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The Third Man

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About The Third Man

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. The Third Man

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Fantastic, and welcome back Rocket and team. You guys deserve apologies for the ridiculous comments in the past few weeks. But, this patch looks great. Thanks.
  2. The Third Man

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    Having an absolute blast with this game. Not sure if I've been very lucky or have a stunning pc but I've never suffered any issues except a tiny piece of rubber banding since the patch before last. Now, with the addition of the patch I have no issues, even some zombies have decided that the gate is not a lie. I've been to huge cities and I don't have crazy lag or fps issues. That being said the collision detection is definitely an ongoing issue. I have faith any bugs and outstanding issues will be corrected in good time. When the devs get into full swing they will likely keep going until Easter. Remember what happened to the Torchlight 2 crew. There was chatter of an mmo, but they burned out and never want to touch that game again. Don't force these guys into a corner and cause them to produce half-baked trash like WarZ. And please can we not descend into uncivilized, character assassinations. *2 pence worth* Edit: Auto correct on my phone hates me.
  3. The Third Man

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Just bloody hilarious. Not sure how people don't read the satire in the story in the first few pages. You've been described as comedy gold, I must concur. Your wit and dedication is as clever to me as it is maddening to the first few post responders. These forums needed something light to alleviate the constant grumbling. Beans to you, sir. With knobs on!
  4. The Third Man

    My First Murder ( DayZ Standalone Experience )

    I logged on after a tentative attempt some hours before. The server was about medium population so I felt I would safe. I ran to what appeared to be an abandoned airfield when I spotted 5 guys using the PTT chat. Americans, "Okay" I thought "These guys seem okay, let me run by them and check out the tower nearby." I entered, ran up and looted a large back pack, a hand gun and ammo and a helmet. THEY HAD FOLLOWED ME! I turned and quickly yelled "Friendly!" The first man struck me, I fell unconscious....then I died. I had been murdered. A day later I had a bat and was running through town when a guy approached. "Friendly," he called. I told him to hold position, he didn't, I had no choice. I was no bambi after the previous day of getting murdered over and over. As he came close I charged him and cracked him across the forehead. He cried "WHY?!" I struck again. He fell, unconscious, I struck again. I knew, by now, he was dead. I tore his shirt into rags and left. Since then I have killed anyone who appears sinister. I'm no bambi...