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About [email protected]

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. Hi. That's bad VRAM on the 7970. It's a known problem on some of these cards and only show in some games. If you've OC'ed your VRAM, try to back it down to stock speed. If not OC'ed try to underclock and see if it goes away.
  2. holdt@hotmail.com

    Is it time to come back?

    LOL, yeah, but no. Task was misunderstood. Better luck being smart another time. Was asking which changes to the game has been so significant during the last year, that they have changed you play style. -That's right. None.
  3. holdt@hotmail.com

    Is it time to come back?

    That's what I call a true believer, borderline naive. :P Look back from now to start of the year and name which mechanics/changes have changed your gameplay in DayZ S.A. ;)
  4. holdt@hotmail.com

    Is it time to come back?

    Yeah, christmas 2016. I'd say no. Have just started playing again after 6 months. Not much has changed. Still lagging zombies and hackers. Got shot by floating fellow with 10.000 rpm. rifle just now. New backpacks and animals, fishing and new stance. Hurray! :P Yes, I sound bitter, and I am. But at least I had fun for many hours, when the idea and the game was fresh and new. Now I just want progress and improvements.
  5. holdt@hotmail.com

    FPS @ 137 in Elecktro?

    Yeah, that reading is a bit incorrect..
  6. Maybe it's a stupid question, but why is throwing significant progress in DayZ, when physics/throwing/driving cars already exist in Arma II's engine? I know it's not the exact same engine, but I can't seem to get my head around why they apparently have to invent the same thing twice.
  7. Yep! You should definitely be able to clear an area for good. Knowing that they respawn kills the immersion for me. Don't have the solution to this regarding loot etc. but when it comes to the Zeds, thats the way I prefer it to work.
  8. Someone please define the word "server-hopping" so we can move on.. How many servers per hour would one have to go through, before its server-hopping? What's a server-hopper's purpose for changing servers? If you know where there's a base on another server, can't you just go onto that specific spot on an empty server, change server and spawn inside that base?
  9. holdt@hotmail.com

    Suppressor's (RANT)

    For the shot to be completely silent, without regards to the noise the bullet makes upon impact or traveling through the air which obviously can't be silenced, you need a suppressor and subsonic ammo. This setup makes the muzzleblast from the weapon silent, as well as there's no crack from the bullet breaking the speed of sound barrier. With supersonic ammo (normal ammo) the suppressor only removes the muzzleblast sound. The bullet will still crack, as it exceeds the speed of sound. If you for example shoot down range at a person 300 m. away, this person will only hear the supersonic crack from the bullet, as it passes him. He will not know where the shot came from, as the muzzleblast from the firing weapon is silenced and he will only hear the crack from the bullet, if it passes him, as the supersonic shockwave always is somewhat behind the object surpassing the speed of sound. If the bullet hits him and kills him instantly (headshot) he will, in theory, never hear anything. Obviously there's upsides and downsides of the two uses of a suppressor. With subsonic ammo, the bullet's travel time is longer, making it harder to hit moving targets (you have to lead your target more) and the influence of the gravitational force is more distinct (you have to aim more above your target.) Thats my understanding of the physics involved, regarding suppressors and their uses and you're free to correct me, if my assumptions seem wrong.
  10. holdt@hotmail.com

    Why we play DayZ

    Very tense, great footage! Following you on youtube now. Keep it up "dude" :P
  11. You basically wrote that a person with a low post-count isn't entitled to post criticism, as it isn't warranted, in your opinion. Who are you to call out people who does not post much and call them ignorant? We can search and read in the forum/twitter/dev-blogs as well and should be able to write critical post, without having "earned" the eligibility to do so, through a high number under our names, which, by the way, is not a guarantee that you know what you're talking about anyway.
  12. We agree on that, but that wasn't what you were implying to begin with. :)
  13. It doesn't come down to post count though. You can follow the development easily and the forum too, without having to post every day, whilst gathering the same amount of knowledge.
  14. High post count is equal to knowledge? Yeah..
  15. holdt@hotmail.com

    Session Lost FIX

    Hehe, if you've done all three things, then you have no idea which one fixed the issue, have you? Or if it even had anything to do with the problem. Not the very best troubleshooting method.