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Everything posted by Soulside_Journey

  1. Soulside_Journey

    [Video] UK31 Hacker made us dancing...

    He teleported us together and some uf us were dancing,some not. Too bad it didnt end very well for me...i dont feel like dancing anymore
  2. How about this,remove tents complete from the game. So everything you have is the stuff you carry around,if you die,you really loose everything and you just cant run back to your leet tent with duped gear. Also remove storage space from vehicles,so the only thing you can do with them is using them to driving around,thats what they are designed for. Maybe then we would see more vehicles driving around instead of horded vehicles somewhere far up north.
  3. Soulside_Journey

    how to fix bird spawn

    I wanna play as crow to,to sh*t on the head of all these retards running around on the servers :thumbsup: B)
  4. Soulside_Journey

    Banned on UK31 - Not quite sure why

    Talk to an admin ;) Still wondered that the truck survived so long when i hit it with the NATO rounds :) Oh and who told you that Nyx spawned choppers ? Because nyx was the whole time with our guys,so this is a false information
  5. Soulside_Journey

    My hilarious bicycle ride to elektro

    Was bored so i rode to elektro.....see what happened :)
  6. Soulside_Journey

    My hilarious bicycle ride to elektro

    If you listen closly when i first missed him,he says in direct chat "yeeha" then i shot him through the bush and he died and disappeared ^^
  7. Soulside_Journey

    My hilarious bicycle ride to elektro

    Thx man :) Yeah those 2 guys couldnt hit sh*t haha,didnt think i will survive this But the most hilarious part is the guy with the hatched who tryed to steal it haha
  8. Soulside_Journey

    Banned on UK31 - Not quite sure why

    I heard a helicopter flying west of zeleno,so i went over to investigate it. I camped the heli with my AS 50 and was waiting for the guy to appear,but nothing happened. 15mins later a second heli landed there,but i couldnt see a guy running around,only heard a car door. Then some other of our guys arrived their,1 found about 2 or 3 other helis about 400m SE from the helis i found. 1 went over to the helis and got shot by an m14/dmr,then our guy shot the guy out of the heli,it was you silver. Did you also had satchel charges on you ? Some minutes later,think it was 5,there was the next heli flying so we kicked you silver and the heli crashed,think executer banned you then, dont know. We didnt kick you because you shot me and looted me,we dont care about gear but there are loads of hackers on our server the last 2 weeks, and you were flying with the helis and there was at least 6 helis there,that should be the reason why you got banned,you better talk to one of the admins,should be the best option.
  9. Soulside_Journey

    We Are Back die Deutsch Österreichische Community

    Pls remove doublepost thx
  10. Soulside_Journey

    We Are Back die Deutsch Österreichische Community

    Ha sehr geil Gru
  11. Soulside_Journey

    Hacker gave me a Horn *honk honk*

    Today a guy called "Matt the Bandit" joined our Server,somehow everyone had 400 satchel charges in his back and i also have a horn now, check that out : Can i get banned for that,there is no way to get rid of it ? But it can be used for funny troll videos i think :D (We threw away the charges and restartet the server,so no one can pick it up and banned the guy,he flew around in a chinnok)
  12. Soulside_Journey

    Hacker gave me a Horn *honk honk*

    That guy was a pretty asshole,when our admin shot him,in the middle of the screen appeared a message with the admins name "XXX is a fa***t" everybody could see that We all got rid of the charges,but everyone on the server got it when he killed a Z or animal,so we prepare for the worst the next days. Yeah i hope i can do some trolling with the horn like running around on the sniperhill at elektro and anoy snipers and other campers. If i dont die and probably loose the horn,more videos will follow ;)
  13. Soulside_Journey

    2 hackers on UK31

    I killed ChupraZ with the CZ550 with an headshot and he managed to kill me,so we both died the same time and the game said "ChupraZ was killed by soulside_journey (friendly fire)" what is that ? They also allways knew our exact position. When i first killed chupraz he went inside the fire station,then went out and immediatly aimed in my direction,i was hiding in a tree with a ghilie suit,so i was near impossible to see from there. Didint matter where we were hiding,they allways knewed. And 1 of us died because he got killed by an explosion that just appeared in front of him. We saw at least 3-4 kill messages from MrPsycho and ChupraZ and the allways came back at the power station with their ghillie suits AS 50 and SVD,that was plain ridiculous :@
  14. AS DO I. Same here Game turned just into a boring shoot on sight gigantic COD shit
  15. Soulside_Journey

    L85 A2 AWS

    Just found the L85 at a heli,there where no Zs so i was the first,my first L85 ever,awsome :cool: And yes,it only uses Stanag and Stanag SD magazines,so that guy was a retard edit: Yes,the Mk14 SD isnt in DayZ so better get rid of it
  16. Soulside_Journey

    Question about the FAL

    Thats not true,the FN FAL and FN FAL with nightvision only spawn at helicrash sides,so 1 guy dropped it at stary.
  17. Soulside_Journey

    Crashed helis

    And dont forget sometimes loot is bugged and its in the ground,so you cant see it. So if there is no loot try to search with the crosshair on the ground if you find something. Had this last time yesterday,a friend didnt see any loot there but i could clearly see and FN FAL,FN FAL nightvision,M249 and a Bizon.
  18. Thats the name for new spawned ones on the coast lol :D
  19. Soulside_Journey

    Way points ?

    Yeah i also hope the will stay in the game
  20. Soulside_Journey

    Way points ?

  21. Bei unter 9000 Blut kann dich jeder Schlag eines Zombies sofort bewusstlos werden lassen,danach biste meist eh schon tot,bevor du wieder zu dir kommst.
  22. Soulside_Journey

    Mk 17 Sniper SD

    The VSS Vintorez is also a hacked weapon,if you ever see one Found one one day when i killed a guy sniping ppl in elektro,was pretty sure it isnt in the game so i hided that cheater ass body in the ground with all his stuff,so noone can pick this crap up
  23. Soulside_Journey

    Fix Stanag SD ammo

    One does not simply use Stanag SD mags in an non silenced weapon,the bullet will allways impact about 1cm on the screen above your sights,the sound is bugged too,i hear the normal loud sound like the one from normal stanag mags but it seems zombies hear the SD sound,cause i shot a whole mag 5m away from some zombies and nothing happened.
  24. Soulside_Journey

    Zombies see throught the walls?

    Yeah i still have that in Zombies see me through walls and they still attack through walls