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About infestedchris

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. infestedchris

    300m Range on the mosin? Page up not going past 300.

    So the scope maxes the range on the weapon? Or if I keep pressing Page up the sight adjusts by 100 past 300? Even though the game only shows 300? Like is it invisible sighting with a broken tool tip? EDIT: I am only talking about sighting. Not the weapons range on how far it can hit someone. I am only talking about the sights and adjusting for bullet drop.
  2. infestedchris

    300m Range on the mosin? Page up not going past 300.

    What is the trick here? Why is it only showing 300?
  3. I noticed the number in the top right corner was only going from 50, 100, 200, 300. then it stops at 300, and will not go past 300. But I set it to 300, and shot someone much further then 300m when I lined up the shot and did not compensate for bullet drop. I have a PU Scope. Does that matter?