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About agentGOTyoBEANS

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. agentGOTyoBEANS

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    and to add on just think about this people if 3rd person was turned off how many people do you think would find another game to play? if another company heard that there was no more 3rd person they would be nipping at dayz buns to drop a third peson only zombie pvp/pve sand box to steal away loyal players. this has to be a game where the player has almost full control over every aspect of the game, from picking up m4s you find and dumping them in rivers/ponds so other players can find them or opening food u cant carry anyway to help weed out the weak.....all the way to how to view and speak with other players. that's what makes it great
  2. agentGOTyoBEANS

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    I don't mean to troll anyone but this isn't an important problem as the host of server can turn it off or on. if u don't like 3rd got to server w/o it simple I use both 3rd to search and fight zombies and first to shoot it out with K.o.S.ers...... lets find real problems with the game and brain storm on how to fix them, remember everyone this is an alpha the core game needs to be de-bugged before rockets team can move forward and field what dayzers would like to see in game. good luck survivors, thanks for the protection and gear heros, and happy hunting bandits, I look forward to meeting you all on this brain child of rocket and before everyone gets up in arms take a look at where the mod got to. and that was only a fraction of where this game is going to be mark my words this game is going to put all other sandboxes to shame with our help and the dayz teams minds.
  3. agentGOTyoBEANS

    My opinion on Killing on sight...

    you sir are everything that is RIGHT with this game..... this is how I decide in a split second if ur going to be fodder or im gunna fill your pack with goodies (no weapons just yet but ill get to that) if your gun is in its rdy pos. in my direction I shoot first, if I see a bandit act (shooting of fresh spawns ect) ur dead, if your don't respond to my hails text or voice you might as well hold a bulls eye. on the flip side if you make me aware your in the area I may give u a pass. if u have something to offer food water meds ill gladly trade with you. if I get the drop on you (walk up behind you or have u pinned in building) and you follow instructions ill let you go. but tru test is if your trust me!!!! if I find a new guy and I have an extra holster or back pac ill give them up but I ask for something in return, like check that building for me ive got you covered and your willing to accept that I got your back I may even pass you a gun and ammo if we are together long enough. ive even been known to pic up and empty gun/holster combo and toss it on ground to a subdued spawner, as a rule of thumb tho never and I mean never give a gun or ammo to someone u just met but I guess my point here is this is dayz if I want to hit u with an axe for my youtube im going to, it wouldn't be a survive or die game if u set limits on when and where a player can betray someone, also you have the option to leave server and find an empty one no one told any of u to join the 39/40 room, or u can spend your days in the woods, small towns less traversed. if u go to cherno or electro every time u spawn u deserve to get shot. these are places where there is an abundance of hiding places and alrdy looted buildings in the mod we would run "raids" on them where 10-15 of us would group up and close in on city from diff. areas letting anyone left in city know to leave or die until our supply raid was over....... if your a loner stay away from urban areas and roads keep to hillsides and tree lines move in the shadows. play this game as if u could really die