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Everything posted by bobotype3334

  1. bobotype3334

    Human versus human/Human versus zombie combat

    Read it bro. I'll edit it for consistency MELEE WEAPON TYPES >Heavy Sharp: Fire Axes, splitter axes, pickaxes, >Heavy Blunt: Shovels, sledgehammers, firewood, >Medium Sharp: Machetes, sabers, sickles >Medium Blunt: Baseball bats, hammers, Crowbars, pipe wrenches >Small Sharp: Combat knives, kitchen knives, screwdrivers, unaffixed bayonets >Ranged Sharp: Hoes, fixed bayonets, pitchforks >Fire Extinguishers >Biro pens [counts as small sharp, but one use only] >Rifle butt/pistol whip [counts as medium blunt, it's an alt-fire of rifles]
  2. bobotype3334

    More ideas for the devs (gym & toilet feature)

    No thanks OP I'd rather see a focus on the "now all the humans are gone, the world is my oyster" sandbox element Like being able to ramp cars off walls into zombies for gnarly jumps, or climb on top of tall buildings and set up a fort on top of them, stuff like that. Gyms and shits are pretty boring additions in the face of what we could have. You gotta think deeper.
  3. bobotype3334

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    And how is ArmA canon linked to DayZ canon? Are we saying Chernarus experienced first an insurgency, then a zombie apocalypse? I just assumed that the two occur in different timelines. Couldn't the FNX45s and M4s and so on be state issued? I'm not a weapons expert but I think it's far more plausible that a poor country with a surprisingly high military presence would have such things distributed by the government, and they wouldn't be handing out golden weapons if they were doing so.
  4. bobotype3334

    Tranquilizer Gun/Non-Lethal Take-Downs

    This is great. I think the best ideas here are Rubber bulletsshotgun bean bagsTear gas Taserstranquiliser guns and dartsSmoke canistersAre riot shields a thing? Could we have those too? And flashbangs? :huh: If tranquiliser guns were silent and didn't attract zombies, that would be even better.
  5. bobotype3334

    More Horror and Gore Please!

    hey screw you man. We give the world good games, don't take the game we paid for away. Also Rocket's home region is in this area too and I'm pretty sure NZ laws are similar to ours. But I do think that we can up the gore a little and get away with it. We don't need much more, but exit wounds would be nice. In the interests of realism.
  6. bobotype3334

    New server mode : Survival

    I agree, this is silly It's called DayZ for a reason and any sort of "mode" where no zombies exist is against the theme of the game. A mod would be fine though, but no ingame mode where zombies don't exist is needed at all in the slightest even a little bit.
  7. bobotype3334

    Human versus human/Human versus zombie combat

    Holy hell, didn't realise this post was so big For a tl;dr the main differences between humans and zombies are that zeds generally take 1 or 2 extra shots to kill every time, and can't use weapons. Melee weapons all have different upsides and downsides, the bigger they are the more damage they do but become harder to carry or equip, while sharp weapons cause more damage and bleeding but can get stuck in the wound, leaving you vulnerable, while blunt weapons are weaker but knock away enemies and can knock Survivors unconscious.
  8. bobotype3334

    Do you think Zombies should be headshots only?

    I'm still insanely against this idea. The only way you can rationalise only headshots killing zombies is magic. Otherwise, there is no logical way that a zombie virus causes the body to be made of an indestructible substance and not make the head indestructible too. The best way to implement OP's idea is with a small portion of riot-police zombies, turned along with the zombies they were trying to contain, decked out in body armour; you can turn them into crawler zombies by kneecapping them, but otherwise the normal zombie pain immunity gives them survival of up to 4 normal shots to the body, plus 4-6 shots stopped by their bulletproof armour, making the best way to kill them a shot to the head or neck [riot helmet also protects the top of their head]. Killing these riot police zombies with a shot to the head or melee hit to the face, rather than the body, will also give you access to their bulletproof armour from the corpse if you don't damage it, further rewarding the headshot-proficient player, while keeping strict realism. Meanwhile, seeing as zombies are mindless infected humans with their sole driving force being to spread the virus, we can safely say they ignore pain, so all other unarmoured zombies can probably take about 2 rifle shots to the body, 4-5 handgun/assault rifle shots to the body [depending on calibre etc of the weapon/s], 1 close range shotgun blasts to the body or 2>3 as distance from zombie increases, or 1 shot to the head. Zombies can keep running at you with no pain response and so can survive a few shots, but if they take too much bodily damage, they bleed out or lose heart functionality or whatever and die because they still have the will to attack but not the physical capability.
  9. bobotype3334

    SMERSH. this is how it works

    It won't be really really rare, DayZ is set in a perpetual state of a few days to weeks after the major outbreak [evidenced by the fact zombies are still dressed in civilian clothing, fresh fruit is still good and petrol hasn't gone past its yearly expiry and still apparently works]. Military influx of soldiers to contain the zombies is evident everywhere, so military equipment at a 1 to 5 ratio makes sense.
  10. bobotype3334

