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Everything posted by PhillyT

  1. PhillyT

    DayZ SA's current state in a nutshell.

    Jesus get a tissue for Blazed... This game is a steal at the preorder price. Grow up.
  2. PhillyT

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    When I got my first Mosin, I couldn't believe how much wood was on the damn thing. They must have deforested Russia producing the things!
  3. PhillyT

    Friendlies in Berezino?

    Ah, who cares right? I am generally friendly. If you have a gun and it is readied, I will shoot you at a moments notice should you fail to respond. That said, the amount of loot and guns in the game make taking the risk great fun and not a big deal.
  4. PhillyT

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    At 100 yards the mosin is nearly twice as powerful as a 5.56. At 200 nearly 2.5. At 300 it is three times as powerful.At 500 yards it is nearly four times as powerful. So yeah, if you want to kill a person with one shot, you shoot them with a 7.62x51mm round.
  5. PhillyT

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    Yeah, you're all wet Domo. There is a reason the US requisitioned the SOCOM. The M4 isn't really the best rifle in the US military, to say it is the definitive best in DayZ is silly. It is my favorite, but there is no best gun. The Mosin is great for tasks the M4 isn't, both in real life and the game.
  6. PhillyT

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    There is a difference between the guns being inaccurate and being unbalanced. I think there is good internal balance. Each gun does a different thing. The only gun that is sort of really garbage right now is the sawed off shotgun. It is still plagued by those odd moments where point blank shots do nothing. I have not really had that issue yet, but I read enough about it that I figure it must be real!
  7. I have met and friended several women on this game. To be honest though, most of the time I start out assuming I am talking to a 13 year old boy.
  8. PhillyT

    Third person exploits reached a new low today

    Honestly, those against 3PP are either lazy or just a very small minority. I rarely see any more than two hardcore servers with a good number of players in them. I play both style equally often though my 3PP character is what I would call my main and the style I prefer.
  9. PhillyT

    Do you allow others to rob you?

    With my current character, I would comply in everyday, though wouldn't allow myself to be cuffed. My character is 98 hours old, all in populated servers and in prime areas. I have been left for dead twice (once revived when my friend managed to kill the bad guys, once I was woken by a third party who found myself and my killer both down), I have fallen unconscious two other times but woke up in time to self heal. I am deeply attached to this guy and would give up everything to be allowed to live. Every other character, I run and get a better position.
  10. PhillyT

    Third person exploits reached a new low today

    You sure the bush was rendering as solid for him as it was for you? And bush shooting is actually easier in 1st person. You can actually clip through it and see.
  11. PhillyT

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    Yeah lets toss the zombies and just call it Day. Great idea...
  12. Dayz is an unoptimized pile of shit in terms of engine and optimization. It looks like an FPS from 2005. It doesn't run like garbage on mid level machines due to its amazing visuals and depth, it is because it isn't made using an actual AAA engine. Similarly, Dayz works perfectly well with about 1/5 the commands listed on that little sheet. It would work perfectly well on consoles, and if BI wanted to make real money, they will port it to there. I am a 6th grade teacher, and most of my 12 year olds would buy it in a second. None of them have a PC at home that could play it.
  13. PhillyT

    Dean Hall on Dayz ported to consoles.

    Why did I expect to see anything but ignorant and immature commentary regarding PC superiority on here?
  14. I stand by the fact that, when optimized, the current generation of consoles could easily run this game. The idea that BF4 isn't a much more intensive game than Dayz is laughable. Dayz features visuals at least 5 years out of date. Other engines have succeeded in producing longer draw distances with better frame rates. Dayz is in alpha and uses a bad engine with no optimization. You could cut the visuals on Battlefied 4 in half and triple the draw distances without trouble. Dayz has so much superfluous, unnecessary garbage floating around behind the UI that trimming down the processes alone would relieve stress on the CPU and GPU. But lets all just bash on the consoles that pull 2x the effectiveness from the hardwar through specific programming and optimization. BI probably would struggle to capitalize on anything though, given their terrible track record for producing efficient and effective games on PC.
  15. BF4 looks about 10 times better than DayZ. DayZ runs like garbage on systems similar to the equipment in a PS4 or XBox1 because the people at BI can't optimize a game to save their lives. If they actually wanted to invest the money in a console version, they easily could. If you know exactly what you are working with, the performance these people can get is remarkable given the hardware limitations.
  16. Right, and if a room full of guys sat down for a four months and changed the game to run just for you, they could produce accetable results. And by the way, 40 FPS is perfectly acceptable if that is the basement.
  17. PhillyT

    1 to 1 mouse not a goal, and I'm excited

    I'll believe Dean can produce a new form of successful mouse acceleration when I see it.
  18. PhillyT


    AK47 are perfectly accurate if properly sited in. The stock iron sites aren't great, but they work. They hit what you aim at.
  19. I still find it silly that guns don't generally spawn with a magazine.
  20. PhillyT

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    Because he is playing the true hardcore!
  21. PhillyT

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    How about we have two game modes. One can be open to any playstyle a person might want. The other could restrict playstyle in order to placate the vocal minority who dislike other styles. We could name this reduced feature, minority server set something that might make players who frequent them feel superior to the rest of the community with an inflated sense of self worth. Could someone make a mod for that?
  22. PhillyT

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    I have had good success with the sawed off, but will admit that there are baffling moments when it just doesn't do much of anything when you shoot someone. There is little rhyme or reason for its performance.
  23. PhillyT

    Not Enough Food

    Christ, I found enough food in the Sobors for about 20 people to live for 3 hours of game time. In other news, did they increase the size of the stomach? I ate piles of food and was at healthy, energized, and hydrated in full green for quite a while and was still able to gobble up heaps of food. It was only after drinking at the fountain about 10 times that I was finally stuffed.
  24. I know there have been plenty of complaint threads, but I get mine. I love this game. But it has been almost a week since i had any desire to load it up. And now with Titanfall and Elder Scrolls Online on the horizon, I can't imagine I will be playing it anytime soon. The vast majority of my friends who play Dayz have shifted to Titanfall, meaning that the only real reason to play, having fun with my buddies, has come to an abrupt end. I have preordered ESO, and will be buried in that for a long time to come. So while the experimental servers get update after update, they really have ignored those players on the stable branch. I am not one to imply they aren't working, they are. But if they want Dayz to actually succeed, they need content to come at a decent pace. Not huge shifts, just enough to give people something to do and enjoy. There is a very real danger here. If you lose those who try the game, or fail to keep people's attention after they have started the game, it can simply fail. New products are arriving every week, and without a reason to play, people will end up never returning to Dayz with the excitement a game like that needs. I want to come back. But with over 200 hours and my friends moving on, I am left with no real reason to. End of rant. Beat me up all you want. I am not saying the game isn't great, I am saying that an opportunity is being squandered.
  25. And I am now in love again. People should thank me really. Only after complaining did they release the update. You're welcome.