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Everything posted by imrevned

  1. I don't necessarily want the mechanic removed entirely, I am fine with learning something new and not having the controls be like CS and etc., but the fact that with literally no gear it feels extremely uncomfortable is what the issue is for me. It needs to be tweaked a lot, and like stevebob said, you guys who are defending (which comes across as fan-boying) and pretty much saying "If you don't like it, get out!" are not helping the game's development. Also, from what I have gathered, DayZ SA is going to be more of a game than a simulator (based off of Steam, and I can't find any official writing saying DayZ is a simulator), thus I believe this level of realism is not needed. Implying you have to be a forum member/post on forums to be a "true" fan of a game? Who are you to draw the line between a fan and "true" fan? Sorry, but post count is a number, not a status or ranking. You have no superiority.
  2. If it was truly designed to be "as realistic as possible", why is there a third-person camera angle available? Why can you sprint infinitely?
  3. Exactly. While it may be more realistic to have this current, ridiculous, rotating "feature", it's also more realistic to not have 3rd person at all. You have to choose which features will make it a better game and an easy-to-use/efficient aiming system is a necessity IMO. Edit: DayZ isn't being advertised as a simulator and Arma 3 is, yet Arma 3 doesn't even have this ridiculous "feature".
  4. I am glad I did not purchase the game myself if this is the direction the game is going.
  5. imrevned

    Negative Mouse Acceleration?!

    Is this what you're experiencing?
  6. I am experiencing an issue where when I move my mouse, it feels like my sensitivity is constantly changing. Smoothing is off, tried messing with sensitivity. The game is nearly unplayable, I can barely navigate through houses. If this is an intended feature, I don't even know... Edit: Made a demonstration video.