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    Please no. Everyone keeps forgetting Chernarus is poor. This isn't an oil rich area like in the middle east where you guys are citing examples, this is a post-Soviet farming community.
  11. NO. PISS OFF WITH ALL OF THAT. Not to sound like a boor, but none of that at all is necessary when you can simply have fewer, faster zombies. You could have 10,000 slow zombies, and 100 fast zombies would still be a bigger and better threat because it's a big, open map with lots of directions to run away and lots of guns. The Walking Dead argument has been brought up before, but this is a game where player sleep can't be implemented, so you're never forced to stop except during 30 seconds of logout time; and also, in The Walking Dead, may I remind you that the more constant threat is, in fact, "kos" issues with other humans such as the Governor, because they've worked out plenty of ways to deal with slow zombies. Slow zombies, no matter the numbers, are never a threat unless you're dumb enough to get cornered, which doesn't happen on a huge open world map.
  12. Well yeah obviously they are a little OP now, but only because of their free xXwallhaxXx in the form of scenery clipping, something I've been bitching about since day 1, and the whole problem with respawning at the moment, which effectively ruins stealth for players and makes engaging zombies hugely unpleasant. In terms of zombie stats they're balanced, the bugs/unfinished game mechanics are what's making them overpowered [fighting a zombie that's melding with a staircase is bullshit]. What they need to do is 1): Make zombies have a little get-up-from-corpse animation, which lasts about 30 seconds, after they're killed rather than just instantly respawning, as a placeholder until they get better respawn mechanics 2):Change zombies causing bleed, in part, to bone-breaking3):FIX FUCKING WALL CLIPPING, HOLY TITS4):Make 50% of the military ammo/equipment ingame spawn on military zombies and police/riot police zombies as incentiveMy own personal suggestion was that zombies be able to sprint slower than the ungeared player, but sprint endlessly, in fitting with the virus not giving a fuck about preserving its host as anything but a method of spreading the virus quickly. Players themselves have a finite sprint before they tire out and go back to a jog, and that jog is slower than zombies can sprint, meaning they can catch up. Being geared up ruins your ability to sprint, meaning vehicles aren't just a pleasant addition to decrease travel time, they're a necessity so the zombies can't keep up with you and your 80 cans of beans. As it is at the moment, it's good: players are finally seeing zeds as a bigger threat than KoSing.
  13. And I said "Maybe". I would like to see bleeding switched up to be less common, replaced by breaking of bones on hit more so than bleeding. Plus hits knocking you unconscious.
  14. Actually, you're quite wrong. Many people have been complaining that "zombies coming up to me ruins my sniping!!" Check the earlier pages of the thread for details. Any PvP Call of Mountain Dewdipie xX360noscopefestXx is going to involve gunshots, which is going to attract zombies. Zombies are a bigger threat now, encouraging people to use their ammo in the zombie apocalypse on the undead menace rather than each other. In short, fast zombies are realistic, scarier, more fun, AND an effective PVP counter. Maybe zombies should be less stronk in terms of damage, true [why the fuck does being flailed at wildly by a zombie guarantee bleeding? are their hands made of fucking razor blades?] but they should DEFINITELY be harder to kill than a human [they don't feel pain, the virus presumably using them as a carrier of the disease rather than preserving its host, so they don't black out] and definitely be able to run faster than a human [who's lugging a mountain backpack with 10 tins of beans, two assault rifles, a pistol, a ghillie suit, 2 medkits, 4 water bottles, raw cereal, a can opener and a fire axe].
  15. It isn't just a matter of opinion. Zombies are not a threat if you can easily run away. You can't make zombies deadly any other way except something exceptionally retarded such as invisible zombies or zombies who shoot guns at you. Slower zombies are maybe more fun if you're a bandit who likes to snipe without being disturbed "they are like a homing missile that just spams towards you then explodes" Lolwut? Listen, zombies can't attack at range, right? That makes them always at a loss to a combatant with a gun or a combatant who is faster than them and therefore they are no threat. You can increase the damage all you fucking want, give the zombie a one hit kill even, but if they're slow, they will never catch a player who can see them and therefore are not a threat. You would literally have to pack each street with 100+ zombies for them to be able to do anything, or else they'd have to sneak up on unaware players to kill and then we'd hear a lot of "OHH BULLSHIT GOT KILLED BY A ZOMBIE I DIDNT SEE IN 1 HIT NERF PLZ!!!!!" If DayZ had a small, constricted linear map, slow zombies would be closer to being a threat. As it is, DayZ doesn't, and therefore they aren't. Fast zombies ARE the only way to go.
  16. To everyone saying "zombies don't run", initially zombies were also voodoo or magic based, not disease based at all. There's a gray line in pop culture zombies between "magic undead" and "post-human infected" which is constantly being reworked in every piece of zombie-related fiction; some zombie undead like TESV Skyrim's zombies can be fast, while other "infected" zombies can be slow like The Walking Dead's Infected [although technically they are undead too, I suppose]. Still, though, out of the two kinds Undead are generally slower, more magical, and more decrepit, but have a chance of rising again, while Infected are faster, so as to facilitate spread of the disease. Thus Infected make more dangerous opponents because no matter how many times the undead rise again you can always outrun them, while Infected are essentially tireless as an ideal zombie virus spreads its disease as much as possible without concern for the health of the host. And so "Infected" zombies are better to play against in a survival game because you have to use guns on zombies you can't outrun a LOT more. At the end of the day, both are classified as zombies, so STOP BEING ZOMBIE RACIST, EVERYONE.
  17. No Krazy Klaws, please. It's better to keep this realistic to increase player immersion. The only explanation I could think of for the bleeding was long fingernails.
  18. You dum doog, zombies have both the advantages of not feeling pain and not being weighed down like the player. That's a huge advantage when it comes to long range sprints. Sure, zombies should never be faster than Bambis, but once we get weight systems going they should definitely be faster than a player with a ghillie suit mountain backpack carrying 20 cans of beans, 2 medkits, multiple canteens, a rifle, another rifle and an axe. So saying "I don't think Zombies should ever be able to run faster than players" is a bit of a bad idea.
  19. Whoa there dawg. Pretty sure you're having lag issues, which is a problem on your end. I get the same problems, because I'm from Straya. Thanks a lot Abbott you absolute cunt. Gear making you more resilient to bleeding is a great idea. No clothing/ruined clothing- bleed 90% of the time when hit, average clothes bleed maybe 50% of the time and wearing military vests or ghillie suits brings you down to 25% of the time bleed after hit. Or something along those lines, anyway. Also, super serious time now: Why do zombies cause bleeding on most hits, rather than broken bones? If a frenzied zombie is hitting you really hard in the ribs, then those ribs should break and internal bleeding follow, IMO, rather than "zombie hits you in the shirt, you start pissing out haemoglobin". Broken ribs would be the hardest to treat, legs and arms a bit easier. Obviously it's a long term goal, but it's an important realism consideration. Crawling zombies would be more likely to break your ankle, and bites would be the most likely source of bleeding from then on [running zombie tackles you to the ground, bites you, not common unless the zombie has been running for a bit though].
  20. bobotype3334

