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About magusware

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    On the Coast
  1. If this is in the wrong section, please move it to the correct section. Apologies. Below is a list of all of the bugs and other issues I have encountered and can remember. Some maybe obvious and reported already but this a list of my encountered problems. Mouse Acceleration cannot be turned off. This is a large problem as if I move my mouse too fast the horizontal mouse movement locks up. Handcuff Duplication. If somebody moves when you are handcuffing them, the handcuffs fall off on the floor but at the same time they are still in the cuffers hand. (May also happen with Saline IV). Handcuff keys breaking on use. What? really? they are keys... don't have them break on use. Pistols randomly stop working. Case example: FNX was definitely working. I dropped it by accident, picked it back up again and it wouldn't fire. Tried re-dropping, reloading, removing ammo from clip. Would not work. Mosin buggy reload when prone. Constant sound of reloading, chance of getting stuck in reload animation looping. Takes a while to stop. Mountain Backpack takes up 25 inventory slots. This means you can chain mountain backpacks within mountain backpacks and have 2 rows of backpack space for items spare each time. Ghost / Combat Logging. An obvious and known issue but still an issue nontheless. (What is ghost logging? When somebody logs on another server, moves behind you and re-logs back on to kill you - very lame). FNP Pistol Red Dot cannot be attached to other FNX pistols other than the one it is found on. Over stacking of bullets. Removing bullets from mags in full inventories can lead to stacks of bullets being up to 60 for the M4 if a coupled mag is emptied. This can be exploited heavily to be able to carry more bullets. Spamming to eating food really quickly. If you select eat while you are eating it will show a message saying you are currently doing something but if you select eat again really quickly it will consume the next portion of food. Unsure whether or not it actually feeds the player or just wastes the food. That odd stepping animation when trying to get on ladders. I'm sure this has killed people. You go up to ladder and sometimes instead of just getting on the ladder you will perform the stepping over animation which can result in you falling off and dying. Hopping over fences when sprinting doesn't always work and defaults to stepping over animation. I'm sure this has been encountered before but I have added it to this list anyway. Odd axe attack angles. When attacking with an axe it has an odd attack angle that pretty much attacks to your right. Also the axe tends to hit ceilings inside buildings even when you are crouched. Emptying clips not in inventory deletes the ammo.
  2. I can taste the sarcasm there. But really, I'm just giving feedback based on my experiences with DayZ standalone as they occur. If they have been reported before, great! If it is a re-report? so what? I'd rather post something and have it be a repost than not report something and it overlooked.
  3. So here's the story. Me and my friends were heading to Balota, I went on ahead to scout. My 2 friends got killed from behind and their bodies were just after the tents, I could kinda see one of them from Balota while zeroed in with the mosin high zoom. The guy goes up to my friend as expected and starts to loot him. I'm prone, zeroed right in on his head and I shoot... the shot goes slightly too high. So I quickly reajust and fire again but he insta-quits just after I fire and the shot doesn't count. I think the Abort timer needs to get re-added to DayZ so people can't just quit out like that. It's unfair that people can just get the drop on someone kill them then instaquit before they can be retaliated against.