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Everything posted by Methadon36

  1. Methadon36

    DAYZ Off Nas storage

    I built a NAS/server for my home. I have mapped drives and directed steam to download on these drives with no issue and all my games work Including ARMA 3 Except for DAYZ. It will launch the battle eye client and then It will say running in steam but never load on my PC.Then after I log out and try again it will give me a battle eye error "failed to start battleeye service 1056"
  2. Methadon36

    things are looking good

    They need to KISS 'Keep it simple stupid" and stop going in every direction with ideas. At least get the backbone of the game 'Physics,mapping,control issues ect' Working properly then start adding in the other features later. They seem to be going all over the place and have no real road map in place. And that is why I fear this game will never get completed.
  3. Methadon36

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    They really need to drop the MA ASAP.. Seems they refuse to listen to the Alpha testers.
  4. Methadon36

    Hackers on dayz believe it or not!

    your Prob the type to blame it on dsync or just script yourself.
  5. Methadon36

    How to balance sniper rifles.

    When you have no clue where the shot is coming from it can pucker you up pretty good. BTW you are one good looking dude if I must say! Because you look just efffing like me lol.. Long lost twin or some shit geeez!
  6. Might want to see a doctor about that? :o
  7. Methadon36

    DayZ Parkour Confirmed

    Poor zeds! Least she got Rick Grimes to save her!
  8. I been in servers when I would be in a fire fight with the only other 2 ppl on server and kill one. And like magic the server restarts. So I say eff it and leave. Come back only to join and it being reset every 4 min so the only 2 or 3 ppl on "Same as b4" can loot farm and so on, then I got kicked. Yea so admins due abuse the system and all we can do is join other servers and let them waste money on their childish games.. And its not like the Admins will loose out since the companies want paying servers for a new popular game. Just go to other server who have good admins and let the other asshats waddle in their own poo.
  9. Hope they add aspirin to the loot table. If not then its a dumb idea! How about fixing ghost sounds or ghost zombies?
  10. Methadon36

    Warning Shots

    Warning shots can be tricky. some might/will think you have shitty aim and not listen. I don't bother with that anymore. But I will camp out outside a town for a while b4 looting, and if all seems too quiet 'Electro' on full server. I will take pot shots at known hideout locals like firehouse, school ect just to see/hear movement or shots fired in return. And it works pretty well to draw some ppl out.
  11. Methadon36

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Yea I'm afraid you are correct, Not surprised by this. What will surprise me is a finished product..
  12. Methadon36

    Cheating you've encountered

    Had a sodomite teleport me a few hundred meters into the air and then drop me to my death fully geared. Was scaling rock wall between cherno/electro when I saw some guy in the distance gliding across the map in my direction at speeds that would outrun a effing corvette. Only for him to stop at the bottom of the clif and disappear only to reappear behind me within 2sec and shot me in the back. Saw another sausage smoker flying thru the air and killing ppl at the balota airfield.
  13. I usually keep out of the mix unless someone is getting close by then I will usually give them a warning to leave or get shot..Most usually listen and the ones who don't get shot. I don't let ppl tag along or help anymore since 99% of the time I died cuz of being friendly. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!
  14. Methadon36

    Why can't i FIST!

    Your question made me lol.. "Why cant I fist"? Well maybe you need some lube and a lil practice?
  15. Methadon36

    To the bandits with the Mosins..

    Heros often turn into the demons they are protecting others from!!!
  16. Some ppl are such fanboys they will never admit to the hacking going on, Its lag lag lag lag blah blah its alpha but it cannot be hacks tho.. Get over it! this game is being trolled by lil punks who have nothing better to do then watch DayZ burn.
  17. Methadon36

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    I seen hackers before and no way it was dsync ect.. Its a damn shame we got these A$$Clowns wearing their moms dirty g-strings playing this game with hacks just so they feel special about not having friends or a life outside.
  18. Methadon36

    It finally happened...

    Was thinking the same damn things since it was at the airfield. Some ppl just want to watch Chernarus Burn.
  19. Methadon36

    Don't Allow Zombies to Climb Ladders

    How about twerking?
  20. Methadon36

    How to reset a character on purpose?

    Ladders are the fastest way IMO to do a respectful offing.
  21. Methadon36

    Painful story

    I feel your pain! I was finally decked out in all the right gear ready to go up north to the air strip and went up inside a deer hut mid map and I glitched off and broke my legs. I crawled for an hour looking for some sticks to make a dame splint and I found nada.