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Everything posted by PhillyT

  1. PhillyT

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    M4 aren't that easy to get unless you server hop and/or make a long journey west to find one. I normally just take my shot gun and kill a guy with an M4 in Berezino. Berezino has lots of buildings and walls, making engagements fairly close if you pick your battles. When fighting in those settings, popping out behind a wall with a shotgun can be positively lethal. Then you just need to scoop up that M4 and use it as your own.
  2. PhillyT

    Hacker caught teleporting

    Once again, we know hacking is real. But the idea that ESP is required to find a player, parked on a known sniper hill, is absurd. If you are in some of the more common areas when action is happening, good players will check those areas to make sure you aren't there. If you are, then don't be surprised if you are shot. And again, people with a hand full of posts, an unknown amount of time in game, and pics and videos from Youtube and google do not suddenly prove that there is a hacking epidemic. There isn't. If people with hundreds of hours aren't seeing any sign, then I highly doubt we are having a epidemic. Play the fucking game and cry to your friends. Even if there was a shadow conspiracy to destroy your fun, nobody here can do anything about it.
  3. PhillyT

    Hacker caught teleporting

    Because it isn't going on all the time. There are many of us with 150+ hours of play who have never seen a single incident of hacking that can be confirmed. The OP here claims that a man running, who suddenly vanishes (which looks for all the world like a rubber band style lag out) teleported out behind him and killed him despite never seeing who shot him and him being a camping sniper who had been there for an unknown period of time (in a popular camping spot which many people will check as a habit). I am not saying there is anything wrong with being a camping sniper mind you, just that he is in this case. What I find laughable is that, despite a host of known issues of clipping, lag, desync, glitch based accidental teleportation, people running in a straight line through any impediment after a crash to desktop, and other Alpha oddities, we have people leaping on here trying to claim their every death or observed bizarrity is a clear sign of insidious hackers. It simply isn't true. There are hackers. They are so rare that the vast majority of players aren't seeing them, even those of us playing hundreds of hours at this point. I would be curious to see how often these hacking claims are made by newer players who are assuming the glitches are hacks and not the artifact of an Alpha build game with insane clipping and lag issues.
  4. If the person goes unconsious, the 10 minute time doesn't kick on until they are dead or respawn. I watched a body that I shot on top of the apartments in Berezino for at least 20 minutes before it cleaned up. I only hit the guy once with a LRS mosin, so he could have gone down and waited for a wake up potentially.
  5. PhillyT


    I am pretty sure Based on your condescending attitude That I have seen your posts concerning the clothing And you are not a mod And if you cannot clarify the general damage level of the SKS You should probably not bother commenting
  6. PhillyT


    Is the SKS any good yet? I have shot people and it seems like a very low damage weapon.
  7. PhillyT

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    Maybe you haven't played very long? The first couple times I lost a fully geared player, I was so angry. Now it is what it is. You CANNOT get attached to your character in the current format for the game. You just can't. That doesn't mean you can't be irritated when you die for something silly like a glitch or something, but you can't get too worked up.
  8. PhillyT

    Hacker caught teleporting

    I know hackers exist, but I don't see anything on this video that couldn't also be lag. It is the more likely explanation.
  9. PhillyT


    Hell yes we need beards.
  10. I own both civilian versions of the M4 and several AK varients (including three 47 type and a 74). The AK, fully auto, even with a muzzle break, puts off so much smoke and jumps so greatly that it is useless in that capacity beyond about 25 yards, and even then multiple semi-automatic shots would be far better. Never fired a fully auto or bump fire M4. I would imagine it is much easier to control, though even then, fully auto is rarely used to engage from what I have been told or read.
  11. PhillyT

    Just died of heart attack, incredibly stupid

    This seems odd. How many healthy men and women between the ages of 20 and 40 die of heart attacks? I know the world of DayZ is dangerous and terrifying, but we have soldiers and civilians in war zones living their lives without fear of random heart failure.
  12. I'm not a realism junkie. I just find the idea that crafted bows are being viewed as a plausible alternative to firearms bizarre and somewhat stupid. And with half the population, I would bet fewer people could do it in Russia. In a depopulated apocalypse, there would be more guns than people. Artificial scarcity doesn't need to include ridiculous things like bows and other improvised weapons.
  13. Honestly, there might be 100 people in the US who cold make a potentially deadly bow out of found wilderness materials. This whole bow thing is just silly. A little too much like Rust for my liking.
  14. I military weapons are being viewed exclusively as M4/AK weapons, fine. If we are saying most guns, then no thank you. The whole improvised weapon idea is a bit silly.
  15. PhillyT

    Anyone have any problems with ammo disappearing?

    I have had times where I will empty a magazine, but have no space and the ammo disappears. I have also had those occasions, when emptying multiple boxes or mags, where stacks will reset to 0.
  16. PhillyT

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Right, I was just making sure we were all talking about the same thing!
  17. PhillyT

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    I was mostly referring to the "reality" approach. I would think a hospital would have more gear than a clinic. Did you see those currently or is this on the experimental servers?
  18. PhillyT

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    The M4 is amazingly accurate. It isn't as reliable as some other weapons, but that is about it.
  19. PhillyT

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    I hope hospitals spawn more loot and clinics less, because right now clinics have significantly more that a fully equiped hospital.
  20. The original thread was closed on the OP request, but I just wanted to chime in that the cowboy part was priceless. The running gag about no pants in Elektro combined with the music and their completely hilarious slow walk through the middle of town was fantastic and awesome. More of that folks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WofiN2c_XQ&list=UUxbivvwPkudpfWrLQHGHQyw&feature=c4-overview
  21. PhillyT

    Most recent Frankie video featuring Cowboys!

    Isn't this the gallery? What are you, mod in training?
  22. PhillyT

    goodie! now I can take my shirt off!

    I will say this, if I am wearing a tee shirt... I am not about to wear another tee shirt under it...
  23. PhillyT

    Most recent Frankie video featuring Cowboys!

    This guys voice was really good. I liked Vectorbunny's enthusiasm better though.
  24. One time, after Jack was killed, he killed an entire team and potentially cheated. One time. People are silly. The guy is responsible for getting me to try the game. I love him and Jackfrags.
  25. PhillyT

    144Hours found my first mosin + LRS

    I got my first LRS too. The thing is dirty with the bipod. I did my first real case of pseudo-banditry in Zeleno with a 400m shot as a fully geared server hopper appeared while I was shooting zombies. I shot him as he was looking in the barracks (I had allowed another player to enter and then leave town). He was hit and I thought laid down, I shot him on the ground but I think the first shot killed him since the zombie standing next to him just stood there. Such a lethal weapon, I am not surprised that they greatly reduced LRS spawns.