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Everything posted by furono

  1. furono

    The svetloyarsk community

    HAHA nice, somebody who shares my views. Season 3 sucked. When that director from season 1 left it went totally down hill.
  2. furono

    So M4 accuracy.....

    I lost a fight even though I had the drop on somebody with an M4. I was about 5 feet away and I swear, every shot (about 6) went totally around him with the cross hair on his chest. Not one friggen bullet hit him, just saw the white poofs around him. Really inaccurate even using bursts. Switch to Mosen whenever I can get it. Right now the M4 is totally inaccurate and not realistic.
  3. Anyhow, zero proof it's a hacker. It's alpha with tons of bugs so no way to really prove anything unless somebody makes a video showing how to do it. Not saying there aren't hacks out already and this does sound like another one being reported.
  4. furono

    Character reset again today/Sunday?

    Might be due to the DDOS attacks. Was happening during the last one a few days ago. I eventually returned with my original gear and character. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161740-dayz-standalone-ddos-attacks/
  5. Sorry OP, but this is what will make this a legendary game. You have to really work at getting better, and that means repeatedly dying and losing your gear to get better. If you or your friend don't like it, then I suggest play another game. It was really fun for me the first time I played it. Definitely the game I was looking for. I hadn't played the MOD before the standalone. Once the hard part of figuring out how things work, it's very enjoyable. I hope it’s never easy......