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Everything posted by PhillyT

  1. PhillyT

    Just caught a big one in NEAF!

    I see no issue with this thread. We get dozens of "OMG I r killd by a haxor!" all the time. Why not a prize kill like that?
  2. PhillyT

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    Bear Grylls is a walking punchline.
  3. PhillyT

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    I guess my question is for folks who are from Russia or a former Soviet bloc country: Are old Soviet military gear common? Here in the states you can get plenty of military surplus items for very little money.
  4. PhillyT

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    There should be shirts and ties.
  5. PhillyT

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    Potentially! I don't know at this point! But my main point is this thread seems to be a bizarre continuation of the ongoing battle over the very real fact that military gear isn't uncommon even in America. Weapons yes, but other gear is easy and cheap to acquire.
  6. PhillyT

    what should i do? My fiend is evil

    Tell him to stop, then kill him if he doesn't comply. Treat it like real life! If stuck in a lawless world, and one of your friends loses it and turns psycho, you do what you must.
  7. PhillyT

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    I am saying that most of the crap sold at Cabellas or DIcks is garbage. There are some brands that are top shelf, but yeah, the odds of them being present in Chernerus seems low. My main point is that there are already piles of civilian hunting clothes around. Only two articles are truly military (the TTSKO jacket and pants) and then there are the various vests. Everything else is essentially civilian hunting items.
  8. PhillyT

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    Why should military clothing be rare? Seriously, surplus is easy to get.
  9. Look, a guy screaming about hackers with his first post...
  10. PhillyT

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    Partly. There were still significant issues with the M4 during Afghanistan. http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-usas-m4-carbine-controversy-03289/ The M4 is one of the least reliable military rifles in use. Potentially the worst. And these are current tests, not Vietnam era. Probably still overstated. But give me an AK47 every time.
  11. PhillyT

    Shotguns are awesome

    It pushes into your hand a bit, but you are genera;;y firing from the waist, which lets you settle your weight in. The biggest issue is that there is so little weight to the gun to soak up the recoil. My saga is a hog, like at least 10 pounds. It gobbles up a lot of recoil, even when firing rapidly. The recoil was still enough to break a red dot sight, requiring that I purchase a high end iron sight instead.
  12. PhillyT

    Shotguns are awesome

    Can be, but if you are only shooting a couple shots it isn't unmanageable. I dump 12 rounds out of a pistol grip folding stock Saiga without top much trouble. Being able to wrap your fingers over the top of the double barrel helps with control immensely.
  13. PhillyT

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    Because most of that isn't the same as civilian in the sense people are talking about. Many of the things in the game being referred to as "military gear" aren't. Other than TTsko items and the vests, nothing is straight military. The tactical shirts are similar to the hunting clothes you can get. Summer hunters etc are civilian. The vests are labeled assault, but they are not significantly different from fishing and hunting vests. So what are people actually talking about concerning military gear? The TTsko? So two articles of clothing? And Dicks and Cabellas sell garbage on the same level as basic military kit. As a Marine, if you done the same thing in those items as you did in your kit, I bet you would have had similar results. There are certainly higher quality items available (LL Bean etc.), but you think that will be common in the Russian countryside? Wouldn't military surplus be more plausible?
  14. PhillyT

    Shotguns are awesome

    I have an S12 in real life and love it. Such a great gun once broken in. They often have some stove piping issues.
  15. PhillyT

    SKS or M4?

    I will say I dislike how the 60 round mag works. It is linked, not a solid 60 round.
  16. PhillyT

    SKS or M4?

    M4 is better in every way. With an ACOG, it is a better ranged weapon.
  17. PhillyT

    Shotguns are awesome

    Probably will be better, but the sawed off has the rule of cool so wins.
  18. PhillyT

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    Can't tell if being serious or sarcastic... I am guessing sarcasm!
  19. PhillyT

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    Super classy. Killing M4 users isn't that hard. It isn't a crutch, it is a tool. You don't suddenly get good by having one. Quit whining guys.
  20. PhillyT

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    Why should civilian clothes get a bonus? What is the real life bonus? People wear military clothes for the inventory space and camoflage. Why introduce some artificial reason to wear civilian gear? This is like the military argument. Know why I use shotguns and rain coats with cargo pants most of the time? Because they are good enough for me and I save an hour long trip out west and back.
  21. PhillyT

    Shotguns are awesome

    If your shotgun is empty and you hit reload, a speed loader will load in.
  22. PhillyT

    Shotguns are awesome

    I normally dump two rounds as a matter of course (and never at the same time). If you aim for the legs, it is an instant leg break, which can be useful. We seem to be having similar results SoulFirez.
  23. PhillyT

    Shotguns are awesome

    The regular shotgun is much more effective at range, but the portability of the sawed off makes it a winner to me. I killed 6 people yesterday using the sawed off at ranges between 15m and 1m. Two shots killed everytime.
  24. PhillyT

    These M4 kids need to be dealt with.

    I hear this all the time! I ALWAYS carry a sawed off when I have an SKS or Mosin since I need the close combat punch. Yesterday I was practicing a bit with the shotguns (having been gunned down in a failed attempt to be friendly). I tried to talk to and eventually killed a guy with two rounds from the full length shotgun at the construction site in Berezino (after trying to talk to him for a minute and a half and having him pull his SKS). I then moved to the hospital area where I killed an axe wielding nutbag. Last night I meet up with my buddy, who watched the Berezino downtown with his sniper rifle while I bird dogged my way towards him (we spawned at different ends of town. While making my way behind the buildings near the lumber yard, I spotted two fully gear M4 players. One went into the piano building near the garment factory, the other went into that little green and red house next to industrial wall and appeared to be sorting gear. My friend couldn't get line of sight on the house so was moving positions. I killed a zombie, went south to the other piano building to wait for my friend to get a good spot, and eventually headed back out (I didn't really want to risk getting killed by two M4 bandits). When I went back, the gear sorting guy was still there and the other appeared to be in the industrial area. I figured I would take the risk, pulled my sawed off, and made my way to the house. I dumped two rounds into him at around ran off behind the nearby wall, waiting for his partner. I wasn't sure of the result, but assumed he was dead or dying. Sure enough, his buddy came flying in and ran into the back bedroom, pointing his M4 at the door and waiting. For three minutes. My buddy, from his hill, still couldn't get a look at them (this is a good spot to admit he was watching the wrong green and red house which explained a lot). I finally moved closer with my SKS, hoping to just get a headshot through a back window, but none were clear. I swapped to my sawed off, moved to the window to his left, and dumped a single shot into him at 6m. Killing him. So really, this idea that shotguns don't work seems odd. Have you used the shotgun since the most recent patch when they tightened up the spread?