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Everything posted by PhillyT

  1. I had one of those nutty persistence experiences yesterday. I arrived in Gorka and found about 10 guns in the barn on the outskirts. I then found over a dozen weapons in the police station. What is the story with finding backpacks full of gear? Is it spawned that way or were they left by a player and remain due to the persistence? I assume spawned since the mix of items is sometimes unusual.
  2. PhillyT

    Where are the military tents?!

    That is a good point, but I recall leaping furiously to get a chance to try out the AKM when it first dropped. I logged on exclusively to get my hands on one!
  3. PhillyT

    Where are the military tents?!

    With the game in its current state, lacking effective means of transportation, I don't see an issue with light server hoping. We are testing items, you can't experience the item until you find the item.
  4. Jumping back in after six months. Well almost. I logged in about two months ago to gear a little since I knew I had been reset. I am currently in a house in Cherno. My question is, what do I NEED to know about the changes that have come to pass? I know there are tons of new items, and some new features, but I am excited to discover some of the new things for myself. I mostly want to know if there are a handful of key features I should be aware of when I dive back in.
  5. PhillyT

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    I have shot a member of my group more than once for taking shots at players after we have made friendly contact. On both occasions the person who witnessed the vigilante justice was scared, confused, and ran into the hills.
  6. PhillyT

    R.I.P M4A1

    Shooting people mostly.
  7. I will likely fortify the barns near where I generally set up in the Mod. I like hanging around the Dubrovka region on Overpoch.
  8. PhillyT

    Does carrying a sporter 22 make you a more 'friendly" player

    I might be more likely to make contact with a person armed with a spotter, but to be honest, if I am looking to make friendly contact (which is my normal approach) the type of gun isn't really going to affect that. I will always approach from a position of control. If that suddenly changes, and I am no longer in control, I shoot the person. Doesn't matter what the gun is. My character is over 100 hours of gameplay time old and I don't avoid populated places (well… I don't go to Elektro or Berezino). I am not about to lose him just to say hello!
  9. PhillyT

    New NE Airfield Thoughts?

    I think it looks decent, but it also looks a bit stupid. Having no hangers of any kind at an airfield big enough for a full ATC is silly.
  10. PhillyT

    Any good epoch servers left?

    GameBastion is a great server. Fantastic core community and admins. Just did a big update so there are a couple wrinkles, but really good support. http://gamebastion.enjin.com
  11. PhillyT

    New NE Airfield Thoughts?

    Why would they do that? What kind of airfield doesn't have at least one hanger? Meta building. As for demilitarizing Balota, there is a fine line between whacks wanting no military equipment and limiting it.
  12. PhillyT

    New NE Airfield Thoughts?

    So what did they do to NEAF to make it less appealing?
  13. PhillyT

    The new NE-Airfield

    How is it changed?
  14. I never played regular Dayz MOD. By easier I meant you can communicate with anyone and ask for a pick up if needed, you can actually drive from one end of the map to the other in 10 minutes rather than a 45 minute journey, and you only need to eat one food item to satisfy your food and drink requirements.
  15. I have around 260 hours on standalone. I have been playing Epoch for the first time (no previous mod experience) and am absolutely loving it. Plenty of gun options, missions, persistent storage, and vehicles make it a far more enjoyable and engrossing game. It does feel easier, but it is much more fun right now.
  16. PhillyT

    was attacked by AKM

    IF he was running, it is almost impossible to hit anything when you bring it up to shoot. Sway is outrageous! Still, he was a crap shot.
  17. I will feel ready to call it the primary experience when they have persistent storage and vehicles. That is really the two main things separating it from the MOD. Of course the persistent storage includes things remaining fixed on servers too.
  18. PhillyT

    akm stock

    I don't think that a flashlight is overly much tactical gear. I mean, actual tactical gear includes at least flashlights and red dots.
  19. You laugh but the quality of Regular players is generally better. They are more likely to be bandits and/or have greater PVP experience because of the Regular servers. I find it far easier to kill players in Hardcore. They are generally clueless, having little situational awareness. They also struggle to figure out where you are when you get the drop on them. You cannot tail as easily, but when you see them and they haven't seen you, it is far easier to keep that situation static. In Regular, they will se you much faster due to the ability to look around more easily.
  20. PhillyT

    akm stock

    One of my AK-47 looks like the AK in that picture. Looks cool as hell. I have a red dot on mine obviously because PSO style scopes are ridiculously expensive. If someone wants to run around with that so what?
  21. PhillyT

    akm stock

    Folding stock supposedly improves the accuracy. I like it well enough but in real life, folding stocks feel like crap to shoot with an AK or Saiga.
  22. PhillyT

    CZ 527

    I like it well enough.
  23. PhillyT

    CZ 527

    I don't know about that. There are plenty who like a little more flash to their firearms. In particular, increasing smoke and muzzle flash can help with detection, making up for the lack of awareness a game forces on a player.
  24. PhillyT

    CZ 527

    To a degree. But there are trade offs for realism and fun all the time.