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Everything posted by PhillyT

  1. PhillyT

    So if you had an M4 before the 0.45 patch

    Generally I try to stick with the same type of mag and get three of them, whatever the type may be. Makes it easier to reload and you don't end up with the stupid change mag options when you scroll menu.
  2. Original poster. I was being sarcastic. I just love the elitist attitude Hardcore only players have. Like hardcore is any harder than regular. People play it because it is easier in a fashion. Both styles offer different difficulties.
  3. PhillyT

    No one cares about the new city?

    I haven't gone there yet. I am hunting for an AKM to try out. I will go tonight though. Looks pretty cool!
  4. Give it some time. Sometimes after a patch, there are strange things occurring with characters. My hardcore character loaded fine. My regular character reset twice. I had a warning though that the server couldn't access the central server and was giving me a default character.
  5. PhillyT

    My plea to remove military gear

    I love military loot (and by military loot that is just the M4 and AKM). Gives you something to shoot for after getting civilian weapons.
  6. PhillyT

    So if you had an M4 before the 0.45 patch

    I had a similar experience. I logged in with a default character but I had a little red text box in the lower corner that said the server couldn't contact the central server and they were giving me a default character. Ran around with reckless abandon. I actually love starting fresh, though I hate dying.
  7. PhillyT

    So if you had an M4 before the 0.45 patch

    I still have mine.
  8. PhillyT

    What should be the civilian 5.56 rifle ?

    Simple bolt action like the Remington 700.
  9. PhillyT

    Mosin or M4?

    M4 all day long.
  10. PhillyT

    Mod is still better than the SA

    I like SA better. Feels more survivory and I like having fewer weapons. But I can totally get why someone would like the MOD better.
  11. I have never really run into a server that was legitimately no KOS. They can put whatever they want in the title but what actually happens on the ground is another story...
  12. PhillyT

    How to locate where people are shooting?

    Sound is nutty right now. Generally, you will be able to figure out the direction and sort of how far it is. At other times, you will hear a fraction of the sound and it will be directionless. Then there are the phantom bullets where you hear the ricochet but never the rapport of the rifle. Welcome to alpha zaniness!
  13. Maybe I need to take a step back for a second. I think both games will be fun. But H1N1, from everything I have read and the videos I have watched, doesn't plan on adding weather effects to health, complex medical systems, "realistic" bullet physics, or complicated food requirements. Maybe they have said they want to and I haven't seen that, I don't know. But it doesn't appear to be targeting the rabidly hardcore community that DayZ is trying to cater to.
  14. PhillyT

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    He is a kid. Says so in his name. Can't expect too much rational discourse Pilgrim.
  15. I'll be honest, there is room to enjoy both games, but DayZ is the more PVP and difficult of the two by all accounts.
  16. PhillyT

    Rocket said

    I think it is still quite a long way from the features they want. Until all features are added, it isn't really a beta. A beta is final polishing and bug hunting. Again, Bohemia is far more trustworthy than Dean. At this point, Dean could be removed. His contribution is essentially done. His ideas are in development. The development team will execute.
  17. PhillyT

    AKM performance

    A 200m head shot with an AKM iron sight should be almost impossible. It has a significant bullet drop in real life. It is slightly less accurate than an M4, not nearly as much as M4 proponents like to pretend (though the M4 is much more reliable than AK fans like to say). Much of that is due to the poor iron sights. It kicks much worse than an M4. The current values are a hogpoge of programing issues. There is no way that the AKM isn't a partial product.
  18. PhillyT

    Rocket said

    Why wouldn't they release it as a full retail, which itself is a strange concept. It is essentially at retail right now. $30 through digital distribution. For a game like Dayz, digital distribution is the perfect medium. Dayz is a functioning game right now. It is alpha for strange glitches, but if they add nothing else, play with the numbers, and fix the current glitches, they could release it as a full game right now. It wouldn't be what was promised, but it would be a game, and a very fun game at that. I have 260 hours into a glitchy alpha build and love it. Other than being disappointed that I didn't get the final product I wanted, if they stopped development today, I couldn't complain personally. I have paid $.12 an hour for this game. That is a great return on my investment.
  19. My group calls it the Vybor base! That is really a nice area. Vybor has lots of good civilian gear and a school, the base has plenty of gear. It is a place I have had plenty of gun battles too. You can see anyone who wants to go to the base as they race across the field. The hill makes a good look out, though I have caught people over watching the Vybor base as I made my way north from Green Mountain. The entire string, Zeeno, Green Mountain, Vybor Base, and NWAF is the Path of the Warrior!
  20. PhillyT

    Rocket said

    I am not a fan of Dean. He is a blowhard who promises ridiculous things but doesn't have the knowledge or ability to pay off on them. I do trust Bohemia though, and think they can coax enough out of Dean to be able to sort of complete something that looks reasonably like what Dean kind of thinks he promised. Maybe.
  21. I don't find the mod better. Just different. The mod is much more gun heavy. I like standalone because it at least gives a vague look at the survival mechanic. That mechanic will get better as time passes.
  22. Dayz Standalone is as relevant as any mid priced video game. It is however fabulously fun, different, and cool.
  23. Are we talking about the small base east of Vybor? The one with three barracks and a jail?
  24. PhillyT

    Meeting a highly experienced player

    I don't shoot new spawn unless they go all fist on me. I will always help them out and I always make contact.