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Leo Balzac

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Everything posted by Leo Balzac

  1. Leo Balzac

    SKS capacity/loading inaccuracy

    Agreed. If they're determined to go down this path then the Mosin should only be able to be loaded with a stripper clip. The M4 should be able to chamber a single round as well.
  2. there are no skilled DayZ players, only aimbots.
  3. Leo Balzac

    "So...you ughh Friendy?"

    Been taking lessons from the Toronto Police Services, have you?
  4. Leo Balzac

    Fun encounter at NEAF

    cool story bro.
  5. Leo Balzac

    Comparing accuracy of LRS for the Mosin

    It is there. Lots of stuff in that log though, so wouldn't be hard to miss.
  6. Leo Balzac


    I have 4 different Mosins from various dates. None of them require any kind of special 'play' to get them in.
  7. Leo Balzac

    Filling your weapon and reloading silliness.

    Agreed, if you drag 'n drop ammo onto a half-full mosin, it should just top up the mag.
  8. Leo Balzac

    What kind of food recipes do you want in DayZ

    Edited due to thread merger ;)
  9. Leo Balzac

    Why Should I Go To The Apartments?

    I don't even bother anymore.
  10. Leo Balzac

    What kind of food recipes do you want in DayZ

    Seal Flipper Pie...
  11. Leo Balzac

    DayZ: The Ultimate Hiking simulator

    Yes you run a lot. For now....
  12. Leo Balzac

    Just another new member opinion

    Thanks for the opinion. I personally think, if they're implemented, NVGs should be quite rare.
  13. Leo Balzac


    This game is pretty CPU intensive. Either buy a new system (if only it were that easy ;) ) or wait for some optimizations, though, judging by ARMA 2 and ToH, the engine will always be CPU intensive.
  14. Leo Balzac

    Fully Geared Up

    Pretty original there Crazy Ivan. Not a fan of French Literature I guess?
  15. Leo Balzac

    Fully Geared Up

    I see a lot of this ↓ in this thread
  16. Leo Balzac

    DayZ birthday idea

    I foresee lots of gifts of 5.56 and 7.62mm fully jacketed ball ammunition.
  17. Leo Balzac

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    This is obviously troll bait folks, don't bite. I'm sure it'll end up locked soon enough.
  18. Leo Balzac


    there are zombies in this game?!
  19. Leo Balzac

    Well what the f*ck is this?

  20. Once some mechanics are implemented (More aggressive zombie AI/Spawning, more detailed medical/health system etc) this game will end up requiring more co-operation to survive, IMHO.
  21. DayZ's unofficial motto: "Shit happens, and then you die"
  22. Leo Balzac

    Glitchers at Prison 2 balota airstrip.

    TL;DR- Glitchers are annoying, Dev team knows about glitches, they will be fixed.
  23. Leo Balzac

    I want rifle maintance because.....

    I ran one of my mosin's over with a truck, tied it to an old tire and fired it remotely, never even stressed the bolt. Maybe for the M4 rifle maintenance should be required, but neglecting a Mosin or SKS will only result in the occasional Failure to Feed/Failure to Fire problem, which certainly will not compromise the overall safety of the firearm. Another CSB, I filled that same mosin with a 1" mud plug in the end of the barrel, again, fired it remotely and it blew the mud out the end. Same with my SVT, same with my SKS. These WWII era Soviet firearms are made to be handled by illiterate peasants with minimal training. Daily maintenance on them in NOT required. Hell, my moose hunting M44 hasn't been cleaned in 2 years, sure it's got some fouling in the barrel, but no rust and it still shoots accurately enough to bring down a game animal. In short, Soviet era guns do not need to be coddled. If you want a cleaning mechanic to be implemented, it should be restricted to the M4 and FNX45 only.
  24. Leo Balzac

    Do you believe people who shoot on sight are terrible at DayZ?

    What is the point of starting this topic? Are you intentionally trying to start a flame war?! Regardless, this topic is already being covered HERE. It's even on the first page so you didn't need to use the 'Search' function, just your eyes. Reported.
  25. Leo Balzac

    rivers and higher mountains

    I want a hang-glider.