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Everything posted by PhillyT

  1. PhillyT


    Hey, he did a nice bit of work searching for the 1911 thread! Well done!
  2. PhillyT

    In desperate need of .308 ammo

    Yeah, wrecked military vehicles aren't spawning loot anymore. Civilian cars still are other than the maroon one for me.
  3. PhillyT

    A Wandering Hero

    Thats a pretty rare occurrence on the public servers! Good on him!
  4. PhillyT


    There is no such thing as a public server with some friendly and some unfriendly players. There are few with real controls on who has access that can manage that.
  5. PhillyT

    Make the infected afraid of fire

    I'd rather they get the general behavior right before trying to get fancy with things like fire fear!
  6. PhillyT

    Nights are way too bright.

    If you aren't playing with the gamma and brightness, its seriously dark. I'll be honest though, I blast the gamma and brightness like a mother!
  7. Arkham knight was actually unplayable. DayZ is as playable as many low end games released on Steam right now.
  8. I can agree with this. I can also say there are games that are demonstrably more playable with far less resources budgeted and far fewer sales already in the can. The pace has been abysmal. I actually think Rocket leaving has helped streamline intentions since he is a terrible developer in my opinion. He wanted DayZ to go in a thousand directions with no real idea how to get there. I am somewhat depressed too that my friend, who has worked for Treyarch and Bungie, was correct when he said Beta would be years away when the SA was released. I looked at a game I thought could hit Beta quickly, but his intuition was that the game would be lucky to ever reach a truly playable version that a normal consumer would find acceptable.
  9. PhillyT

    Rocket's contribution

    He was appreciated. But then he began to breakdown and promise the moon when he had never actually made anything complete.
  10. PhillyT

    How is the AKM in 58?

    Technically, yes it is a 300ish rifle. You can hit stationary mansized targets out to 500. I have 3 7.62 ak variants and they are fantastic rifles. They should be second only to the AK74 in terms of best rifle in the game. Nothing beats the 5.45 rifle. ANything they do that purposefully makes it a poor choice is gamesmanship. It should just reflect the real performance of the rifle.
  11. PhillyT

    Bigger Forests please?

    There really are lots of forests north east of Electro. And fields. And hills. And no players. Well, thats a lie. Only a few months back, I was running the dirt road up towards Dolina when I popped off into the woods to check my real like phone. As I sat in a bush, two dude ran past. I tailed them to an intersection, then made contact. We left as friends. There are times when the woods have people but it is very rare.
  12. PhillyT

    Hive / Servers temporarily out of order.

    I think things are still quite messed up. Give it until the morning.
  13. PhillyT

    Best Vests

    I thought it was all pure capacity at this point, but I don't get shot enough to know. I tend to disengage if I don't have the drop on a person.
  14. PhillyT

    Best Vests

    SMERSH and pack are the bomb combined with the hunter pack and the other military pack. They just look great.
  15. PhillyT

    Hidden Villages

    I hit/live in Dolina/Polana. Plenty of gear, food, etc. Not a huge amount of traffic.
  16. Well it takes a while since you need to hit Zeleno, then Green Mountain, then Vybor, then you can go to NWAF.
  17. PhillyT

    When will the Zombie count be up?

    Jeez, there sure is a lot of whining lately! Come on guys, the game is still fun. I play for a while, take a break until the next update, play for a while, repeat. The notion that DayZ shouldn't have or should minimize the zombies is a completely bizarre notion given the name and intent of the game. Zombies were never the main foe in the MOD or SA. They were always an added danger to survival, with a threat of revealing your presence to other players by needing to kill them or by doing damage to you, putting you in a bad position when you might run into other players (though I have died more than a few times on a new spawn in the MOD). Hopefully we get a few more zombies than current. To those who claim they have played any significant amount of time and seen only a few zombies, I had to kill about 10 in Zeleno last night as the sun went down. There were plenty. You do sometimes find that towns are completely depopulated, but they are out there.
  18. PhillyT

    Persistence Off

    Come on, have you been tracking the development of DayZ for the first year? Rocket kept spouting off about this thing and that thing that he wanted to add, a PS4 port, various other bizarre claims and promises when there wasn't even an effective core from which to build any of his half formed concepts. Rocket is and was a dreamer, by his own admission, and not a person who actually got anything done. He relied on others, but that didn;t stop him from creating a cloud of nonsense that literally nobody honestly believed.
  19. PhillyT

    Persistence Off

    Persistance is not a good thing, not as currently envisioned. It should probably be more like the mod in that what you place in containers remains, but loot itself has a fixed rotation of respawns. Now that Rocket is gone, perhaps some of his rather boneheaded ideas can be disregarded.
  20. PhillyT

    smersh backpack

    I found the harness system itself at the Vybor military base. I've seen the attachments a couple times before having the harness so I only have the vest itself...
  21. PhillyT

    No Pants Spawning.. Anywhere?

    I found a sweatshirt. And on the roof several magically floating things in the sky...
  22. PhillyT

    No Pants Spawning.. Anywhere?

    There are so many hunter pants in those new school buildings it is hilarious!
  23. I didn't really enjoy .56 so I took a breather. Dayz is of course in Alpha, so I dip in and out when I feel that need. I played 300 hours in the first few builds, so taking time off and enjoying the big changes is the most enjoyable way to play for me.
  24. PhillyT

    Muzzle flash!

    I just got an AK pistol. The muzzle flash is a two foot orb of Fire every third or fourth shot. I don't think the flash is excessive in the game.
  25. With the magazine issues associated with the various AK, the mp133 is my go to gun. Kills consistently at 50-75 yards. I carry a longhorn for longer ranged engagements.