As of now, Chernarus is bleak, desolate, and empty-- players and zombies. As of now, it all feels very sanitized. As if everyone decided to walk away. The houses are empty, the cities are abandoned, etc. My one big wish for the game is for the general tone of the art to become way more horrifying and unnerving. Decomposing bodies, skeletons, piles of infected people who hadn't been burned. People rotting in their houses after their deaths. Corpses lying about as the result of random survival encounters gone bad. People rotted away, sitting upright in chairs. Scenes dotting the otherwise barren wasteland with blood and terror. Making your way through a city would be much more intense if you were surrounded by the dead left behind, as well as zombies and other players. This would be a change in terms of art only. Just make it way, way, way more scary. Thank you team, for a fantastic game so far!