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Everything posted by PhilBlunt

  1. PhilBlunt

    Zombie AI

    if they see you and you don't have a decent weapon, you are pretty much gonna have to run for a minute or so
  2. PhilBlunt

    Using the Hotbar for items.

    I haven't gotten my hotbar to work all night. Doors haven't opened very well either. I wouldn't have even attempted stairs or a roof. Every server I see is <10 pop. Something fishy is going on here
  3. PhilBlunt

    Teleported inside a wall...

    agreed. i've also found that you can escape by swinging a weapon at an "exit wall" if you happen to have anything.
  4. PhilBlunt

    What do these numbers mean?

    You will get a yellow or red chain when desync goes up too high. But it will often go away after some time unless the server resets or something else happened server-side. Assuming you have a good connection.