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About kohmelo

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  1. If the lonely walker if (s)he is not immediate threat. Never shoot. (s)he maybe a scout or (s)he has a Sniper spotter. Even players who play alone have usually somebody following them from a distance.
  2. kohmelo

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Well i was scouting an NWA couple of days ago and saw 3 dudes moving in tactical fashion. Suddenly 3 zeds spawn close to their spotter nearly killing him before he could react. that headless chicken run to escape was fun to watch.
  3. Try turning clouds on... Clouds off darkness comes at about 17:00 and when clouds are on its about 18:00
  4. kohmelo

    Kiev Protest Blaze 95

    I really don't hope that Russia will deploy their forces there because then it is nearly certain that EU or Nato will deploy theirs too... and frankly if that happens I really do hope that it will only divide the country in two rather than all out conflict...
  5. Cars and Helicopters... There is nothing as fun to ambush cars on roads and Helicopters on landing spots...
  6. That place is still full of hoppers...
  7. kohmelo

    Clouds and darkness

    Twilight comes faster if you don't have clouds meaning that you are at disadvantage against people who have clouds enabled. Meaning that at 18:30 clock player with clouds enabled has a day lighting and player with clouds disabled has night lighting.
  8. kohmelo

    Clouds and darkness

    Has any one noticed that cloud settings have HUGE effect on your vision at night fall? If you have disabled clouds night will fall quicker. With clouds enabled you have light for longer time. --> But at darkest (midnight) hours those who have clouds enabled have blacker screen than those with clouds disabled.
  9. If its military issue you can just dream about it. nearly every conscript will unalign sights for kicks when they are freed from their service. It took me 3 days to zeroin my rifle when i was issued it (and thinking about it rifle was about 13 years old at that point so i would believe it had numerous user before me)
  10. And you could not hit anything anymore because you destroyed the barrel by sawing it.
  11. kohmelo

    Glitcher awareness thread

    Saw this yesterday. 2 glitchers shot my mate trought the floor... When they tried to loot him i gave them some love with mosin... after 15 minutes of stalking them i flanked behind the hangar and got them by suprise... loved it when the another one just sat there while i reloaded my mosin so i could kill him. i'm Loving the anti-combat log system...
  12. kohmelo

    So idk if anyone else noticed this...

    Yesterday saw a guy survive 2 sks and 1 mosin shot point blank to the torso, Third shot made him drop... He fell unconsious so we bandaged him and left him there to live another day...
  13. kohmelo

    Reaction On Dying

    I just die if I go inside buildings and check inventory.... Don't even need to use stairs or ladder to die randomly... First floor is enough
  14. WRONG! simplest Diesel locos that use diesel engine to make power to electric engines (usually used as maintanance trains) would only need one control wheel to make it move and stop when engine is running and train brakes are off. driving a train build after 70s-80s is not that hard, true electric trains are even easier. Then again Steam locomotive is something that average Joe would be overwhelmed to make it work. Edit: Just remembered that diesel Minecart locos are even easier. 2 buttons and 2 levers. Warmup, start, Throttle lever and brake lever
  15. kohmelo

    no more alphas for me

    After last patch zombies have no problem following you trought stairs. (this actually made me crap my pants when i first saw 3 zeds walking stairs up.... It seems there are more of them now. I don't know how on earth some towns seems to have a horde of them at one spot...