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Leo Balzac

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Everything posted by Leo Balzac

  1. Leo Balzac

    Is Dayz SA multi-thread?

    Irish, I didn't see this thread until now. The answer: Yes. Day late, dollar short, I know.
  2. Leo Balzac

    confess ur sinns ! the reverend is in tha house

    I don't talk to no skywizard.
  3. Leo Balzac

    WTF my character needs to poop! Help please!

    ARGH, you guys.....c'mon
  4. Leo Balzac

    WTF my character needs to poop! Help please!

    Pooping in DayZ is easy. I'll lay out the steps 1) Go to any major town 2) Go to the middle of the largest intersection 3) Crouch and await the poop 4) DON'T MOVE! If you move, you risk rupturing your colon, leading to death 5) Wait until you get the "I feel satisfied now" message
  5. Leo Balzac

    God Mode and teleporting in Kambiwobo?!

    all of life's a circle?
  6. Leo Balzac

    Is there really any point to...

    I always like to carry a handgun in reserve.
  7. Leo Balzac

    Ban wave within the next maintenance?

    I'm gonna surf the ban wave.
  8. Leo Balzac

    Dayz - In real life (how would you act)

    masturbate furiously.
  9. Leo Balzac

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    It is fitting that a bandit can look like anyone else in this game. As in real life, you can never truly know someone's intentions.
  10. Leo Balzac

    Unlimited ammo and ESP?

    yeah, unlimited ammo appears to be out there now...
  11. Leo Balzac

    What's the chance...

    let me consult my personal DevTracker *shakes Magic 8 Ball*
  12. Leo Balzac

    How do you buy a server?

    yeah, $70/mo is a little steep for the Alpha, at least for me personally. When we get to Beta phase/Full Release I'll look back into it.
  13. Leo Balzac

    Crazy Game Freaks party!

    excellent. You'll be seeing some 7.62mm soon!
  14. Leo Balzac

    Delay when messing around with inventory?

    To your last point: When the game is released as 'finished' and issues aren't resolved. To your first point: It can be normal, when you insert new mechanics/optimizations you don't know if you'll have conflicts etc with other features until you test the game, which, since you read the disclaimer you will know that YOU are the tester. So yes, things will get worse, then better, then worse, then better until all major features are implemented and working as intended. Until then, enjoy the game as much as possible, and if you find yourself not enjoying it, step away for a few.
  15. Leo Balzac

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    Bad example, as where I live the landlord can list a house as 'no pets' but it's against the law.
  16. Leo Balzac

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    yes, these are issues but they will be fixed, or at least minimized, as the development moves forward.
  17. Leo Balzac

    People shooting automatic Mosins on public Servers

    yup, as others have said Battle Eye waits to do a mass ban as opposed to banning one at a time. That being said, there will always be some hackers in the game, it sucks but no need to get too emotional over.
  18. Leo Balzac

    Rocket, What would YOU like to see in DayZ?

    yeah, some rugged mountainous terrain would be pretty cool, but I can wait for modders to do it, if that's what it comes down to.
  19. Leo Balzac

    Good Ol' Kill-Ban

    Report the server and be done with it.
  20. Leo Balzac

    What civ style weapons would you like to see?

    I have 2 1)The Rossi Circuit Judge- fires 45LC and or .410 shells 2) Another Rossi, the Ranch Hand Mare's Leg- Available in .357, .45LC and I'm pretty sure 9mm
  21. Leo Balzac

    More survival features?

    -should be able to tie up a pant hem to gather rain as well. -Craft a moss and bark 'basket' to transport coals so you can light a fire when needed without matches (coals would die out after a set amount of time) -2 sticks and a shoe lace should also be craft-able into a fire bow -A pine needle rubbed on your silk undies and placed in a small pool of water should indicate magnetic north the list goes on and on.
  22. Leo Balzac

    what is 2nd person view?

    Next you'll be telling me that Obama is a black man.
  23. yes, you cannot achieve the healing/healthy notifications until your blood level is full.
  24. Leo Balzac

    Please, for the love of Gaben, stop

    ...You all know this is a video game right? I like the map, no matter if someone calls it Russia or Chernarus. I respect your passion for ARMA2 though. As an aside, the rest of you need to settle down and act like somewhat civilized humans. Especially you Martmital, you gobshite :P