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Everything posted by bushwaka

  1. Tested my blood group twice now. 1st was B+, 2nd was 0-. Is this a bug in the game, or will your blood type change everytime you re-spawn? Regards...
  2. bushwaka

    Blood type changing, common or a bug?

    Yeah, I know that! I was just assuming, wrongly it seems, that your blood group would stay with your character for good.
  3. No, I use mos & LR scope, never killed anyone with it, nor even thought about it, unless its self-defence, but that ain't happened yet. Its just a damn handy thing to have before going into any town/village as you can see, from a safe distance, if anyone is "home".
  4. I would have paid a king's ransom to see a youtube of that one :D
  5. Ghosting? Combat Logging? Any more jargon, can you spill the beans for us new chaps please? Regards...
  6. bushwaka

    Why Beanz?

    Heinz baked beans are shit anyway, these are proper.
  7. Keep forgeting half the damn keys! Regards...
  8. Spot on! What next? Ball and chain around the legs so they cant run till they find a key to release the chain? Some people.
  9. WOW! I only asked for some jargon-busting, and get a superb rant! Do you play "World of Tanks"? You'd go down a storm over there :lol:
  10. bushwaka

    how chainsaw is going to work?

    Can you imagine going toe-to-toe with just chainsaws? I'm up for that!
  11. bushwaka

    Am I naive in wanting to learn the map myself?

    Good luck mate! I am currently collecting some goods together for the same sort of journey. I will not be taking any firearm though, just my trusty fireman's axe and bat. I will stay off the beaten track and see what I can find ;)
  12. I just had one chase me all over "Kamy", right after I spawned. I needed to get to the watering hole to fill up, so I gave it the slip up the hill, or so I thought!!! Sat up the hill for around 3/4 minutes and crept back down to grab a drink. The bloody thing appeared out of nowhere and a classic "Benny Hill" chase ensued around the houses. All that was missing was the Benny Hill music. In the end I had enough and made a stand, and run around it punching it to death. I took a hit, but it was quite pleasing :D
  13. I thought it was because the game is a WIP, and the graphics were getting messed up! Now I know its because I thought my player was superman, running all over the gaff without a care in the world. Finally, I came to a small village and the poor sod fell unconcious, never to see a sunrise again....cos I hit the re-spawn button!!! Anyway, what is the answer when I notice my screen going into greyscale mode? Can i just log of for a while. will that cure it? Any help much appreciated. Regards...
  14. Can I ask you how you managed to get the "window view" to fill your monitor? I cannot maximise mine as the button is greyed out in windowed mode.
  15. After re-spawning, I gathered a few bits and bobs and made a dash east and came across a construction site. Hmm, a construction site a, there must be at least some heavy things to clump the Z's with? Dashed inside and saw a canteen lying right in the middle of the floor, what a touch! At least I can fill that up time and again, nice one :) Then it dawned on me, a canteen right in eye-shot...before you knew it, WALLOP! A nice axe round the swede, and I was rubbed-out and looted :( Whoever it was, well done, you got some free food and drink from me, and thats another DayZ lessoned learned for me ;)
  16. bushwaka

    Using the compass?

    This may be a right divvy question. I can open the compass cover, but cannot see the compass face/dial to navigate. Is there a button I am not using?
  17. bushwaka

    Using the compass?

    Thanks very much! Regards....
  18. [Theoretically speaking] If I found a decent hiding place on the map and stashed a load of goodies there for later use, would they still be there after a server reset? Regards..........
  19. bushwaka

    Another newbie question......

    Thanks. Regards...
  20. I found a pink beenie hat yesterday and am wearing it under a lime green crash helmet!!!
  21. Logged off the game 3 times, then back on, tried untold different servers, and still spawn under the same house, help!!! Also, why is it some server will not let you switch from first to 3rd perspective?
  22. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162123-help-keep-spawning-under-a-damn-house/#entry1633379 I logged into a server that resets every 4 hours, maybe this could help? I just left the game running, and logged in, see how it goes.
  23. bushwaka

    Help! Keep spawning under a damn house!!!

    I've logged into a sever that resets every 4 hours, so that could help!