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Everything posted by bobotype3334

  1. bobotype3334

    Zombies wont die until hit/shot the the head

    No, this is Dayrageinfectedbutstillalive. The zombies aren't magical. If you want slow zombies, this isn't the right game. Fast zombies have always been Z core mechanic of the mod, and this should persist into the SA. Crawling zombies missing their legs or with broken legs should be a [rare] thing though: zombified wheelchair users, zombies who fell off small buildings etc.
  2. bobotype3334

    mysteriuos weapons

    How about actually reading the article, which is full of facts and sources. Zombies are literally possible, the definition of the world meaning it could potentially happen. I'm not saying it will happen. *empirical. Not to mention that I'm not a tinfoil hat wearing crazy person, and that Cracked.com is a reputable website, even if it is a humour website. Check its sources, like I said.
  3. bobotype3334

    Dayz and what it should have been.

    Op is right in that the game shouldn't become too silly, we can't let the roleplayers take over the direction of the game. I don't see many people asking for less guns though, if anything I see lots of threads dedicated to more guns. Unless you mean gun spawns.
  4. bobotype3334

    mysteriuos weapons

    "Believe into this" And what nationality are you, with that mastery of English grammar? The entire article has actual sources throughout the whole thing, if you'd bother to actually read it. But no, you debunked it entirely in your post, didn't you? Australian, by the way, but no I don't debunk entire superpower nations' scientific knowledge based on their caricatures.
  5. bobotype3334

    Nuclear area

    I was making fun of your whole "I can hear you crying" thing, Core. Do you really think I take it personally? Do you know what the word means?
  6. bobotype3334

    Just some ideas

    Sidge, would your furniture-barricades be totally zombie proof though [as you put in your hypothetical situation where one survivor is baying at your door with a horde behind his back]? For starters, with enough effort even the one guy should be able to break down the door [bust it off its hinges, or go all Heeeeere's Johnny on it] or dislodge the chair, and a whole zombie horde sure as heck would be able to. Same with a locked door. I like your idea though :)
  7. bobotype3334

    Offline players online NPC's

    No, realism killer
  8. bobotype3334

    Offline players online NPC's

    No thank you. Only makes me scared to AFK-- "oh fuck, my bot decided to walk off a cliff"/"my bot wasted all my ammo shooting at a berry bush"
  9. bobotype3334

    Nuclear area

    You can hear me crying? Lovely, would you like me to tell you what I'm wearing next? What a deep and constructive rebuttal -- "look guys, he's mad!" I, as you, think radioactive fallout and the concept of Chernobyl survival cool, but you can always go play Fallout or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.; DayZ is its own game with a very, very large amount of content already. It shouldn't be just about radioactivity being added in the future. It should not be a part of the base game ever. It doesn't fit with Chernarus's farming environment, it's going to take a large amount of added content to an already huge game [Geiger counters, hazmat suits, decontamination chambers], and your suggestion is also simply unrealistic. Ever heard of cancer, a long-term illness caused by radiation? That's what you have to worry about, not a "health drop per second because you sit still". Radioactivity is a long term problem, I'm talking years, and players in DayZ barely live one day on average [even less in the mod], and sitting still makes no difference anyway when you're in a radioactive environ. You've been utterly demolished m8, pwease don't cwy tho :'o
  10. bobotype3334

    How to make more deeper game

    More deeperer? Er? Mutants don't really have a place in DayZ as they have no precedent- no "fallout", no "mutagens" - and it would be a weird coincidence if such a thing did happen at the same time as a zombie apocalypse. 90 per cent of the lynx population lives in Siberia http://rbth.com/articles/2011/04/26/the_twelve_most_dangerous_russian_animals_12694.html which is too northerly for Chernarus, so it's unlikely there would be any. Brown bears, grey wolves, wild boars and scavenging crows are the most likely predators to see [unconscious? A crow will peck your eye right out of its socket. Serves you right for being tasty, asshole].
  11. bobotype3334

    Nuclear area

    Fixed that for you.
  12. bobotype3334

    Nuclear area

    You know something else you need to take care of, other than hunger and thirst? NOT DYING FROM BEING RAPED TO DEATH BY ZOMBIES in the FUCKING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. That should be the focus of the game, zombies, not fucking radiation [and the planned scope of the game is very large already, including hunting, foraging, base building, traps, crafting, vehicles on top of everything else; the devs don't need more to work on]. I'm in agreement with So Sexy. If it gets done, this should be made a dedicated Chernobyl world map, an entire different world with its own servers in the vein of Takistan.
  13. bobotype3334

