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oxide (DayZ)

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Everything posted by oxide (DayZ)

  1. oxide (DayZ)

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Getting far more rubberbanding on this stable patch than the last one. Shortly after I first logged in on the new patch I was on the top story of a building, not moving at all, then screen went black and I got "you are dead" despite nobody killing me. I assume the game teleported me through a wall somehow and I fell to my death. After respawning I ran around for about 30 mins total on a couple of different servers and I was rubberbanding roughly every 30-60 seconds on all of them, even on a low pop one.
  2. oxide (DayZ)

    Would you like spawn points spread out?

    Servers only have 40 slots at the moment and despite having most of the spawns near it even Berezino is a ghost town a lot of the time on full servers. The spreading out spawn points should not even be considered until they've optimized the game enough for additional player slots.
  3. oxide (DayZ)

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    And this is why you are a console peasant. The eye can see the difference and it's very noticeable in high motion scenes. This is why they make TVs with refresh rates of 50hz and above. Besides, you don't play games with just your eyes. Games are interactive and require player input to move and rotate your character, etc. It's extremely easy to feel the difference between 30fps and 60fps, especially in a first-person shooter. I can feel the difference between 120fps and 240fps in other fast-paced FPS games.
  4. oxide (DayZ)

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    Sounds like someone has been outplayed by bandits too many times :(
  5. oxide (DayZ)

    What do these numbers mean?

    @ Lancer It's weapon zeroing, you can change it with page up and page down. Assume there is a player standing still exactly 200m away and you are aiming at their head: If you have the weapon zeroed to 200m, your shot will hit the player in the head.If you have the weapon zeroed to 300m, your shot will pass over the player's head.If you have the weapon zeroed to 100m, your shot will hit the player in the chest.
  6. oxide (DayZ)

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    The spread definitely needs improvement, there's just too much of a luck element involved at the moment even at medium ranges. You shouldn't have to prone with a bipod to hit someone 300m away.
  7. oxide (DayZ)

    I was killed on sight, then my next character reset.

  8. Getting kicked for script restriction #98 on every server. The game and BE are both completely up-to-date.
  9. oxide (DayZ)

    What's your humanity?

  10. oxide (DayZ)

    Global Ban Due to being Hacked

    You pretty well just confirmed you hacked with that ban appeal, good work lol
  11. oxide (DayZ)


    It's supposed to say that
  12. oxide (DayZ)

    Global ban from a hacker in-game?

    nice cover story, im not buying it
  13. oxide (DayZ)

    Day Z is insulting to vegans (and animals)

    troll or f***ing retarded?
  14. oxide (DayZ)

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    Sleeping bag, toolbelt item, 20 second animation (borrow from campfire) and then the server kicks you out/you can abort and your character dissapears. If someone is being shot at, they won't have 20 seconds to setup, but if they hear someone they can easily cancel the animation get back to being gun-ready. You are flat out retarded. Part of survival IS surviving other players. You really think that people wouldn't kill each other if there was a zombie apocalypse? TL;DR Deal with it noob
  15. oxide (DayZ)

    seattle 95

    Hacker just slayed everyone on seattle 95, lost so many mad items :(
  16. oxide (DayZ)

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    3rd time in 2 fucking dayz (lol get it) for me
  17. Server: Dallas 45 Time: Around 6:45PM (GMT+10) Fri 29 June What: The server had about 6-7 players in it at the time of this incident. I was in Stary Sober and saw 4 guys around a heli crash who were obviously friends. They had a UAZ with them. I killed all 4 of them and was about to loot them when I got a "Session Lost" message. I searched again for the server in the browser and it had been locked. After a few minutes I tried to rejoin the server only to be kicked by the admin (player name: Coronel). This group were using their server to farm items and Coronel deliberately reset the server so that I would not be able to loot them and so that they wouldn't lose the gear in their vehicle. BieeeL was the name of another one of the group. Edit: Server is locked again now.
  18. oxide (DayZ)


    Just saw a cheater fly over cherno in an F22
  19. oxide (DayZ)


    you don't look like a moderator to me, so no.
  20. oxide (DayZ)


    Not gonna lie, so jealous
  21. oxide (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    spawn with no weapon :S