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Everything posted by Zjasuu

  1. What a stupid post, only the last one affects the gameplay.
  2. Zjasuu

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Why should there be a penalty for "being a dick"? IRL if you shoot someone in an apocalypse would it mean that you have to suffer from it? Also if you're not a dick in an apocalypse you probably will be the first to die.
  3. Zjasuu

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    This thread is still around, huh? Why do people want to make this game too easy is beyond me, it would just make the boring to see what's the KDR, accuracy and killstreak of another player. Also hero and bandit skins are just silly. /Edit: What..? I don't even..? And what you said about running in Electro and Cherno without having to worry, you really want a PvE game when there is no real enemies? Guess how fast that would get boring.
  4. Zjasuu

    Making guns a much more in-depth factor

    Don't really care about this really, I think if people want a (excuse my language) fuckload of weapon customization and tuning there are games that allow this. I'm playing this game for the survival elements, not so much for the militarism. I'm not trying to be an asshole but seriously, there are some good games with a lot of weapon customization, here's one that's F2P: http://www.loadout.com/
  5. Zjasuu

    Guns, Food and Water Spawns.

    Hello, Tomato and welcome to the forums. Going to airfields to get weapons isn't always a good idea since you can get them from safer places, going to an army base also always puts you into a greater danger than many villages and towns. This is not Call of Duty, you can make yourself a private server and ask people to only play it your way, but making public lobbies strict to one "game mode" would be simply stupid IMO.
  6. but all de inland towns has been looted as wel >:( i just went to de Krasnostav and Stary Sobor they were looted, you tell lies >:(
  7. Easiest way to fix server hopping is simply to allow a player to join only 1 server per 1 hour. If you join a server you can't join another server before a hour has passed. Simple as that.
  8. Zjasuu

    Craftable Traps

    I'd love to see traps, also using a hand grenade to make a trap :3
  9. Zjasuu

    I helped a guy out...

    When I meet someone with a gun or I give him a gun, if he raises or shoulders his weapon I immediately shoot him. I don't let even fresh spawns get 10 meters closer to me. If you want to survive in this game don't expect someone to be friendly just because you give him free stuff. And never let your guard down when around people who you don't know.
  10. Zjasuu

    More survival features?

    Definitely a must have, otherwise turning a building into a house will be pointless since anyone can just walk in and you wont even know it.
  11. Zjasuu

    More survival features?

    It could be pretty cool to track people if empty cans etc. stayed on the ground.
  12. Zjasuu

    More survival features?

    I'll bring the marshmallows :P
  13. Zjasuu

    Gameplay ideas

    Am I posting my thoughts here or what my opinion is? Huh, that's odd...
  14. Zjasuu

    Gameplay ideas

    No and no.
  15. Zjasuu

    Berezino Squad v Squad

    Nice video, really enjoyed it, but I have two questions for you: 1. How is your aim so smooth? Mine is all clunky and awkward 2. Why were all your 3 snipers in the same spot?
  16. Zjasuu

    Hold up gone wrong!

    What hold up?
  17. Zjasuu

    Zombie spawns

    It's a funny feeling when you see something move on a roof and all you see is a silhouette against a sun, and when you have panicked for 10 minutes you realize it's a zombie.
  18. Zjasuu


    What is going on? When this game came out I didn't crash even once, now I can't play 1 hour without crashes, just now I crashed 3 times in a row in 20 minutes, surprisingly I'm not dead.
  19. Zjasuu

    Zombie spawns

    Yeah they're not really a threat when they're alone, but they actually give you a lot of problems if there are 5 or more. I'm pretty sure that the devs are going to add a lot of zombies at some point though. Also I really like the idea of zombie hordes blocking way into military/gun buildings, in Kamyshovo there is a police station, and the first one to spawn there after a server restart gets a free weapon. It would be cool if they had to find an axe to fight through a zombie horde before getting a gun. PS: I don't know if you have been playing in the experimental server but zombies spawn on roofs there...
  20. Zjasuu

    SKS : can't hit over 200m

    SKS is really accurate, you just have to learn how to use a PU scope, the bullet goes a little to the right of the crosshair. BTW: Soon we'll have the SVD ;)
  21. Zjasuu

    Lake, boats and islands.

    Please add a lake into far North, and more water areas. BOATS so you don't drown when you go onto an island. Islands could be a safe place because not every noob would come and kill you because they can't get there. And last but not least, islands.