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Everything posted by bobotype3334

  1. bobotype3334

    Dear developers, hear my plea. [priorities, not additions]

    I think that zombie gore spray, basic addition of vehicles and zombie loot drop would fit in nicely with "pile on the features and functions required by design doc" if you consider bringing back all the features of the original mod a design doc. Seeing as player clipping fails to work only 25% of the time, I guess fixing players teleporting second story walls to break their legs barely falls into "features that simply don't work".
  2. bobotype3334

    Dear developers, hear my plea. [priorities, not additions]

    Obviously I don't. What I do want is for them to get working on these other, more important things, if they have the time to be implementing and placing these other things in the game, and I know it's not just modelers around because there has to be someone there not currently working on serverside issues who's able to implement things such as fixes to the way items display and lots of other such things, someone not just in the art department. Rocket, in the linked Reddit article, says that "we needed to wait and see, what the key areas are." And that's what these priorities are, key areas. The entire OP was just suggestions for key areas, and pointing out that the people working on variants of cargo pants, Pipsi, hacksaws, spray painting, inventory sizes, player corpse despawn,loot spawning, hand glitching, player animations, berry collection, rabbits, AND AN ENTIRE NEW TOWN could better spend their time working on the four things I mentioned, and the skills for all those things I listed that they did release in the update all seem to be the same skill set required for adding at least one vehicle, adding zombie loot drops, and possibly fixing the zombie hitbox somehow. I don't know if the people in Rocket's "skeleton crew" have the know how to fix player collision detection [even though it's really important], but I think that with all of the different trivial/useful but not vital things they were able to release up there, those people definitely had the skills to be working on three of those four things. Do you even realise how stupid you sound? Also, yes, they get paid to prioritise things. Do you know who ultimately pays them? The consumer. Do you know what I, the person who spent $30 on a copy of standalone DayZ, am? Oh wow, a consumer. And don't fucking tell me it's in alpha. I know that, that's why now is the time to make suggestions so that our gameplay experience is better sooner. Don't tell me not to tell them what to prioritise. THIS IS THE SUGGESTIONS PAGE, MORON. IF THEY DIDN'T WANT SUGGESTIONS, IT WOULDN'T BE HERE. My favourite quote from your post: "adding more people to a task won't make any difference." I realise that, which is why I said "at least one type of vehicle." I know it can take time to model 30 or so different kinds of vehicle. But all of those car models are purely cosmetic, so if we just get one car model with a working driving and fuel system and rudimentary repair game mechanics, I'd be happy. I'm not asking for a helicopter just yet because all of that will tie up a lot of time, I just want one car model. It's not whining mate as much as serious advice on priorities, and sure that shoe model could be easy to put together for a modeller, but it isn't just that they added, it's actually far more different things. I want to see all the power going to these four tasks before anything else goes ahead because they could be better dealt with faster, which is why I didn't call for "MORE ZOMBIES!" I didn't say more zombies myself, but yeah. I don't think the dev team are that silly by far, and I know that they don't necessarily have a hard on for shoes and short pants. I'm just suggesting that the people working on all these little additions should get to work on the more important things. Sorry about the size of my post, editor won't let me copy+paste or quote for some reason.
  3. bobotype3334

    Dear developers, hear my plea. [priorities, not additions]

    Well what I really really want is for whoever is working on these models for 50 billion recolourations of pairs of shoes, and other civilian crap that nobody uses as soon as they get military grade equipment, to just go to work on zombies dropping loot, at least one vehicle, zombie gore spray and player clipping. That's what I'm saying: these things need to be prioritised over crappy cosmetic items.
  4. bobotype3334

    The only solution for DayZ: Simulation.

    Nice, but decrease the complexity on a lot of stuff if you want any of this to be viable for the developers: For instance, throw all the different car parts you listed into the generic category of "gears." Different areas bleeding on the body is unnecessary in terms of the game or anti-game-- Just the severity of the wound is important. Otherwise, good stuff. We think alike on the construction and hunting and wildlife issues, although you also forgot the elusive Russian beaver, pigs, chicken, sheep, cattle, birds, and possibly even the rare Amur tiger.
  5. bobotype3334

    Dear developers, hear my plea. [priorities, not additions]

    -Cars are going to be implemented eventually anyway, and that's the way they had it in the original mod, so I assumed that was they way they were going to have it-broken down repairable cars. I wasn't making an addition, just a suggestion that the priority would be to prioritise development of cars first, even as long as they only do 1 kind for now. That isn't an addition, assuming they do it like they did in the mod. -Where did I contradict myself? And as for performance, I run the game comfortably on medium low settings on a g6 laptop. I believe at this point gameplay is more important than performance, because gameplay effects everyone no matter how good or bad their rig is, and the mod was well known for being demanding in terms of performance. -Well then what are the dev's priorities? Because if they have time to add multiple kinds of shoes in an update, they have time to do these 4 things. That's all I'm saying. ps: Sorry, still learning how to quote posts properly. I've been familiar with the game and mod for a long time but not so much the forums.
  6. bobotype3334

    My suggestions to developers/community.

    Dude buy the game first then make suggestions, all your ideas are really not necessary compared to the fixes required now [players falling through walls, zombie animations, zombies not spawning loot, no vehicles]