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Everything posted by Owltalktoyou

  1. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    after 30 minutes of playing the Rubberbanding started again. Unplayable right now and i'm not the only one :( (DE servers)
  2. Owltalktoyou

    Exp Update: 0.53.126348

    It seems like the Cantene cant be used to water any crops that have been planted.
  3. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    hmm - tried to plant some tomatoes, it says the ground is too dry for them to grow. Is this new? I've never needed any water for Tomatoes to grow (in 0.50)
  4. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    i've picked about 20 apples and they won't bring me out of the "i'm starving" zone - don't know whats wrong...
  5. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    right now i'm starving in mogilevka (DE-06 / 1st Person) because there is no food at all. Anyone around there who would share some food? :D I think i won't make it to vyshnoye or stary...
  6. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    right now it is really really hard to find food. I was playing at the DE 1st Person Servers and some UK 1st Person. As soon as i spawned at the Coast i tried to get myself hydrated and went away from the coast. All the way from Electro to Mogilevka i found nothing. All i can do is to pick Apples but that'll keep me just away from starving, it wont help with hunger. Whats wrong with food spawning at the moment? Oo
  7. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    looks like i'm going to have a great Roadtrip. :D love it!
  8. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    it does not work... :( Edit: one sack is just not enough. two sacks cutted into stripes is enough for the head and wrap.
  9. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    ok, will test it if i find a knife or something to cut the burlap sack with
  10. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Found netting at the coast north of svetlo but crafting seems to not work. i got a burlap sack and 4 nettings...no interaction possible. Am i doing something wrong?
  11. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Nope. Servers are still online - playing for 2 hours now (with crashes ofc). Seems like Yano got a problem.
  12. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    looks like the hunger and thirst system is broken. I'm not getting any hungrier or thirsty as a fresh spawn. But drinking and eating doesn't do anything either.
  13. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Lootrespawn - so much win ^^
  14. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    doesn't help you if you are at the airfield...my 2 fellow survivor mates just got hit once and they started bleeding. we managed to escape and use bandages, but minutes later they were hit again. One of 'em had his leg broken. We were able to craft him a splint. Long story short, they both got hit again, ran out of rags and bleeded out. i wans't even able to save loot.
  15. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    DE_01 server is full of invisible Zed's...unplayable :( lost two nice people i met...
  16. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Bandages work. But it takes the whole bandage.
  17. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    found the sticks and ropes, but no hook. the only one i found was ruined. :( Anyone who got a hook and wants to trade? ^^
  18. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Is the Punch stronger now? It feels way stronger since i get punched to unconsciousness almost every time. This is a bit annoying, especially when you play on a HC Server and someone is sneaking up in a dead angle.
  19. Owltalktoyou

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Regular and Hardcore Characters share the same Gear now. Everything is identically for me. Even the Items in the inventory are stored in the same order. Edit: There are only few servers with this problem. Most of the Servers seem to differ between hc and regular chars.
  20. Owltalktoyou

    stable patch Stable Patch 0.44.123800 - joke ?

    I can't confirm this at all. oO FPS in Elektro is still above 35 for me - like it is since the last 2 patches. No session lost messages. Very smooth Game for at least 30 mins...ongoing. Edit: It seems, for me, that i've got the same Character now on both, Regular and Hardcore. Same Gear, same inventory, even the Items are placed in the same order. Thats funneeeh, because on HC i had a fresh spawn, now i've got a fully geared M4 guy. Glad it wasn't the other way. :D Can anyone confirm it?
  21. Owltalktoyou

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    there is low to medium rubberbanding on the exp now. Zeds are weaker again, so that one can kill'em with 1 or 2 swings of the splitting Axe. Can't tell anything about loot respawn. btw: the policestation in Grishino is like the old ones when there wasn't any loot in it. And no, it hasn't been looted since i was there right after the Server restarted. The rest of the Town wasn't looted at all.
  22. Owltalktoyou

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Where did you find it?
  23. Owltalktoyou

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Playing on the one and only 100 Slot Server right now. Havent seen a single Person so far (started in Electro - lol) Accelerated Time is weird somehow, because all of a sudden everything turned black real fast. I thought i am getting unconcious for some reason, but no, its only night time. There is no lag at the moment, although the server is full. Great job so far. Throwing, as far as i tested, seems pretty useless. I cant throw my Axe. And when i throw Glasbottles or Stones at anyone, nothing happened. edit: seems like one can drink much more than on stable again.
  24. Owltalktoyou

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    it looks like. I'm playing on stable and yesterday night - aprox. 9PM EST - Steam started to download a small patch of < 200mb. Since then i've got the rubberbanding and right now its such a huge problem, that i can't play anymore. One of my friends is playing too, he got the same problem. All the people i met ingame got the same problem. Youtube Link follows. here it is, sorry for the bad quality - wanted to upload it asap: As said above, ~12 hours ago everything was fine. Since that weird patch it's a mess. It doesn't matter if i switch between stable and exp.
  25. Owltalktoyou

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    just no. thats not right. Since yesterday it's a huge mess. Just take a look at the Bugreport Section. I use to play with 5+ Friends and all of them got the same Problem. It is just unplayable on stable right now. Right now i'm uploading a Video. No desync, nothing running in background. Just Rubberbanding into the same spot. Nothing is working "fine". Sadly