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Everything posted by Baroni88

  1. Baroni88

    Time frame for the servers to get fixed?

    Go down the server list quite a bit and try those servers. Seem to work a lot better and less rubberbanding and lag in the lower servers imo. Safe travels!
  2. Baroni88

    Magazines and reloading not working

    Takes a little getting used to but you need to make sure you are matching the right rounds with the right gun and yes, you'll need to put a mag in hand and hit B on the correct ammo type. Then hit RT to load the mag. Then I equip the correct gun, hover over the filled mag in my inventory and hit B to load the mag.
  3. Baroni88

    General hints and tips

    Careful with those blood bags though if it was pre-loaded with blood. I killed myself with the wrong blood type. Pay attention.
  4. Baroni88


    People probably reporting so many problems that aren't problems and just game mechanics.
  5. Baroni88

    Fist fight ends in black screen while still alive...?

    You were knocked out. You have to wait to wake back up if they don't finish you off.
  6. Baroni88

    General hints and tips

    Finding loot when spawning Spawn on coast: Head inland. Buildings tend to be more looted near the coastal areas. Move inland and you should start finding more loot. Spawn Inland: Head uphill. General Geography suggests this is the best way to move away from coastal areas and find more loot-ful areas. PS: Found a castle last night (pretty sick) fell off the wall, knocked myself out, broke a leg and died of dehydration. Was pretty depressing looking but a blast to be apart of.
  7. Baroni88

    Please reduce the need to drink and feed

    I feel like it's tough because there is fun in grinding for food and drinks. If you're smart you can make it. A lot of towns have a well in them and I come across a lot of canned food, chickens, sheep, etc. If you play it smart then you should be okay. Spawn on the coast and start jogging in (don't sprint or you'll be dying before you know it). Once you get a feel, you can do fine most of the time. Maybe a little tweak though. Too much and you'll be able to collect too much food and water and then you'll be discarding. I know I discard canned food once in awhile because it takes up too much space. Maybe adjust water and food is okay.
  8. Baroni88

    FEEDBACK NEEDED: Servers not showing in the server browser

    Keep it up guys. They’ll fix them. Just a little patience. ??
  9. Baroni88

    FEEDBACK NEEDED: Servers not showing in the server browser

    Server reset fixed it for now. At least for me
  10. Baroni88

    Compass on Xbox

    It's not bad if you have it in one of your d-pad quick slots. I just hold right stick for first person and open it and glance every so often at it. Wasn't bad at all.
  11. Baroni88

    So where is DayZ on the store?

    10AM PST for those looking to convert!
  12. Baroni88

    DayZ Price?

    Yo, I understand why ya'll would be apprehensive to buy it. I get it. But I've been playing the pre-preview version and if it is just even that and only that, I would pay $40. It's stable enough for me and fun enough and yes, it is a little buggy and you get kicked every so often but you can jump right back in to where you were in a new server so that makes me satisfied enough. Just my opinion though. I've played the Early access on Xbox One and I'll be dumping $40 for this because I've been enjoying it.
  13. Baroni88

    free movement with the head

    You're right. I'll give it to ya. Seemed like a stretch but I could corkscrew myself into a 180 degree turn. Initially it was difficult but with the rest of my body turning, I could see behind me. I won't be stubborn.
  14. Baroni88

    Found the wolves and it's INTENSE!

    https://mixer.com/Baroni_88?vod=52081932 Grainy as fuck (Mixer quality) but at 24:29 I make an encounter and it just spirals from there. This was amazing, regardless of the outcome! lol By the way, as a new player to DayZ, this really allowed me to start getting familiar with some other supplies in the game. It really is a cool feeling though.
  15. Baroni88

    Found the wolves and it's INTENSE!

    Ooooo, that could either be really cool or really annoying but I like it either way. Sorry about the quality. Mixer sucks ****
  16. Baroni88

    Code Giveaway

    Dude, the game comes out tomorrow....
  17. Baroni88

    DayZ Price?

    Doubt it. Game, as is, is completely playable and works well enough to keep me entertained for awhile. I have no issues with a game that has been rebuilt and has bugs. The fact they are putting in the effort to test it as much as possible before release proves they are dedicated and really want to put a good product out. Salty DayZ originals think they are entitled to something that the current devs have no control over. Maybe, instead of complaining, you could try and help out, reporting bugs and glitches, anything helps. With that, I will bow out. Good Luck, best wishes!
  18. Baroni88

    free movement with the head

    IRL can you face one direction and look 180° behind you? Doubt it. You can already look to your sides in DayZ. I have no problem looking left and right while running straight. But yes, if you need to check behind you, you may have to turn your character a bit.
  19. Baroni88

    Found the wolves and it's INTENSE!

  20. Baroni88

    any news on dayz on ps4?

    Damn, it's good to own an Xbox One X. :)
  21. Baroni88


    People forgetting this is an Xbox forum. SMH
  22. Baroni88

    Inventory Management, please explain

    This is intense but it definitely makes sense. I've had pistols disappear into First Aid kits and couldn't find them but now it's starting to make sense. Game is great though!
  23. Baroni88

    free movement with the head

    Does that sound realistic to you? Running in one direction and watching your back. The point of this is realism and, to be able to look behind while running forward is a little unfair in my opinion.
  24. Baroni88

    Days Nowhere to be found

    I entered the code and it confirmed but i don’t see the game to install it. I’ve reset the console and looked everywhere. Anyone have any ideas?
  25. Baroni88

    Days Nowhere to be found

    Dude your a boss. Thanks!