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About Soulece

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Soulece

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Being a 15 year old engine isn't a death throw for DayZ SA. They are using the engine as a base for the game but they are already molding the engine around the play style of DayZ. Give it time. It's much quicker to develop a game using an already existing engine as a base than to make a new engine from the ground up.
  2. Soulece

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    You are playing in alpha stage of a game, it doesn't get much behind the scenes than this...
  3. Soulece

    Realistic group based on the Walking Dead. Just Starting

    I'm Daryll, hands down. My character has been alive for 18 hours on full population servers and I'm armed to the teeth. Come at me bros.
  4. Soulece

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    You obviously have never been involved in an alpha state game in development. This is not release state and yet you make complaints that seem like you think this is release state and that you deserve the changes you want. This is how game development works. Server stability is paramount. They are working on server stability and small gameplay features. Once the server architecture is fully stable, they can start to test the bigger game features such as loot and zombie tweaks that will stress the servers. If you try to rush into big features and put massive stress on an already unstable server architecture, you will have an unplayable game. Baby steps are required in Alpha. They can start leaps and bounds when they get to the Alpha/Beta cross over.