    For the GIRLS...

    BRAS with minor but noticeable cleavage PLEASE rather than undershirts Once we get beards, this helps balance out gender population: seeing as more gamers are traditionally male, some pick male for the beard, some female for the jiggle, so there is a more realistic gender distribution in Survivors. Beards are so amazing you need something for chicks to compete. [hair length too maybe]. I know it's immature, but it's realistic, the undershirts are ugly and this is vidya game. Also it makes no sense why you don't rip up the soft undershirt for rags when bleeding, whereas there would be no point with a bra.
  21. bobotype3334

    Soda Can Supressor

    No, makeshit suppressors won't fulfil the role at all. There are some things you can jury rig, and a suppressor is not one of them. A gunshot? We're talking about a bloody explosion in a tube, creating multiple types of sound [supersonic sound and muzzle blast mostly] that aren't something like the noise of a cough you can just stifle. Suppressors are full of complicated ridges called baffles specifically designed to lower the sound that will inevitably follow the path of the bullet. Potatoes or rags in a bottle did not evolve/be created to muffle the sound. Tested "silencers" have been known at best to drop the noise from a bullet from 160 decibels to 130 decibels, usually 145. Chainsaws, rock concerts, pneumatic drills, small firecrackers, and ambulance sirens are rated at 100 to 140 dB. Which means that a bottle suppressor isn't even able to make your weapon quieter than an ambulance siren, so there's no point adding them. That's not just "less effectively", that's useless. Or this, if you don't believe me. https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090309080816AA1N4lQ
  22. bobotype3334

    A Way To Fix Gamma Exploiting

    Yeah, this so much Also OP, maybe the whole eyes-adjust thing could be even in the space of five or two minutes, that's generally how long it takes IRL. 90% darkness should definitely be a thing though because that's what makes DayZ really scary, where it's less scary in the current iteration.
  23. bobotype3334

    Vehicles? No thanks!

    How can anyone be so against the progress of the game? Wish I had a "remove beans" button. Vehicles are an integral part of the game's realism, something to work for, something for fun, and something to get you around the giant map without holding W for two hours. Are you honestly freaking SERIOUS HOW ARE THOSE EVEN REASONS KoS happens anyway and without vehicles; also (1) you can dodge a car far easier than a bullet and (2) vehicles take time to build, you don't just HAVE THEM Can you even into English? Or even just coherence? HOW IS THIS A BAD THING I'm actually mad Edit: Also, if you have the ability to "run around in a car take guns from all airports", so does everybody else. The playing field will be levelled when items respawn anyway.
  24. bobotype3334

    Zoo in DayZ

    Yeah no guys, all the animals would be dead from lack of feeding, and no offense but the guy who said "what if the keeper let them free" is being retarded. When there is a zombie apocalypse, you don't release wild animals from their cages, as if that would help the situation. Also if there was a zoo it would probably be somewhere in the capital of Chernarus, rather than Chernovodsk which is lucky to have even high rise buildings.
  25. bobotype3334

    Soda Can Supressor

    Suppressors aren't the magic "Cone of Silence" Hollywood portrays them to be. Can silencers would be even less so, so essentially pointless to add in. No thankyou. All silencers can do is change a BLAM!!! into a BLAM.