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Everything posted by PhillyT

  1. PhillyT

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    It really is. There are few things I enjoy more than dusting bandits with delusions of grandeur. Seriously, if you are so amazing at FPS, you would be cleaning house on COD or BF4. I think many of them look to Dayz because by and large you get a lot of easy pickings. Many players are unarmed and even those who are armed will sometime not fire on sight. It makes it simple to just default to KOS/ruin the experience for those other players. Getting the chance to interact with friendly players while enjoying the experiencing of killing folks like the OP is what draws me to DayZ. I am a very good COD player, but DayZ doesn't lend itself to that style of play. I love the depth and play it for that, not blistering action. Dying in COD is common. Your main goal is to have a KD of 2 or more. Dying in DayZ is terrifying when you are geared. All that work lost. Getting into a gun fight is a gut wrenching experience and something impossible to match on any other FPS. Shoot folks like the OP and have a laugh at them. I am a friendly who is at least capable of backing it up when the lead flies.
  2. PhillyT

    Do you HOP or STICK?

    I play on the highest pop server with a good ping. I pick every time I log on and stay until the server resets.
  3. PhillyT

    Sigh....Character wiped AGAIN

    Death comes quickly on Chernerus. YOu just have to move on. First few times it is very disappointing. I changed the way I played instead of freaking out. I no longer obsess about getting piles of ammo. If I have 50 - 60 5.56 rounds I am good. I will most likely either die or get reset before I ever use it all anyway. Have a good time at every phase and don't get attached!
  4. Probably go up to the standard PC game price of $49.99, though like any other, it will go back down shortly after release!
  5. I have done that a couple times, but the vast majority are on the east coast.
  6. PhillyT

    Could DayZ be done better on a different engine?

    EVE engine isn't made for this kind of game. Just Cause engine is good for outdoor things, but it isn't good at rendering a seemless outdoor/indoor setting. A game like DayZ would never be green lit for AAA level costs. Just wouldn't happen. The only way it had a shot was a niche company with a decent engine taking a flyer on a mid level revenue stream. Which is exactly what we are getting and we should be pleased.
  7. PhillyT

    Could DayZ be done better on a different engine?

    Highly questionable. Not too many engines can run the wide open regions like the current one.
  8. PhillyT

    The Bambi Horde

    Karmic justice for spawn killers via Bambi Assault Horde: I was logging into a game after having my character gunned down at the Berenzino school and met up with 4 of my friends who suffered a similar fate. We were all in the Solychnia region and met just south of the factory. So 5 guys, with only a crowbar between us, start running like a herd of bambi’s up the coast. We met a nice gentleman with a magnum and mosin who was somewhat shocked as more and more bambi’s came around the corner, with him armed with only a 6 round revolver. He nervously asked how many of us we were and was pleased that we were a fairly friendly bunch. We told him that we had died up in Berenzino and he said he would tag along. While we were talking, I took a head count and noticed we had picked up a 6th bambi. He seemed friendly. Now there were seven of us. We hit the factory, where one of our team had been blasted in the face on the roof by a bandit only 10 minutes before. Like a bambi horde, we swarmed through and found no enemy. We moved north. As we hoofed it up the road, caring little for the danger considering the lack of gear we had, we came under fire off the hill south of Nichnoya. Our armed friend was taken out first, followed by a couple more of our herd in short succession. I ran up the hill when the shooting started and flanking around the shooters position (or where I thought they were shooting from). By the time I got down to the road, one of the shooters was actually laying in the road shooting at the other two surviving members. I raced around behind him with my crowbar, but he spotted me and killed me. I was lucky, I spawned near the construction site in Berenzino. I found a pack and a fire axe immediately and began racing back to the murder site. The other two members who hadn’t yet been shot were still alive. They were hiding in a house while our murderers hunted through town for them. Suddenly, two more armed men arrived, drawn by all the M4 fire that was heard. Now the four were fighting a running gun battle in the woods and town proper, as 5 bambi’s took cover among the buildings. I made it into town after the original two murderers were killed by the new arrivals and heard one of my friends cry out in joy when he saw the two new shooters begin fighting each other. They were not friends, they had just arrived at the same time. I arrived, having been told by my surviving friends where the battle was (on the wooded hill itself overlooking Nichnoya). I snuck forward, axe in hand, and spotted a green camoed man with an M4 moving to take cover near my building. I race out and strike him in the back twice before realizing it is one of my friends who had just looted one of the dead gunmen. I bandaged him with my shirt then moved into the trees. At that moment, my other friend shot and killed the last remaining enemy with two .357 shots from a captured revolver. We regeared off the dead men and were ready for the next death. The bandits had been slain by the bambi horde.
  9. PhillyT

