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Everything posted by bushwaka

  1. I may head off back to World of Tanks and Football Manager 2014 for a few weeks/months and let the patches flow and then see what's what! Before anyone screams "ALPHA", let me explain. I don't wanna play at rambo and youtube my vids of handcuffing/torturing/mocking/killing other players. I wanna play as a survivor, meet like-minded people and build up a survivor community and protect it, like this game is gonna end up like. Thing is, its not there yet, it will come though. At the moment it feels like a race to find the best firearms, dress like a special forces solider and kill all and sundry. Thats not for me. I know some like it, that's their choice and good luck to them. I'm not knocking the game because I understand what an alpha game means. I am also not knocking any other persons playstyle, they paid their money, they play how they want. Its just the game is not what I want from it...yet! I've tried to be a medic and help people, but I've been killed untold times doing that! Its been good fun, but newer players are very wary of someone offering help and they tend to do a Usain Bolt as soon as you talk to them :) The in-game bugs are not bothersome as I knew there would be plenty before I paid my money, so that is not an issue. The issue is the way the game is at the moment. Its not for me at the moment, so I'll sit on the sidelines, read the forums, and have a good laugh at some of the in-game stories! Until we meet again. Good luck and happy hunting ;)
  2. bushwaka

    When is daytime?

    Think it is based on your timezone? i.e. GMT is dark now, so the servers will be dark for me if I log on now. I assume that is right? Sure someone will correct me if I am wrong?
  3. bushwaka

    You rotten *@$!"%*

    So, I waited until this big patch went mainstream before logging in to continue my quest. To my dismay, the bastards have stolen my magnum, and ammo, and replaced it with 2 twigs and some rags. Whatever dev it was, I hope your next shit is a hedgehog ;)
  4. bushwaka

    You rotten *@$!"%*

    It does make you wonder sometimes.
  5. bushwaka

    You rotten *@$!"%*

  6. bushwaka

    You rotten *@$!"%*

    Hi Bush! This Alpha thing had me confused as well. Glad those 3 above cleared things up!
  7. bushwaka

    You rotten *@$!"%*

    lolz, just seen that!
  8. bushwaka

    You rotten *@$!"%*

    Bloody hell.
  9. bushwaka

    You rotten *@$!"%*

    No shit Sherlock. I think a little humour is wasted on you chaps :|
  10. bushwaka

    cool way to die

    Yeah, that's done me as well :|
  11. Read this that I posted the other day... I didn't want to kill him, or anyone. I want to be a medic and help people, but at the moment that is nigh on impossible! Things may change. I will still be a medic, but believe me, my Magnum is never too far away from my right hand ;)
  12. An hour, really? You still on dial-up?
  13. ...you go into attack/defend mode when you see a motorbiker walking along the pavement with his crash helmet on, and sporting a rucksack.
  14. bushwaka


    Yes, as an avid carp angler, I would love to see this!!! Me sitting around the Black Lake...
  15. I was in Gvozdno looking for supplies. I headed there rather than the usual hot-spots to stay away from trouble. I was looking for medical supplies, food and water. I had a magnum, fully loaded, but did not want to use it, so was in my backpack hidden away. I also carry a fire axe for dealing with Z'eds. Then he appeared. I shouted "friendly, I am looking for supplies, not trouble." He swung out an M4, aimed it at me, but he did not fire! A few seconds passed. Maybe he had no ammo and was bluffing? He told me to get on my knees and and throw all my stuff to the floor, then back away. I told him I was a medic and looking for stuff to help people, maybe he was in need of help day and would need us medics. He took no notice and moved closer, he was about 4 feet away by now. He then shouted to get on my knees or die. Then something kicked-in, in my head. I thought "BOLLOX" I ain't come this far to be robbed by anyone, and leveled my Magnum at his chest, and let rip until it was empty. He lay there motionless, the life sucked out of him. This was it, this was the moment I killed my first player, and was torn between guilt and elation. I checked his stuff, and I was right, he had no ammo for his M4. I took nothing from him, I just walked away to carry on looting, never looking back at the life I just took.
  16. bushwaka

    Look for some Squad Mates....

    15, and no social life? Pretty sad mate. Come on son, get away from that computer and find some RL mates. Get a girlfriend and learn about the simple pleasures of life, you won't find it behind a computer screen.
  17. bushwaka

    I wanna be a medic!

    I remember seeing a topic a while back that goes into detail of how to become a good medic. In RL I like to think I am a kind-hearted person, and wanna transfer that to this game. I have been playing for 2 weeks, and have come across loads of people, and I can say with hand-on-heart, I not even raised my fists, its not in my nature, unless in self-defense, or course. Can some nice person help me out here? Regards...
  18. bushwaka

    I wanna be a medic!

    No, the goal is to treat the injured and save lives. Not to discriminate, or be judgemental :thumbsup:
  19. bushwaka

    Is server hopping the only way??

    See me, I'm a sneaky bastard. I have always been an early riser since I was a kid. I get up every morning for work at around 5am. Even at weekends, its the same. Its a habit, and I only need a round 5/6 hours sleep. So while you mob are getting some zzzzzzzzzzz's, I'm in the usual places looting my bollox off!!!
  20. ...wouldn't Punkbuster be a better option? I don't know the ins and outs of why they chose battleye, but I do remember from my COD, COD:UO, COD:MW and BF/BC days, Punkbuster seemed to do a very tidy job of rooting out the cheats.
  21. Yeah, just checked that, it is the default recording device.
  22. Enable it in-game or via steam? How? Sorry, I am new to steam. Well, I ain't really, as I have had to play the last 2 versions of football manager via steam, but no mic is required for that, so, my steam knowledge is very limited. And, all my previous games where a mic is required, has been via TS2/3
  23. Is there a way to test your mic in-game? I ran into a friendly player, and thought I was talking to him via my mic, he just looked at me, after a minute or so, typed in, "are you friendly?" before sprinting off. I asked him if he could hear my voice, no reply! I have one of those USB headsets, and am already regretting buying the poxy thing as it bypasses my soundcard :( P.S. I tested it in my world of tanks clan's TS3 and it was fine.
  24. bushwaka

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    lol, lol, lol, your so wrong son. A certain few people have over 30 warning points, and have just got a perma-ban, but are now back on due to the mods being more relaxed. Reading through your posts, you come across as one of those "l33t" divvies that were about in the 90s!!! "Do you know how many beta games I have been involved in", Really? Like most on here give a fuck! You knew what you were paying for, it is in big enough text, or maybe you should have got a more competent person to explain in detail, Mr "I'm so l33t, I've starred in many beta releases". P.S. I'm gobsmacked that you left out MechWarrior online.
  25. bushwaka

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    What a crock of shit mate. I still play, only just though, WoT, and was offered keys to Warplanes and Battleships. I have 15 warning points in WOT, and have served lengthy bans on their moron forums, so dont talk crap mate. I was even offered a "super-tester" role in WoT, but told them to stick it because of their bad spotting system and ghost shells. I was also emailed the keys to War Thunder Closed alpha, but refused that as well. Any moron can get alpha/beta access, just the luck of the draw if you are picked, nothing else.