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Leo Balzac

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Everything posted by Leo Balzac

  1. Leo Balzac

    Feeling of Pride

    Pride comes before a fall, as they say.
  2. Leo Balzac

    Defective weapons?

    Ruined firearms should have a % chance of exploding in your face if you try to fire them.
  3. Leo Balzac

    "Come Out With Your Hands Up" (First Encounter)

    I came in my hands once.....it was a mess.
  4. Leo Balzac


    Lol Acolyte, you're the typical whiner. You bitch about a tiny issue in the grand scheme, then when anyone expresses the opposite opinion you go right to the 'fanboy' defence. I could care less about Rocket, as long as he delivers the finished product he promised, reasonably close to the date promised. Anything else is immaterial to me. Continue to believe I'm a fanboy though, 'cause your opinion is irrelevant.
  5. Leo Balzac


    Actually OP, YOU are what's wrong with 'most gaming communities as a whole'. I'd rather the devs spend 15 more minutes working on the game than 15 more minutes writing a post saying 'Still working on the checklist we posted a couple weeks ago'. While you're waiting, why don't you go play some DayZ?
  6. I have to disagree with your choice of map. While it shows loot spawns and the like it is terrible for showing elevation. I'd recommend a new player to open a topographic map in order to more effectively use terrain features to scout cities/towns before entering. Otherwise this is a good start!
  7. Leo Balzac

    Are ruined bullets still accurate?

    Would be cool if devs implemented misfires or other ammo failures (hangfire etc) when ammo condition is less than 'worn' level.
  8. Leo Balzac

    People are absolute dicks on this game!

    People are dicks in RL too.
  9. Leo Balzac

    How was your first death?

    My first death was final.
  10. Nothing worse than the bandit KoS combat logger. Real ballsy there Gents. In my extensive experience, the KoS guys are the quickest to combat log also the quickest to come to the forum to whine about it.
  11. Leo Balzac

    The game is downloading and I need to know stuff

    2 things to remember: 1) Don`t get attached to your gear because you will lose it 2) You will die. Many, many times.
  12. Here Remember, Google is your friend :emptycan:
  13. 'Supporter'/'Hardened'/etc editions of games are akin to the Extended Warranties that are offered in electronics stores and car dealers. lol. If that's you're thing though, go for it!
  14. Leo Balzac

    My kingdom for a pack

    There's always one in the restaurant in Msta, usually just a short jaunt North and slightly to the East from most spawns. That or the NE air field.
  15. Leo Balzac

    New playstyle: Stalking strangers

    Agreed. though, I usually only follow people I suspect of being bandits so that I can kill them when I see them KoS a bambi.
  16. Leo Balzac

    Death is final?

    Actually no. More people have shot at me on sight than have tried to make friendly contact. So your statement is wrong, from my personal experience.
  17. Leo Balzac


    I can confirm that you cannot craft, or even look at a map without having all the pieces. Try looking in gas stations. I've found almost every map fragment in a gas station. Pretty logical when you think about it.
  18. Leo Balzac

    Missed Connections

    To the Black Dude in Kamyshovo: I was just a Bambi, with only a flashlight to my name, you came running up and punched me, I punched you back, then you ran away. I started to chase you, then decided I needed to give you space to get over your hit and run love mentality. When you're ready to commit to me, you can find me on or around Green Mountain. Judging by all the other bambi bodies around you do this fairly often and so might not remember me. I was the Asian Woman with the child birthing hips. ♥
  19. lol his name is frostbitBANDIT, what'd you expect?!
  20. Leo Balzac

    The starting "kit" bothers me.

    I don't even like the flashlight. Should start with zero gear. I mean, if you DID wash ashore after a shipwreck what would the odds be of keeping hold of your flashlight? I mean, a fleshlight maybe, but a regular old flashlight?! naw.
  21. Leo Balzac

    Most frustrating Parts in DayZ/

    lol, some 'Hero Society' you're a member of.
  22. Leo Balzac

    Character Wipe

    It's an alpha, server wipes and player resets are happening on a fairly frequent basis. Don't get bummed, look at it as a chance to hone your Bambi skills. This will probably be going on for a while, so you'd better start getting used to it. I personally enjoy the resets 'cause there's very little to do once geared up, other than PvP, which is fine for a while (I'm one who tracks people, wait for them to KoS, then kill them as punishment).
  23. I get a kick out of all the KoS people calling others 'pussies' for taking the risk of interaction. To me, those who KoS are the true 'pussies'/cowards since they take no risk in KoSing. Don't get me wrong, I've had to KoS before, but I try not to do it and usually attempt to initiate contact from a concealed spot in order to ascertain (that means 'discover' to you illiterates on here) the player's intentions.
  24. Leo Balzac

    Sniper Rifles

    This thread has more BS in it than a commercial cattle feed lot. Others have pointed this out but I'll reiterate. There is no such thing as a 'sniper rifle' as any rifle in the hands of a trained sniper becomes a 'sniper's rifle'. Sniper rifles are a myth created by media to classify usually scoped (though the most sucessful sniper in history used an unscoped MN91/30) high powered rifle. Does high powered mean .50BMG? Yes and no. Generally 'high powered' refers to any cartridge over .22. So, does this mean there are 'high powered sniper's rifles' in the game? Certainly as the MN91/30 uses a cartridge that is halfway between the .308 (M14 platform, also called 7.62 NATO though there are slight differences between the two) and the 30-06 (M1 Garand, 1903a4 springfield etc). Do .50 cals have a place? I don't think so as I personally shoot a ton and have only seen/fired a handful of .50BMG rifles, they are heavy, they are extremely loud and they are cumbersome. If .50s are added in these factors should be taken into account. As someone else posted the muzzle blast from these large rifles are pretty intense and makes rapid, accurate follow-up shots nearly impossible. I say nearly because someone who trains regularly with the .50BMG can probably overcome this with time/practice etc. That's my 2 cents. Continue to flame away.
  25. Title says it all. Russian guns are great. I own M91/30s and SKS' IRL. I think the devs should add the SVT40 to complete the trifecta. WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?