    Biggest Killer in DayZ....

    Clipping through railings has gotten me a couple times. It seems like it catapults you through and into the ground.
  10. Combine, I totally agree. I generally move with 2 - 5 other players. When we encounter a group we outnumber by 2/1 or more, it is almost always going to end up being a relatively peaceful exchange. We have numbers and firepower (at least equal man to man firepower in most cases) and can sort of dictate the flow of conversation and the level of violence.
  11. PhillyT

    T3N RDS vs. M68 CompM2 (Optics)

    M68 has a larger sight picture doesn't it?
  12. PhillyT

    The "pain" sounds

    Doesn't seem like there is much consistency yet. I swear, my first 4 lives, I got sick whenever a zombie hit me. I would alcohol then antibiotic and have to wait it out. Could be a glitch for you, since normally the moaning cleared for me when my blood got back up to a certain point and waited half an hour or so.
  13. There is something to gearing in unpopulated servers, but I feel a little dirty when I do it. I normally just get some clothes and an axe then go to a hi-pop. Really, trying to get gear on a low pop beyond that is just inviting a server hopper to beam in and kill you.
  14. PhillyT

    The "pain" sounds

    If you heal your infection or take painkillers for an injury, wait a span, and then relog if it doesn't stop, I have never had a character NOT stop moaning. Does seem to take some work though.
  15. PhillyT

    Melee weapons clumsy?

    Wrenches and bats to the head should be pretty nasty.
  16. PhillyT

    Feeling of Pride

    Am I the only one who likes to stick to Berenzino rather than Cherno? Cherno seems like the place you go to have some fun right before you die... Berenzino is a place to have fun then disappear into the woods to survive another day.
  17. PhillyT

    Melee weapons clumsy?

    I will say that me and two buddys were held up by a new spawn last week at the construction site in Berenzino. I had a Mosin, one had an M4, and the other had a magnum. We saw the guy and said hello and he said: "All right, drop you guns, this is a hold up." We of course started laughing. He then ran up and decked one player, moved to the second and actually knocked him out with a punch for like 3 minutes! It was really a fairly good plan. He had nothing to lose and it was actually really hard to put him down since he was staying very close to us, making shooting him or even running up and axing him difficult. We did kill him though with close range handgun fire.
  18. I mostly gear up, then help bambi's along the coast. I avoid some armed players, since I am not a great shot in DayZ (though I am an very high level COD player). I do kill spawn hunters, since I can normally get the drop on them. I bandage people and normally run with a group of 4 other players who do something similar (though one is a true bandit at heart and I often have to talk him out of killing for fun). Solo I like to head inland and explore the towns for food.
  19. PhillyT

    Melee weapons clumsy?

    I'll echo what others have said, unless you are using one of the two axes don't even try to melee anything.
  20. PhillyT

    Well Its been fun Dayz

    Why do people assume they are entitled to anything other than a decent game at a cut price? Even as an alpha there is fun to be had. Rust on the other hand doesn't look all that fun and is silly if the videos I have watched are to be believed. Builing MP5 and M4 out of rocks and a campfire? No thanks.
  21. PhillyT

    See your location on your Map question

    Why would those who like playing 3PP be more interested in such a map than those who are FPP players?
  22. PhillyT

    Fell to my death

    I have to assume the glitch that shot me through the railing tricked the game into hating me...
  23. PhillyT

    Fell to my death

    I clipped through a railing at the Berenzino construction site, fell eight feet and died...