    Zombie variants!

    http://www.cracked.com/article_15643_5-scientific-reasons-zombie-apocalypse-could-actually-happen.html I swear they should sticky this link, it's so useful. Zombies are a scientific phenomenon, not magical, and not in "species". Therefore, a soldier zombie [who is stronger than your average male, but not the Incredible Hulk] would have no more chance to kill someone in one hit with his arms than any other zombie. OP, your thinking is too video game centric. Zombies IRL wouldn't come in classes. Also, I'm no feminist and fucking hate feminists, but that there whole "women are louder and weaker" thing is pretty damn sexist.
  14. bobotype3334

    Zombies wont die until hit/shot the the head

    So is this a good summing up of what we want zombies to be? -Infected, not undead -they can take more bullets to the body before collapsing from pain than a human can [because they feel no pain], about 7 rounds or 5 high powered rounds or 2 shotgun blasts at point blank before the bleeding is enough to stop them in their tracks -Military and riot police zombies wear body armour as well as helmets, essentially making them faceshot- or legshot-only if you want to efficiently kill them [but you can still, given time or an auto weapon, kill them with lots of shots to the body, the vest allowing them to take 4 more rounds to the body than a normal zombie] -Ability for zombies to hunt you down, being slower than your max sprint speed but having unlimited stamina, so you have to "lose" them by being out of line of sight as well as out of smell and hearing range -Emphasis on zombies chasing you down as a bunch of bullet sponges who, dare I suggest, can tackle from a run? Edit: So this makes players likely to go for the headshot to conserve ammo, but brings more realism to the table than magic "headshots only", gives you more options, and makes zombies a bigger threat, as you intended.
  15. bobotype3334

    mysteriuos weapons

  16. bobotype3334

    Clothing and Aesthetics.

    Now you're just arguing for the sake of it. Wow, rolling up your sleeves is going to make such a huge difference in hot temperatures. And yes, precious developing time is precious. I gave you my other reasons. Every second they spend on retarded shit like this is a second not spent on the core elements of the game we actually need: Zombies, PvP, realism, survival and the apocalyptic aesthetic
  17. I agree hugely with OP [it's the subject of my sig], yet I get shouted down on here with this sort of thing every time I bring it up. The thing is, it's not only modelers working on these canvas pants-type-things while the things we want are being worked on in the background by people with the skills required as you guys say. For instance, the skills required to add spraypainting weapon magazines on your weapon are the skills that could also be used to be adding loot on zombies. All these minor superficial things are coming before the relevant ones because people who have the relevant skills are sticking to a retarded schedule.
  18. bobotype3334

    Clothing and Aesthetics.

    If you, personally, are running low on things to suggest, then just stick to supporting the good suggestions. This one doesn't fall under "viable".
  19. No thanks. I agree with your suggestion to have more debris- there should be tanks and sandbags and boarded windows in Elektro town square- but the tall grass and stuff isn't needed, and destructible environment is a bit silly when you have server resets. Smash all the buildings! They come back an hour later!
  20. bobotype3334

    Shooting from Vechicles with guns

    A locomotive buffer would be better at clearing the zombies out of your way, while a normal car front would run them over and possibly, when physics are introduced, have a chance to get rutted in corpses.
  21. bobotype3334

    No fresh fruits...

    Thank you for your valuable post.
  22. bobotype3334

    Clothing and Aesthetics.

    He was being sarcastic sidge and you know it. That's way too much space and time taken up in the game making different models of all the clothing components.
  23. bobotype3334

    Clothing and Aesthetics.

    Well they're obviously not done with the game core developing.
  24. bobotype3334

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    Lots of things in DayZ add frustration. The lack of loot, the zombies, the bandits. Grow a pair. This is a realistic addition, and a step towards players not being able to carry enough loot for an army on their persons.
  25. bobotype3334

    Clothing and Aesthetics.

    Because, you big dope: [1] the sleeves would not yield enough material to make 1 DayZ metric Rag considering one shirt=2 rags [2] this requires the implementation of a whole other model of shirt for all the long sleeved shirt variations [3] ^that is time consuming for the devs [4] ^And they have more important stuff to do