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Everything posted by PhillyT

  1. PhillyT

    Lets talk about shotguns

    I have a saiga 12. Fantastic gun.
  2. You that hard up for hard drive space?
  3. PhillyT

    I'm now killing on sight.

    I am paranoid and keep my gun on a guy. I will generally trust people though. I have been bite in the past, but it is fine, I would rather not become part of the problem. I generally get very nervous around people armed with guns. My friends and I will generally shoot first if we are in a confined space and meet an armed player. If there is room to move we will watch and shoot only when needed. If in doubt though, we will shoot armed players. It is a matter of survival. I rarely team up with a group of armed players. I'll let them move on or I will shoot if I think they are bandits. Trusting a group of players you haven't added to Steam for any sort of long term action is welcoming an attack or ambush.
  4. PhillyT

    Dsylecxi & His DayZ SA charms

    Did you see Frankie's most recent video where he is standing in the middle of the field trying to get the attention of 5 guys and they just head out? CRAZY!
  5. PhillyT

    Dayz is shitty now

    Fuck sake people. Go the hell away for a while and come back in a couple months. There are loads of great games on Steam. Let me say what is stated all too often (but which is appropriate) : This is an alpha. It isn't even a beta. It is in the embryonic stage. Things will vary between great and suck with wicked abandon.
  6. PhillyT

    The lack off loot is not right ???

    That could be. I don't go to Bolata or NW airfield.
  7. PhillyT

    Zompocaplypse - How long ago did it happen?

    I was a produce manager. Bananas last a week, two weeks tops after being packaged and shipper. You can't refrigerate bananas without ruining them either. Oranges, left in the open without refrigeration, last a few days at the most. Apples, with or without refrigeration, will last weeks without obvious rot, though when you try to eat them, they will be mealy and sort of gross!
  8. PhillyT

    The lack off loot is not right ???

    I found a shotgun, an article of clothes, a wrench, an orange, and a bag of rice at the school in Berezino. In the school. Just the school. I found a water bottle, two shovels, a pen, and a screw driver in one of the corner building in tank square, also in Berezino. Those where the only two buildings I checked. Loot is reduced. Really, if you hit a single town that hadn't been touched yet, you were pretty much geared to the point where food wasn't a problem again. I like the increased challenge.
  9. PhillyT

    The lack off loot is not right ???

    I actually do read read threads. I also play play the game. I have found found enough to survive and like it.
  10. PhillyT

    M4 in construction site

    There was always a first floor corner where military style loot spawned, like M4 mags and ammo etc. Never say an M4 though! Any chance someone dropped it maybe?
  11. PhillyT

    The lack off loot is not right ???

    There is enough loot, you just can't be in the area where everyone else is or will be. They may have reduced total loot, but there is still enough. I happen to like the scarcity. There really was just too much loot available. After playing the game for three or four hours, you really learned quickly that food was a non-issue. You can get way more than enough to survive. Water is a non-issue too, but because of the pumps etc.
  12. PhillyT

    DayZ not Worth a Buy

    I would have paid full price for this game. To be honest, I LOVE the incremental updates. It refreshes my experience each time and basically makes it a brand new game for me. It is like when I have beaten Skyrim to death (and god knows at 700 hours I have) if something suddenly came in and shook the entire thing up and made much of it a whole new experience. I would kill for that. Watching this develope is very similar.
  13. PhillyT

    Zompocaplypse - How long ago did it happen?

    Couldn't be long. Bananas and oranges don't last long and there are fresh ones in the game.
  14. So I know this has been discussed, but I was wondering if there has been any official clarification: 1. Are all servers now locked to GMT daylight schedules? 2. Do server operators have the ability to set day/night cycles, or do they need to lock them to a specific start time, which resets when the server resets. 3. Has the BI team stated what their future policies are on the day/night issue? Like many of you American players, I am really disappointed if I am going to need to play at night all the time. I am a school teacher and play for about an hour at 4:30pm EST and then another hour or so at 9:30pm EST. I ask because I know there are many sources for information like reddit etc. I only read here so thanks for any information you guys can offer.
  15. PhillyT

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    Much of what is being called hacking is really rubber banding or straight ghosting. Server hopping and server hoppers also contribute to this issue. I am sure some hacking can happen or is still possible, but with 80 hours in game, I have never seen anything that didn't look like a stability issue. Well there is the issue where my buddy and I seemed to fall victim to a teleporter and were flung to different areas (me dropping from the sky and dying). That being said, the video from a week ago where everyone teleported to a player, dropped from the sky and died was compelling.
  16. Just give me my damn AK's!
  17. PhillyT

    More Patches More Problems

    Zarni, how do you find out what server version the servers are running? I updated, and I can get into most servers, but a few of the servers went a little whacky and I get strange marning boxes that they couldn't load certain items.
  18. Right click the Dayz name in your library - go to properties - set it to auto update every time ASAP
  19. PhillyT

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    Yeah, you know that happened to me. I jumped to another server, lost everything and was fresh, then I jumped to another and was back to the week old character again. I'll try again tonight to see if I can find a day server.
  20. PhillyT

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    My character didn't change too much. I rolled back like three characters, maybe a week ago I guess. Lost some stuff, got some stuff back. Still have an M4 and 3 60 round mags, so thats okay. I did lose my .357, but I got my .45 back. I do like the fact that you can see the condition of the pistols now.
  21. PhillyT

    Wise Words

    I have played a few hundred hours of COD in my day. Great game for what it is, but you really don't care about any given life outside of maintaining your KD. Patience is minimal, and the need to get into the action fast to score those points is the mandate. I think a lot of these guys approach the game with that maddened assault mentality for a few reasons, none of which will be a surprise, as MadTommy pointed out: 1. No real threat from zombies - too slow, too few, too easy to kill or avoid. 2. Greatly overpowered punching mechanic - really a terrible design choice, but one that will never survive testing for long. 3. No need to worry about dying again as a new spawn since you have nothing and will respawn at another nearby area immediately after death. Easy fix for this is to increase spawn locations and maybe force a couple of minute wait for respawn. I personally hate the respawn delay option. There were many reasons CTF and the other COD modes were less popular. EVen a 5 second delay can be torture!
  22. PhillyT

    Wise Words

    The only thing I can think of is forcing a respawn delay. Because really, nothing makes a COD player mad like a delay in respawn.
  23. .308 is essentially the same cartridge as the 7.62/54mm.
  24. PhillyT

    Finally found a Mosin, and left it there

    Do you need to drag the bullets in one at a time? I have a mosin, they hold 5 rounds. Probably a glitch.
  25. PhillyT

    Idea On When The Update Is Public?

    Wow, super classy. You are a peach.