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About Otis.Driftwood

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  1. Otis.Driftwood

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    I do not agree with you that it's almost impossible to make a mistake. That is why i pick only green Russula instead of other colors because colors can be washed out and there is one very poisonous. While we're at Agaricus - Agaricus xanthodermus are poisonous and only way you can see that is by smelling or cutting a part and if it turns yellow it means that it's poisonous. The thing that confused me once is that i found an edible Agaricus which had a yellowish stain on cap so people can make a mistake.
  2. Otis.Driftwood

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    It will not have any effect.
  3. Otis.Driftwood

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    I would like to add some things. Mushrooms can be : -unedible (useless, no nutrition value) example below -conditionaly edible (you have to boil it) Amanita rubescens (poisonous if consumed raw) - edible -poisonous Omphalotus olearius (they glow in the dark) -lethal Amanita virosa Destroying Angels contain a complex group of poisonous substances called amatoxins. Contained not only in certain amanitas but also in some fungi from the genera Galerina, Lepiota and Conocybe, amatoxins initially cause gastrointestinal disorders with symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea and stomach pains occurring within five to twelve hours. Cruelly, the symptoms usually fade away for several hours or even a day or two, tricking the victim into thinking that they are recovering. When in due course the symptoms return with a vengeance, it may well be too late: kidney and liver damage is already underway. Without treatment, coma and eventual death are almost inevitable. - halucinogenic Psilocybe serbica And the end, about the Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric) If you eat it raw you get stomach problems but if you dry it and eat enough amount you can experience some halucinogenic experience, more delirious, panicked state of mind etc
  4. Otis.Driftwood

    Some suggestions about upcoming mushroom foraging.

    Nice post. Mushrooms are a big science and i hope they will make something more complex.
  5. Otis.Driftwood

    Returning Player, configuration question

    New renderer in 2 months, at least
  6. Otis.Driftwood

    Direct X 11

    And after W10 goes retail they will support DX12 offcouse, but let's wait DX11 and W10 1st ;)
  7. Otis.Driftwood

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Ok, you've made this game a lot harder now, and i welcome that but you need to balance hungry,thirsty and dying of starvation status. It's not that realistic to die of starvation after 1 hour of playing.
  8. Otis.Driftwood

    they killed DayZ for me and many others

    You cant even find anything? What you want to find? Canned food on every corner? Sorry bro but they are balancing loot economy and it will become harder to survive, it's survival game after all. I know you did get used to hear zombies sounds like some kind of sick screaming bird and to kill it with 1 hit and to have full backpack of canned food but the game is going through changes and you need to accept it or just stop playing the game.
  9. Otis.Driftwood

    Environmental Effect Suggestion

  10. Otis.Driftwood

    Environmental Effect Suggestion

    You know how many similar topic are already there? Be smart when opening a first topic
  11. Otis.Driftwood

    Recommended FPS Counter?

    Use steam fps counter. Steam > Settings > In-Game > In Game FPS counter (off by default)
  12. Otis.Driftwood

    Exp Update: 0.55.126866

    I have found an invisible crossbow. I could see the slots but no weapon, i could put it on my back, hold it on my hands but it's invisible. I've reported that as a bug but i need a confirmation from you guys was it just me, was it just the crossbow, was it just that server or a random occasion.
  13. Otis.Driftwood

    Can we move the mic icon somwhere else?

    Well man, since the start of the SA there was that mic icon, and probably there was someone like you who didn't like the position. I think they will change it, eventually. ;)
  14. Otis.Driftwood

    Can we move the mic icon somwhere else?

    Mic icon positioning is the least of the problem. I mean, alpha.
  15. Otis.Driftwood

    this game just isn't the same anymore

    You are hilarious. Go play BF3