elektro to Balota, it took me over an hour because every now and then i got teleportet back 2 or 3 kilometers, which also led to game-crash. And I don't really get it, when i first bought the game like over a week ago, it was a lot more stable to play. After they added the latest patch it's just been absolutely unplayable. I get it, I was warned, but come on. They could've just said "You basically can't play this game at all" if they were to tell the truth. Cuz I've played plenty of alpha/early access alpa games, and this is by far the most extreme shit I've experienced.