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Everything posted by b.reaper@gmail.com

  1. b.reaper@gmail.com

    What random events would you like to see?

    Rolling along the hills yesterday i was wondering how cool it would be if the infected werent the only evil things about, how hard would it be to have something that is as large as a house suddenly crash its way through the trees and run past you. Maybe forcing the player to hide or flee. Since we dont know what caused the infection we could see a evolution of the zombies into other things. Or what about a group of zombies fighting bears and animals, or being carried around as they fight, with you as a simple on looker. I loved the fog idea when i saw the Arma 3 demo and that coupled with the slow walking dead would increase the creep factor loads. Forest fires could be cool but I could see people laying waste to the whole hills just to over load servers and such.