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About zimboy

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  1. zimboy

    Racist Running! 30% Faster

    Not really racist is it? I mean if the black guy was slower then Mabye you could of pulled the race card.. But he was faster so yeah possibly racics against the white guy. Why do people cry the race card all the time anyways? His friend did a real good job convincing him it was part of how to run faster which was funny because I could see loads of people believing it before the whole fists up thing.
  2. zimboy

    What animation is this?

    Well someone got caught in a bush with his pants down..
  3. zimboy

    Dayz map download?

    thanks :) my question is where do they get the updated versions from?
  4. zimboy

    Dayz map download?

    Hi all, where would i be able to download a copy of DayZ map? I have the supporters version of the game but the map download has not been released yet. dayzdb have a coppy up but where did they get it from could anyone help?
  5. ok i exclusively play on MPGS or Gameserve but the servers are really unstable at the moment every 5 minutes warp bug or dysinc or red chain really annoying me right now. ok so if i wanted to play other servers but avopid character wipes etc how do you spot "good" servers?
  6. Ok this might come off as weird but here goes When I see american vids there are many American players.. Australian nice os many people they chat to in game are Australian Then there are European player videos etc... Is this people just joining low pig servers or is it that certain servers are prioritized in certain country's?
  7. Ok yes i am one of those fresh spawn sniping people you love to hate.. I camp for hours on end doing nothing more than murdering people for the fun of it. My play style is to find a good spot to camp turn on some music and settle in for the long game. Something strange happened :huh: i had murdered a few people server hopped and killed a few more.. Happened to have a Lord of the rings song playing in the background now i am not playing about here this was a VERY strange experience i really do not understand it but i felt so confused :| He looked so full of life with his little M4 checking the scope out and all of that but for some reason i could not pull the trigger.. WTF i don't know maybe I am transforming away for being a scum bag camping sniper because in that moment with that music playing something clicked :huh: Have you ever experienced something like this????
  8. Hey all, I might be one of the few people who thinks the Mosin is about as powerfull as I'd like to see rifles get in the game, I just have to put this here. Any ways back on topic, I for one would love to see scope crosshair customization. Ok ok realisim.. Etc.. Sure I can have any crosshair I like on the gun of my choice in real life however it's not that simple, you would need a whole new scope etc.. I would like to see the ability to change up your crosshairs for example your scope gets ruined you whip out a new crosshair atatchment. This would be a lot easier than creating brand new scopes for every situation, you get the basic scopes in game that attach to different types of guns with the ability to change your crosshairs by introducing a range of crosshair caps so to speak. Just type crosshairs in to google you get a VAST range of different looks which is amazing you find your favorite in game and add a level of customization to your gun rather than being stuck with the plain old boring crosshairs seen in every game out there.
  9. zimboy

    Sniper at balota

    Anything over 700m is fine, good practice on people running heck it's the risk you take going to places like that besides they are learning a valuable lesson (don't run along the coast it is dangerous) you get the odd fully geared person as well clearly out to bandit.
  10. zimboy

    What would you do in this Dayz Sititution?

    Yep that was devils castle
  11. zimboy

    Sniper at balota

    East elektro coast road is the place to be for fresh spawn sniping now days.
  12. zimboy

    This is why I love DayZ!

    Liriks vid tugs on the old emotion strings.. Then the classic dayz atatude., sad moment :( .. Need rags LOOT loled so hard right there.. Scared.. People around electro. Sad.. Poor guy. Dayz.. Meh loot move on. Emotions confused now :(
  13. zimboy

    Video Editing Software, What Do You Use?

    Am I reading tight...??? Dxtory is expensive? Dafuq.. I must of been lucky then it cost less than Dayz lol. And if your referring to Vegas enjoy your viruses.. Expensive don't mean shit. Have your tried using some free programs! You'd be surprised as to how well they perform.
  14. zimboy

    Video Editing Software, What Do You Use?

    Dxtory for recording (low impact on game) Editing? Not really I record to go back over certain situations I found interesting. But if I use blender for reviewing stuff frame by frame.
  15. zimboy

    What would you do in this Dayz Sititution?

    Good call forced to kill, I'd have done the same. Obvious what happened gun guy was axe guys friend he had just run all the way back to get his gear after falling off the stairs.