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Everything posted by Wrathow

  1. Wrathow

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Thanks for keeping us updated. Your priorities are apot on. It is alpha and the 2 fixes were the #1 and #2 fun killers currently in game. Content can and should wait. Who cares if you get a vehicle if driving it down a road just rubberbands you back to where you started each time. Would like to see a combat log fix. I am not a KoS kinda guy but running and logging is BS and i find the bandits do it more than most if they get utnumbered. But that would be fun killer #3 you got the other 2 spot on. Thanks for the game. Thanks for working your ass off during the holidays, hope you get paid well for those efforts. Makes me glad i paid the money for it knowing you guys are banging away at it even when you should be home.