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Everything posted by zaczac111

  1. Firstly, they need to pay the staff. Secondly, they need to license quite a bit, as anything with a trademarked name they need to pay to use (guns, vehicles, etc). Thirdly, they need to run severs, and make sure they keep the severs running for quite a while. Fourthly, is the fact that they are doing this as a job, and thus, must make a profit from sales.
  2. I love people who're so egotistical they think they have the one-all come-all answer to everything. Go away mate, you haven't thrown your money onto the table, you don't get much say (Because in other posts, you tell us that you played off a friend's account).
  3. zaczac111

    Why are you whining about FPS?

    I have a simple store bought laptop and I run the game fine with 40+ FPS on medium settings.
  4. zaczac111

    Stuck in a locked room

    Run into walls and vault. Eventually you should glitch back out.
  5. zaczac111

    Your favourite thing about the Standalone so far?

    I'm enjoying the thrill of finding a Mosin. Done it three times so far, because killed once, then reset twice. Now I'm on the search for the Mosin again!
  6. zaczac111

    Basebuilding, combat logging, servers

    Number one, I want robust, but unable to build fortifications in cities (Things like ladders would be fine, as would barricading lone buildings or a building in small clusters). Number two I don't want a log off timer, and if you're getting shot at, then you can only log off after not taking fire for thirty seconds. Number three there should be a system that checks if you're logging on and off in the same area, then after a little, you have to wait longer and longer, preventing players from hording loot from empty severs in airfields.
  7. I'd enjoy that. Only natural that if you fire a gun over and over, and continue using it day after day, that you'd get better at using it. Or like when fitness training; the more you train, the better you get at what you train with. Running is 'tough' at first, but eventually, in real life, you can run for quite a while without too much difficulty, so why not in the survival game? Thing is, private severs that only have one man in it to boost his skills could be a problem.
  8. zaczac111

    My opinion on Killing on sight...

    Just hording gear is boring to me; I'm in the game for the tense player on player interactions. People who KoS are scared of losing their stuff to the point of firing at anything and everything. Interaction is much more worth it than some gear in my eyes. Met some guy in Balota airfield, and we both had M4s, but i decided to try my luck even though he hadn't seen me, and eventually we teamed up and headed up to the military base. It was late so I hid and got off, and guess what? He never backstabbed me, and I never thought to kill him first off. We ended up snagging ourselves a bunch of loot, each of us looking out for the other as we searched.
  9. zaczac111

    Why i can´t use Scopes as binoculars?

    Literally the first thing I tried doing when I found one whilst hunting for a Mosin. Tried equipping it and no dice.
  10. Once I get loot back (Got reset three times yesterday as I had to abandon laggy severs), I'd be happy to donate resources, and later on when I get a good rig, possibly join up as a bodyguard preferably. Edit: Also, I've been able to heal broken legs by getting out of the sever before jumping back in. First time was a fluke, as I broke it far from any friends or buildings, logged out, and came back in hours later, leg fixed. I tested it again after I was looting in an apartment complex and went up the ladder, only to glitch on the top of the ladder and fall back down, breaking my legs again. Did the sever pop, and I was fine. A note though, is that you still make the pained sounds moving about.